10-12/09/2018 Industrial Relations in Europe Conference, Leuven, Belgium.
Presentation of paper “Resilient political exchange? Tripartite interest intermediation in the Eurozone periphery after the Great Recession”.
10-12/06/2018 European Doctoral Workshop in Industrial Relations, ILR School, Cornell University. Presentation of paper “Concertation or unilateralism? Explaining government strategies in labour market reforms implementation in Italy and Portugal during the Eurozone crisis”.
24/05/2018 Comparative/International Political Economy Working Group seminar, EUI (Florence). Presentation of paper “Democracies without choice? Electoral politics, state-business relations and labour market reforms in Southern Europe 2010-2017” (co-authored with Fabio Bulfone).
10-13/04/2018 ECPR Joint Sessions of Workshops, University of Nicosia, Cyprus.
Participant in workshop “Politics Without Choice? Policy-Making and Discourse in a Three-Level Game”. Presentation of the paper: “Democracies without choice? Exogenous pressures, partisanship and labour market reforms in Southern Europe 2010-2017” (co-authored with Fabio Bulfone) and of the paper: “Concertation or unilateralism? Government and union strategies in the implementation of labour market reforms in Italy and Portugal (2010-2015).
25-27/01/2018 Italian Society of Economic Sociology (SISEC) Annual Conference, Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, Milan, Italy.
Presentation of the paper: “‘Smart’ industrial relations in the making? Insights from the analysis of union responses to digitalisation in Italy and Spain” (co-authored with Stefano Gasparri) and of the paper: ““Varieties of unionism meet the platform economy: a comparison of gig workers’ organizing practices and trade union responses in Italy and the UK” (co-authored with Vincenzo Maccarrone).
15/12/2017 “Old Wine, New Bottles? Continuities, Disruptions and Management in the Contemporary Gig Economy” symposium, University of Sussex, School of Business, Management and Economics.
Invited plenary speaker.
29/08-01/09/2017 13th Annual Conference of the European Sociological Association (ESA) (Athens, Greece).
Presentation of the paper: “Is governmental unilateralism the only game left in town? Social partners’ involvement in structural reforms during and after the crisis in the Eurozone periphery”.
29/06-01/07/2017 Annual Conference of the Society for the Advancement of Socio-Economics (SASE), Lyon (France).
Presentation of the following papers:
“Is governmental unilateralism the only game left in town? Social partners’ involvement in structural reforms during and after the crisis in the Eurozone periphery” and “Organising the unorganisable? The mobilization of gig economy couriers in Italy and the UK” (co-authored with Vincenzo Maccarrone).
05/06/2017 Invited speaker in workshop “The gig economy: deal or ordeal?”, King’s College London. Presentation of the paper: “Organising the unorganisable? The mobilization of gig economy couriers in Italy and the UK” (co-authored with Vincenzo Maccarrone).
11/05/2017 Invited speaker in workshop “Platform Labour in the Digital Economy”, University of Milan.
Presentation of the paper: “Organising the unorganisable? The mobilization of gig economy couriers in Italy and the UK” (co-authored with Vincenzo Maccarrone)
15th - 17th September 2016, XXX Annual Conference of the Italian Political Science Association (SISP) (Milan, Italy)
Presentation of the paper: "Tripartite concertation in (the) crisis and the changing politics of employment reforms in the Eurozone periphery. A literature review and research design"
14th - 16th April 2016, 23rd International Conference of Europeanists, Council for European Studies (Philadelphia, US)
Presentation of the paper: “All of one kind? Labour market reforms under austerity in Italy and Spain” (co-authored with Georg Picot)
2nd-4th July 2015, Annual conference of the Society for the Advancement of Socio-Economics (SASE) (London, UK). Presentation of the paper: “Plus ca change…? Innovation and continuity in UK youth employment policy in the Great Recession” (co-authored with Kari Hadjivassiliou and Sam Swift)
11th-13th September 2014, XVIII Annual conference of the Italian Political Science Association (SISP) (Perugia, Italy). Presentation of the paper “Liberalisation, dualisation or recalibration? A comparative analysis of the Spanish and Italian labour market reforms under austerity, 2010 – 2012” (co-authored with Georg Picot)
9th-10th May 2014, “The Welfare State in Portugal in the Age of Austerity”, stream on “Reforming Southern European Welfare States Under Austerity” (Lisbon, Portugal).
Presentation of the paper “Liberalisation, dualisation or recalibration? A comparative analysis of the Spanish and Italian labour market reforms under austerity, 2010 – 2012” (co-authored with Georg Picot)