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Student Executive Committee Recruitment 2018

Do you want to be more involved with volunteering at Warwick? Looking to develop skills in leadership, team work and project management? Being on the Exec is a fantastic opportunity to gain new skills and help shape the future of Warwick Volunteers, whilst gaining a more in-depth picture of what Warwick Volunteers is all about. We are looking for people who have previously volunteered and are passionate about encouraging and supporting others to volunteer!

Read the recruitement process  

What are the positions?

Apply for the role
Vice President

Apply for the role
Project Leader Support Officers (x2)

Apply for the role
Media and Comms Officers (x2)

Apply for the role

The current Exec will run two information sessions, introducing the different roles and giving you the opportunity to share your ideas and help you set your goals. We advise you to attend one of these sessions before applying for a role.

Wednesday 24 January, S0.17, Social Sciences Building, 1-3pm
Monday 29 January, Meeting Room 1, SUHQ building, 12-2pm

Key Dates

Monday 22 January, 9am (Week3): Applications open

Wednesday 24 January (Week 3):
Information session, S0.17, 1-3pm

Monday 29 January (Week 4):
Information session, MR2 SUHQ, 12-2pm

Sunday 4 February, 8pm (Week 4): Applications close

Week 6-7:
Informal interviews

Monday 26 February (Week 8):
Results announced

Wednesday 28 February (Week 8):
Exec handover meeting

Term 3 Week 1:
Exec training

Any questions?