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Shaping our Values

Since June 2022 , we have invited colleagues to join us at a series of values workshops. At these workshops, staff helped to create and refine a set of values and behaviours that would define what it means to be part of the Warwick community. We wanted a broad representation of colleagues to attend, so everyone was welcome in all departments and grades.

During the sessions, we asked people to reflect on what we are good at and what we must continue to develop to succeed in the future. You told us that to succeed, we must be more ambitious, bolder, take risks, and be more inclusive. There was a strong desire to reignite our founding spirit, which has defined us over the decades.

We also asked about the obstacles, the stuff which slows us down and gets in the way. You shared that the complex processes, aversion to risk, and bureaucracy mean we can sometimes get stuck in the mud. You also said that hierarchy and less than desirable leadership and management behaviours present obstacles.

Using the thoughts and feedback shared, we began to shape the values and behaviours. We tested our drafts with colleagues, managers and senior leaders at various workshops until we settled on the right words.

We are rolling out leadership courses to promote a culture of inclusive leadership to support the values and behaviours, and Warwick Transformation will simplify and streamline our processes.