Professional Services Conference

Professional Services Conference
16 September 2024
Why a Professional Services Conference?
In 2023, the results from the Employee Engagement Survey highlighted that staff don’t always know what the University does/gives back, over and above delivering Education and Research.
In particular, colleagues are not always aware of what the different areas of Professional Services do, or include!
We want to change this – to give all of our staff the opportunity to learn more about all of the work the University does, and about what our Professional Services teams do.
Who can take part?
The conference is open to all colleagues at the University.
Given the focus on Professional Services, both central and department based, we expect professional services colleagues across central and academic departments will make up the majority of attendees. We would love to welcome academic colleagues to find out more about what goes on across professional services and colleagues in Estates, the Information and Digital Group, and Campus and Commercial Services Group are all very welcome.
What will happen?
The programme includes:
- chances to connect with colleagues
- opportunities to hear from senior leadership
- a selection of interesting breakout sessions
- and of course refreshments!
Due to room capacities we have had to cap numbers in some sessions.
We are now fully booked for the conference.