Esports Tournaments
Esports Events
Tournaments are an essential part of the esports industry, and this is what this pack focuses on!
Prepare your next esports event with learning materials focusing on tournament organisation, from different job roles within an event, to how to choose the perfect esports bracket, budgeting and financial spreadsheets. This will link especially to English, Computing and Maths and will help with skills and areas such as:
- Mathematics
- Budgeting Skills
- Critical Thinking
- Digital Literacy
- Microsoft Excel experience
- Event Management and Planning
- Organisational skills
try a new activity today!
Our materials are divided in four, easy access packs that have clear links to the curriculum.
- For each activity, there will be symbols that shows how they link to different subjects :
Things you’ll need
- Printed resource templates
- Computer suite with internet access
- Computers should have the following website access or software installed
- Microsoft Excel
- Microsoft Word