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17 Feb 2020

New round of City of Culture Research Projects funded by Warwick and Coventry Universities

The latest round of awards for collaborative research projects contributing to Coventry City of Culture have just been announced. Now in their third year, these collaborative projects are jointly funded between Coventry University and the University of Warwick, and have been granted funding of up to £2,000 for projects to partner with a Coventry-based organisation to undertake locally impactful research that invites the general public to participate

04 Feb 2020

Online tool for carers demonstrated for Minister of State for Care

A new tool to help carers manage the daily challenges of life when caring for a friend or loved one has been presented to the Minister of State for Care at Westminster.

Professor Jeremy Dale of the University of Warwick has met with Caroline Dinenage MP from the Department of Health and Social Care to demonstrate Care Companion, a new online support tool developed by Warwick Medical School to support people with caring responsibilities across Warwickshire and Coventry.

30 Jan 2020

Autonomous pods SWARM together like bees in world first demonstration

Autonomous pods born in Coventry are now able to swarm together in a world first, thanks to research by WMG at the University of Warwick in partnership with Aurrigo and Milton Keynes council.

With the concept of driverless pods now more realistic than futuristic, the vehicles are one step closer to being put to use, as they can now help each other to drive and navigate through pedestrian areas around people.

28 Jan 2020

Warwick researchers help create "ethical compass" to guide research during global health emergencies

Two Warwick researchers have contributed to a new report from the Nuffield Council on Bioethics calling for a more ethical and collaborative approach to conducting research during global health emergencies such as infectious disease outbreaks.

Professor Simon Caney from the Department of Politics and International Studies, and Dr Sharifah Sekalala, Associate Professor in the School of Law, were members of the Working Party which conducted an in-depth inquiry, reviewing the policies and practices of global health emergency research, and presented 24 recommendations for improvement in the form of an "ethical compass" to guide the decisions of those on the ground.

27 Jan 2020

University of Warwick Honorary Graduates share advice

Three of the University of Warwick's new Honorary Graduates have shared insights from their careers, discussed the challenges facing the world today and passed on their advice to new Warwick graduates at the Warwick's Winter 2020 Graduation ceremonies.

In receiving their degrees, Dr Reuel J Khoza, Professor Michèle Lamont and Dr David Halpern joined an illustrious list of world leaders as honorary graduates of the university, which includes Nelson Mandela, former President of South Africa, Janet Yellen, former Chair of the US Federal Reserve, Dame Stella Rimmington, former Director General of MI5, and Dr Rowan Williams, former Archbishop of Canterbury.

20 Dec 2019

Seventy years of crop research at Warwick’s Wellesbourne campus celebrated at industry event

Industry specialists, researchers and staff – past and present – gathered at Warwick’s Wellesbourne campus on 18 December to mark 70 years of crop research on the site.

The meeting heard from a range of speakers who relayed past successes and described work on future developments. Invited keynote speaker and expert in food policy, Professor Tim Lang, spoke about the importance of vegetables in the UK and Sue Kennedy from Elsoms Seeds gave a commercial perspective on vegetable genetics and breeding – past, present and future.

17 Dec 2019

New series on superbugs, stem cells and more open to the public at University of Warwick’s showcase of science

'Science on the Hill' is a new programme of public engagement events jointly hosted by the University’s School of Life Sciences and the Wellcome-Warwick Quantiative Biomedicine Programme at Warwick Medical School. These interactive two hour events taking place across the academic year will feature 20 researchers giving a birds-eye view of the latest exciting developments in their discipline.

Five free public events that will showcase the cutting-edge research being performed at the Gibbet Hill campus into the building blocks of life, futures in medicine and the factors that define our health are scheduled up to July 2020.

11 Dec 2019

Primary pupils visit Warwick for a taste of university

A very special graduation took place in December thanks to the partnership between the University of Warwick and national education charity, IntoUniversity.

The graduation ceremony, for Y6 pupils from Frederick Bird School in Coventry, marked the end of FOCUS week, a five-day programme designed to introduce the youngsters to university-style learning and give them a taste of what higher education is all about.

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