Hear from the Wellbeing and Student Support Team on managing wellbeing

"One of the best ways I take care of my wellbeing is by embracing activities that bring me joy and help me connect with others, like attending football matches. It’s a great way to switch off and be present in the moment. For me, a key tip to destress is focusing on something that takes my mind off everyday worries—whether that’s cycling, reading, or simply being outside. It’s important to remember that sharing how we feel, whether with a friend, family member, or colleague, helps lighten the load. It’s okay to not have everything figured out, and sometimes just talking about it can make all the difference".

"Walking is good for my wellbeing. I find combining a gentle physical activity with some thinking time helps me feel more settled for the rest of the day. It also means I sleep better of an evening. Sometimes, I’ll listen to music which can be nice, but often, when out in the countryside, I’ll just take note of the sounds I can hear around myself whilst walking. It can be a bit harder to want to walk in grey rainy climes, but it’s not so bad with a good coat, and I notice that when I don’t get out I feel listless, so not feeling that way is as good a motivator as any".

Janet (Wellbeing Adviser)
"My go to for stress relief is craft, specifically needle felting (painting with wool) as seen in the photos. It’s a great way to express emotions; it is a creative outlet and a break from the screen. It allows me to switch off after a busy day with the benefit of having something to look at afterwards! My professional training has taught me how engaging in purposeful activities can enhance well-being and help us lead fulfilling lives".

Megan (Wellbeing Adviser)
"My favourite thing to do for my wellbeing is to go for a small walk (preferably with a coffee!). I try to go every day that I work from home, but I don’t beat myself up if I am not feeling like it and would rather stay in bed for an extra hour. I used to get frustrated at myself as I felt like it was something I should do all the time but that killed my motivation entirely. Now, I am practicing on focusing on what I can do, not what I should do, and learning to be okay with that".

Craig (Community Safety Team)
"I maintain my mental health by resonating with the natural areas on campus no matter how big or small the area. To find a safe place on campus to express your feelings and practice good mental health wether on your own or with peers is key, and benefits not only yourself but also those around you. Next time you walk around the campus grounds try to take some time to really see the diversity of nature".