Voluntary Courses and Seminars in Education
I have always been aware of the importance of Continuous Professional Development and I seek to attend voluntary courses and seminars offered by the Maltese Education Department on a frequent basis. Below is the list of the courses that I attended recently:
2018: Awarded a scholarship to attend a four week course about the Czech language, and education system in Olomouc, Czech Republic.
2017: Awarded a scholarship to attend a three week training course about education in Changchun, China.
2017: Attended the Winter School held at Monash University and also presented my research in the PG conference.
2016: Voluntary In-Service Course about School Development Planning entitled ‘Planning Matters! The Impact of School Development Planning on School Improvement in Secondary Schools’ held between 7th and 11th July.
2015: Voluntary In-Service Training Course in Managing Challenging Behaviour held from 18 to 23 September.
2012: Voluntary In-Service Course in Using StarBoard in the Secondary Classrooms, held between 01 August and 05 September.
2012: Voluntary In-Service Course in Educational Multimedia Resource Pack using Illuminatus held between 31 July and 14 August.
2011: Half-Day seminar on Building Resilience in School Children held on 7th December.
2010: Voluntary Course on the European Union held between January and March.