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Essential Guide to Print Workshop

Last month we ran our first Essential guide to print workshop. The workshop provides a platform for staff to gain experience (or expand their knowledge) of the print buying process.

The aim is to provide a comprehensive guide for staff which cuts through the jargon and explains all the different aspects of the printing process from paper selection and preparing artwork, to printing, binding and special finishes.

The feedback we received was fantastic. Delegates particularly enjoyed the interactive elements of the workshop and all felt it will help them when they order print jobs in the future.

All delegates also agreed that:

  • The topics covered were relevant to them
  • The content was organised and easy to follow
  • The training handouts were useful
  • The time allocated for the training was sufficient

Find out more about the workshop content and book your place now

Tue 23 Jan 2018, 09:43 | Tags: Staff News