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Regulations for Parking Enforcement

The procedures for ensuring effective parking and traffic management across the University are detailed below.

The relevant terms and conditions and policy can be found at

1. Documentation

Parking breaches may be issued with a Parking Charge Notice (PCN), managed by APCOA Parking. If you are issued with a Parking Charge Notice please follow payment and appeals process clearly written on the on the reverse of the Parking Charge Notice Letter. Please observe parking conditions displayed in the car parks and throughout the campus.

2. Enforcement Officers

PCNs will be issued by the University's directly employed Enforcement Officers, who must comply with the guidelines of the British Parking Association Code of Practice, Part 2. Community Safety officers may also issue PCNs, working to the same standards and guidelines.

3. Parking Breaches

Breach of parking terms & conditions are listed below. Each will incur a parking charge notice of £70, which will be reduced to £35 if paid within 14 days.

These parking breaches are stated in the University's Parking Regulations/Ordinance, which are available for viewing, along with these procedures at The Gatehouse, or on our parking terms and conditions webpage

  • Causing an obstruction
  • Exceeds Maximum stay/Wait time
  • Failure to display a Blue Badge AND registering via
  • Incorrect uses of parking bays
  • Parking in staff and / or student parking without registering on and paying the necessary fees
  • Not parked within a marked bay/ Within bay markings
  • Parked in a restricted area
  • Parked on double yellow/red lines
  • Parked on grass, verge or footpath
  • Unauthorised parking
  • Parking in a loading bay
  • Parking in a hatched area
  • Parking multiple vehicles on the same account on campus at the same time
  • Obstructing the vehicle registration number plates
  • Obscured vehicle registration number plates
  • Overnight parking stays longer than 1 day (this must be authorised by the Transport & Mobility department in advanced)
  • Parking a trailer/caravan/camper/boat on campus

The breach of terms & conditions will be specifically indicated by the postal notice or officer issuing the notice.

4. Signage

Terms and Conditions signage about car parking regulations are prominently displayed at all vehicular entrances to the University, and at regular points throughout the campus.

5. Payment and Appeals Process

    1. Payments can be made online at the APCOA website:

      Debit and Credit Card payments may be made above. Please ensure you have all your details ready including the Parking Charge Notice number


      Cheques or Postal Orders should be made payable to APCOA PARKING (UK) Ltd. Please write the Parking Charge Notice number together and your name and address on the back of the cheque together with the completed payment slip and send to APCOA PARKING, PO BOX 1010, UXBRIDGE, MIDDLESEX, UB8 9NT. Please allow time for postal days when sending the payment.

    If you wish to make a challenge against this notice you must do so in writing within 28 days beginning with the date of issue of the Parking Charge Notice online at or by post to the following address: APCOA PARKING, PO BOX 1010, UXBRIDGE, MIDDLESEX, UB8 9NT.

    The progression of the Parking Charge Notice will be put on hold pending a reply. If the challenge

    is received within the discounted period (14 days from issue) and the challenge is not successful you will be offered the discounted rate to pay again.

    All appeals must be directed to APCOA in the first instance. The Independent Appeals Panel POPLA may be engaged as a final avenue of recourse for the appellant once the APCOA appeals process has been exhausted.

    6. Temporary Parking Restrictions

    Temporary parking restrictions can be implemented for operational, safety or security reasons. These will, whenever possible, be planned in advance to enable adequate notification, in the form of temporary signage, before the event/restriction. Under normal circumstances this signage will be prominently posted, at least seven days before the event.

    If the notification period is less than seven days, the implementation of enforcement or removal of vehicles, to achieve the desired restriction/event, must be authorised by the Head of Transport & Mobility. The Head of Transport & Mobility will consider the circumstances and implications of failing to achieve the objective, and or requirement to immobilise vehicles.

    Vehicles parking in the restricted area will be issued with a parking charge notice or removed.

    7. Abandoned Vehicles

    In the event that a vehicle has been left in any area of the University, apparently having been left/abandoned, the following process will be followed to resolve the matter. All possible attempts will be made to contact the owner of the vehicle by the University.

    • Check for permit.
    • Check permit database for previous permit holders.
    • Contact the DVLA for last registered owner.
    • Write to last registered for any information regarding the vehicle or its present owner.

    If all attempts fail to identify the registered owner, or result in the removal of the vehicle from University property by its owner, steps will be taken to arrange for its removal, as follows.

    • Forward a letter informing last registered or known owner the vehicle of intention to dispose of the vehicle in 21 days if not removed.
    • After the 21 day period, application be made to the local authority to place a ‘Seven Day Notice’ on the vehicle.
    • Following the issuing of the ‘Seven Day Notice’, arrangements will be made to dispose of the vehicle via a professional vehicle disposal company.

    8. Unroadworthy/Untaxed Vehicles

    The University Ordinances and Regulations state that any vehicle that is brought onto University property, must:

    • Have a valid Vehicle Excise Licence.
    • Have a valid MOT test certificate.
    • Valid insurance must be possessed by the owner and or driver with the regard to their personal liability in respect of the vehicle.

    Any disciplinary or criminal offences disclosed will be reported to the relevant authority.