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Reapplying to Student Finance

It might feel like you have barely finished last year's student finance application, but it's that time of year again and time to reapply to secure your funding for the next academic year!

If reapplying you will have until June to get your application in, but why wait? We would always advise reapplying as soon as applications open, as it gives one less thing to worry about as exams approach.

To get notified when student finance applications open, sign up to The Student RoomLink opens in a new window, where you can also chat with thousands of students from The Student Room community. Or follow the Student Funding Support team on InstagramLink opens in a new window or X (formally Twitter),Link opens in a new window where we share finance and budgeting tips every week, as well as your student finance reminders.

Once applications open, it's easy to reapply. Just log into your student finance account, check all your details are still correct from last year, agree to the terms and conditions, and submit!

If a parent, guardian or partner supported your application last year by providing details of their household income, then they will need to do so again this year. They will receive an email within 24 hours of you submitting your new application. This email will prompt them to log into their own student finance account to check or update any details, the same as you have just done. More details on the process can be found on the government student finance website hereLink opens in a new window. 

If you have any problems with your student finance application, the Student Funding Support Team is here to help. Contact us by email ( opens in a new window), phone (024 7615 0096), or in person at the Wellbeing Reception in Senate House (10am-3pm Monday-Friday).