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In which case is wiro binding is perfect for you?

Our seventh essential guide to print is all about holding it together - and what the difference between wiro, perfect and case binding is. Interested in learning more? Contact us to book one of our print workshops.

Wed 18 Sep 2019, 09:26 | Tags: print workshop, printing, printtips, expertadvice

What coat do you need?

Our sixth essential guide to print is all about sizes and coats - but not the ones you need for the approaching winter but print sizes and paper coating. Interested in learning more about printing? Contact us to book one of our print workshops.

Mon 09 Sep 2019, 11:14 | Tags: print workshop, printing, printtips, expertadvice

Digital vs Litho

Our fifth essential guide to print is about the printing process and compares digital and litho printing. Interested in learning more about printing? Contact us to book one of our print workshops.

Fri 30 Aug 2019, 08:45 | Tags: print workshop, printing, printtips, expertadvice

Does the safe area bleed when trimmed?

Our fourth essential guide to print is about printing terms: resolution, bleed, trim, safe area. Interested in learning more about printing? Contact us to book one of our print workshops:

Thu 22 Aug 2019, 10:42 | Tags: Design, Print, print workshop, printing, printtips, expertadvice

RGB or CMYK, that is the question.

In our third essential guide to print we explain the differences between RGB and CMYK colour gamuts. Do you want to know more? Contact us to book one of our print workshops.

Tue 23 Jul 2019, 15:10 | Tags: Design, print workshop, printing, printtips, expertadvice

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