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Hardship Fund - Application for Students With Child Dependents

Please note, this is the application form for students that HAVE child dependents. If you do not have child dependents, please complete the Hardship Fund - Application For Students Without Child Dependents.
To submit this application, you will need to be logged into your University account. You must have also been invited to apply to the Hardship Fund following a triage appointment with one of our Student Funding Advisers. If you have not undergone a triage appointment, please complete an Expression of Interest Form in the first instance.

You will need to upload supporting documentation in the final section of this application. Please submit documents that are applicable to you (from the list shown at the end of this application form), or any further evidence that has been requested of you within your triage appointment.

Section 1 - Personal Details

Pronoun you would like us to refer to you by:
Which Hardship Fund have you been invited to apply to? (required)
Personal Status (required)

Section 2 - Statement

Section 3 - Dependant Details

Child 1

Does this child live with you: (required)
Is this child in registered childcare? (required)
Does this child attend any pre / post school childcare for which you incur costs? (required)
Do you pay for school meals for this child? (required)

Child 2

Does this child live with you:
Is this child in registered childcare?
Does this child attend any pre / post school childcare for which you incur costs?
Do you pay for school meals for this child?

Child 3

Does this child live with you:
Is this child in registered childcare?
Does this child attend any pre / post school childcare for which you incur costs?
Do you pay for school meals for this child?

Child 4

Does this child live with you:
Is this child in registered childcare?
Does this child attend any pre / post school childcare for which you incur costs?
Do you pay for school meals for this child?

If you have 5 or more children, please provide their details (including childcare costs) in the Supporting Statement section.

Section 4 - Further Information

How do you travel to and from University at the beginning and end of term? (required)
How do you travel to University and around the local area during term time? (required)
Do you have a disability or health related problem? (required)
If yes, do you receive Disabled Students’ Allowance (DSA)? (required)
If you wear prescription glasses or contact lenses, do you pay for these? (required)
Have you previously applied for Hardship Funding (successfully or unsuccessfully)? (required)

Section 5 - Bank Accounts

Please state the account details, overdraft facilities and current balances of all bank accounts you have at the time of application. Please include any online bank accounts, trading accounts, cryptocurrency accounts and joint accounts. You will need to provide statements for the last 3 months (up to the day before you hand in your application) for every account held

1. Account

If you have an overdraft, is this interest bearing?

2. Account

If you have an overdraft, is this interest bearing?

3. Account

If you have an overdraft, is this interest bearing?

4. Account

If you have an overdraft, is this interest bearing?

If you have more than 4 bank accounts, please reference these in your Section 2 statement.

Section 6 - Debt(s) / Loan(s) (excluding Student Loans) / Credit Card(s) / Store Card(s)

Please state any debt(s) / loan(s) (excluding Student Loans) / credit card(s) / store card(s) that you currently hold. You will need to provide evidence of your latest balance for these.

1. Debt(s) / Loan(s) (excluding Student Loans) / Credit Card(s) / Store Card(s)

2. Debt(s) / Loan(s) (excluding Student Loans) / Credit Card(s) / Store Card(s)

3. Debt(s) / Loan(s) (excluding Student Loans) / Credit Card(s) / Store Card(s)

4. Debt(s) / Loan(s) (excluding Student Loans) / Credit Card(s) / Store Card(s)

If you have more than 4 debt(s) / loan(s) (excluding Student Loans) / credit card(s) / store card(s), please reference these in your Section 2 statement.

Section 7 - Expenditure

Accommodation Costs

Is your term time address: (required)
Is your accommodation: (required)
Are utilities included in your rent? (required)

Essential Living and Course Costs

Essential living costs for all members of your household will be based on expenditure levels that are recommended by the National Association of Student Money Advisers. Examples of which include:

  • Food
  • Toiletries
  • Laundry
  • Clothing
  • Utilities
  • Telephone
  • TV license
  • Contents insurance
  • Entertainment
  • Leisure

Course costs and travel costs are set by Student Funding Support.

Other Costs

Section 8 - Upload supporting documents

Please follow the links below to find a checklist of documents you need to upload by which fund you are applying to:

If the Student Funding Adviser requested other documents during your triage appointment, please also upload these. All documents uploaded should relate to the 2024-25 academic year.

Please note, failure to provide all of your required documentation within your application will result in a delay in you being offered a Hardship Fund appointment. 

Attach file
No files are currently attached.

Section 9 - Post-application Information

If you have been unable to upload any of your evidence or if you have any subsequent changes in your financial circumstances (which occur during the application process), please email this to us instead at

Application timeline

Once we have received your application, and all your required evidence, you will be asked to provide your appointment availability via an online form (appointments are usually conducted over Microsoft Teams). Once we have booked your appointment, you will receive a confirmation email and Microsoft Teams invite to your Warwick student email.

Your appointment will last approximately 30 minutes to 1 hour. More information regarding the topics discussed at your appointment can be found in the relevant guidance notes on our Hardship Fund website pages.

Providing we have received all your required documentation prior to your appointment, you will ordinarily be notified of the outcome of your application via email within 10 working days. If your application has been successful, your award may be credited to your University account for accommodation, University Nursery charges or repayment of emergency loans. This will be discussed and agreed with you at your appointment, if appropriate.

Any award due to be paid directly into your bank account will be paid within a further 10 working days from receipt of your bank details, so please follow the instructions in the application outcome email to submit your bank details promptly. Please note, we can only make payment into UK bank accounts or some digital accounts. We cannot make payments in cash.

Please note it can take up to 5 weeks from a fully completed application to receipt of funds, if you are found to be eligible.

Other helpful resources:

Section 10 - Privacy Notice and Declaration

I confirm that the information I have provided is, to the best of my knowledge, complete and correct. I understand that this information may be verified and that any significant discrepancy may result in my application being delayed or cancelled. Fraudulent applications will be treated as an extremely serious offence.

In submitting this form I agree to report subsequent changes in my financial circumstances, which occur during the application process, to Student Funding Support.

Privacy notice

In submitting this form, I can confirm that I have read and understood the below privacy notices.

The legal basis for processing your personal data is consent, which is obtained through your completion of this form. 

We are required to send some of the information we hold about registered students to HESA (the Higher Education Statistics Agency). If you want to know more about how HESA uses the data, please see their privacy policy.

The University of Warwick is the Data Controller of any information you have entered on this form and is committed to protecting the rights of individuals in line with Data Protection Legislation. The University's Data Protection webpages provide further information on your rights and how the University processes personal data. If you wish to submit a data subjects rights request, make a complaint or report a suspected personal data breach, please contact the University’s Data Protection Officer by email at

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