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Faculty listScience Engineering Warwick University Satellite Project

Warwick University Satellite Project


Welcome to WUSAT - The University of Warwick Satellite Engineering Team 

We are proud partners of the

Midlands Innovation Space GroupLink opens in a new window

WUSAT offers a low-cost in-orbit test/demonstration opportunity for research or industrial development payloads that require validation in a Space environment.
We aim to develop sustainable satellites that, wherever possible, will carry scientific payloads intended to assist Space sustainability issues.
Our multi-disciplinary team will use approved Systems Engineering methods to design, build, and test a nanosatellite to meet the specific needs of the payload requirement.
This process also provides a unique 'real world' training experience for our high-standard final year MEng student engineers who are preparing to begin their careers - with many aspiring to careers in the Space industry.
WUSAT will also offer low-cost launch / operation support where possible.

View a video of our missions - click on the image below!

(click 'back page arrow' when you're finished)

WUSAT logo

Midland Innovation Space Group Logo


Dr Bill Crofts

2021-22 WUSAT Team


Dr Bill Crofts is founder and Co-Director of WUSAT, and has been managing WUSAT projects since 2006.


Prof Julia Hunter-Anderson is Co-Director of WUSAT, joining the team in 2016. Julia is also a highly experienced practicing Space Systems Engineer.