Student Funding Outreach
This page contains information for school (post-16) and University staff. If you are a current or prospective student, please navigate through our main webpage to find the student funding information relevant to you.

Who are we?
We work within the wider Student Funding Support team and our main role is to deliver information, advice and guidance about funding University to prospective students, their parents/carers and staff.
We can advise on:
- Statutory Student Finance (i.e., maintenance loans, tuition fee loans etc).
- Managing money at University (i.e., costs, budgeting and saving money).
- Additional funding opportunities (e.g., bursaries, scholarships, part-time work etc).
What support does the Student Funding Outreach Team offer?
- Delivery of engaging financial capability workshops for key stage 5 (KS5) students.
- Delivery of presentations (in-person or virtually) about student finance and funding for KS5 students and/or their families, school and University staff.
- Provide information and guidance to prospective students at Central Open and Offer Holder Days. This includes delivering talks to prospective students and their families about managing their money at Warwick.
- Offer support in the form of information stands to University departments on Departmental Offer Holder Days.
- Creation of literature covering key information about student finance and funding that is distributed at our various events.
- Creation of downloadable resources, factsheets and budgeting tools.
- Keeping prospective and current students up to date with the latest student funding news, tips and useful links through our social media platforms (Twitterand Instagram).