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Human Library

'Human Library - Unjudge someone' with illustrated book figure

The University of Warwick Library regularly runs Human Library events. These were primarily face-to-face events, but during lockdown we have run sessions virtually as well. So far we have run 6 Human Library events, some of which have been in-person and some online.

What is the Human Library?

The Human Library aims to establish a positive framework and safe space for dialogue between readers and a Human Book. The concept is based on personal conversation rather than a presentation or lecture. It is not just a story, it’s an engagement and interaction, a Q&A from a lived perspective.

Why the Human Library?

The Human Library is a unique opportunity to put yourself in someone else’s shoes. By attending, you will have the opportunity to engage in open, honest, and respectful conversation with Human Books and learn about the life experience of others.

The Human Library helps to overcome stigma, combat prejudice, dismantle stereotypes, inform ignorance, clarify misconceptions, debunk myths, end discrimination, and challenge negative attitudes through conversations with Human Books.

Photo of eleven people in a semi-circle facing the camera. These were the Books at November 2021 Human Library

Why become a Human Book?

Do you defy a stereotype? Are you like an open book and willing to talk to others to help challenge stigma and stereotyping? Watch this space to  apply to become a Human BookLink opens in a new window and share your experiences with others at our next University of Warwick Human Library event.

If you have any questions, or would like more information about the Human Library events at Warwick, email

What is a Human Book?

A book is a person that volunteers to represent a stigmatized group in the community and based on their personal experiences can answer questions from readers to help challenge what is being said/told/understood about a given topic.

What Books are we looking for?

We're looking for Books that represent a group in our society that is often subjected to prejudice, stigmatization or discrimination because of their lifestyle, diagnosis, belief, disability, social status, ethnic origin, etc.

What Books might I find in the Human Library?

So far we have run 6 Human Library events where we have hosted over 30 books and attracted over 60 readers who have enjoyed over 100 readings in all. Books cover topics such as Christian, Chinese, Gay, Police Officer, Anxiety, Disabled and much more...the list is as wide and varied as our community. Books also cover intersectionality (although you may not know this when you first read a book but it may become apparent in your reading). If you want to find out what it is like to be mixed race and Christian or someone with anxiety who is transgender join us for one of our Human Library events.

Want to find out more?

  • Our video beside here explains how the Human Library works in a bit more detail.
  • Participants' Feedback (on the left)
  • Read our blog posts (on The Study Blog and PhD Life Blog) to get further perspectives.
  • Email us at

Upcoming and Past Events

Our most recent Human Library was on Monday 26th June 2023. Please check back soon for dates for the next Human Library event!

Book titles at November 2021 Human Library event

Here's what some of our Human Books have said...

“I am so thankful to my readers and to you guys. Thank you for inspiring me, thank you for changing my life. Let's do it next year in the Library …”

“I loved it! Well done everyone”

"I found the whole event empowering, inspiring and really enjoyable"

"I would love love love to do this again - I really hope you can put it on again soon! It was such a positive experience"

Books and readers at November 2021 Human Library

Here's what some of our readers have said...

“I think it is a brilliant concept...”

“... you should organise an event like that more often, as we can come here and learn new things from people and become more open-minded..."

“...extremely thought-provoking...”

“Please repeat it, it was an amazing experience!”

Graphic with selection of book titles on; Aids, Anorexic, Asexual, Alcoholic, Autstic, Bipolar, Bisexual, BDSM, Body-Mdification, Bulimic, Brain Damaged, Compulsive Gambling, Dandelion Child, Depressive, Deaf-Blind, Disabled, Domestic Violence, Dyslexic, HIV+, Feminist, Jew, Refugee, Obese, Transgender, Stalking ,Victim of Incest, Schizophrenic, Vegan.