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Estates team give Leamington Spa school a makeover

The Building Fabric team from Estates Maintenance has recently completed a community project at St Peter’s Primary School in Leamington Spa. With the majority of the team on furlough, colleagues wanted to put their building maintenance skills to good use during this time, to help the community. 

Hallway at the school, before and after

“At times such as this, it is more important than ever for us to work together with our regional neighbours and partners as a single community.”

– Professor Stuart Croft, Vice-Chancellor & President

Team member Nicola Austin, whose daughter attends the school, identified the project and set the ball rolling several weeks ago. She liaised with the school, doing the preparation work and co-ordinating the team throughout. 

Built in the 1800s - originally as a convent and school - St Peter’s is a very small school, with a small budget. The old building was in much need of a makeover.

The team picked up their brushes and set to work, spending three days painting classrooms, stairways, cloakrooms, toilets, hallways, railings and playground equipment. They waxed benches and even did a little bit of pointing on the external walls. As well as full redecoration, they also managed to complete some maintenance painting.

The project was generously supported by Dulux, who donated more than £1,000 worth of paint and materials

And thanks to a donation of plants from Morrisons, the team was able to brighten up the playground too.

Painting in the playground

Local business Murphy’s kindly delivered breakfast each morning, making sure everyone was fuelled up for the day ahead.

Building Supervisor and team member Anna Lodge said:

We couldn’t have completed the project without the incredible amount of time our colleague Nicola Austin put in to preparing the areas of work. Thank you, Nikki!

“We’d like to thank the school for making us so welcome. It’s lovely, with incredible spaces for the children - we hope they enjoy their new look school.

Well done to the Estates Building Fabric team: Nicola Austin, Anna Lodge, Mark Hamilton, Andre Jakubik, Scott Wardle, Pete McAteer, Mary McAteer, Danny Peters, Martin Peters, Chris Wardle, Chris Castle, Paul Allsop, Dave Graham, Ian Martin, Ian Jackson, Jordan Clancy and Paul Kelly. 

Watch the team's video to see the transformation: