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Covent Garden Recordings 1926-present

From 1926 until the outbreak of war in 1939 there were several attempts to record live opera performances at Covent Garden. These recordings of live performances were some of the earliest in the world and are the only examples we have of operatic stars such as Melba, Chaliapin and Turner caught on stage. Although the BBC often broadcast from Covent Garden few of those broadcasts survive (unlike the Met broadcasts), therefore most of what survives was recorded by HMV engineers using several microphones placed in front and above the stage. This means that the sound quality of what survives is often very good for its time, only suffering from some imbalance between singers as they moved around the stage. Far more was recorded than seems to have survived, but it is possible that additional material remains in the EMI archives or in private hands.

If you have any questions about any of these recordings please email me


May 31, Mefistofele (Ext.); cond. Bellezza; Chaliapin; (9 sides apparently recorded; 4 sides issued totalling 19 mins, on 78 [DB940, D1109, DB942 & ED 1 (Australia); 16 mins Act 1, 3 mins Act 2] 14 mins were reissued on LP on RLS742)

June 6, La Boheme (Ext.); cond. Bellezza; Sheridan, Rettore, Minghetti, Noto, Cotreuil, Badini; 9 sides recorded [known matrices are CR399, 400, 403 and 405] none issued on 78, but Acts 2,4 finales on CR400 and 405 totalling 8 mins issued on EMI RLS 742;

June 8, Melba's Farewell, cond. Bellezza; 11 sides recorded of Otello Act 4 w. Bourguignon [10 mins CR417, 418 and 419]; La Boheme Acts 3 [11mins] & 4 [12 mins] recorded on CR411-416 w. Brownlee, Mummery, Rettore; All of above extracts now issued on Naxos Melba v.4 (8.110780).

June 16, Otello ext cond. Bellezza; Zenatello, Nota, Cilla; 10 sides recorded but only 7 survive totalling 30 mins – matrices CR494, 496, 497, 499, 500, 501, & 502. 4 sides issued on 78 on DB953 and DB955); all remaining sides issued on CD - Pearl GEM0203


June 22, Faust (Ext.); cond. Goosens; Hislop, Chaliapin, J.C. Thomas; 13 sides recorded - matrices CR2097-2109, only two were published on DB1189. Eleven sides now survive - total 41 mins - and all were issued on CD - Pearl GEM0203.

July 4, Boris Godounov (Ext.); cond. Bellezza; Carosio, Borgioli, Chaliapin; IPRMS; 20 sides recorded by HMV on matrices CR2124-2143; 10 sides issued on DB1182, 1183, 3464, Vic 9507, 9508; 10 sides survive totalling c.37 mins. Nearly all material has been issued on CD – Guild GHCD2206 (one disc from the prologue was omitted)


May 13, 1936 Rigoletto (5 x 12" sides recorded as HMV TT2291, 2 sides transferred) missing

May 14 Götterdämmerung (extracts Act 1 Sc. 3; Act 2 scenes 4 and 5 total 85 mins); cond. Beecham; Leider, Melchior, Janssen; 23 x 12" sides recorded as HMV technical test TT2292, 16 sides transferred. All extant materials issued on Guild GHCD 2311/12

May 15, Aida (Ext. Act 2 Scene 2 (15 mins) , Act 4 Scene 1 (10 mins) ); cond. Bellezza; Rethberg, Lauri-Volpi, Pinza; 10 sides recorded as TT5458, 9 sides transferred none released on 78.

May 18 Tristan und Isolde; cond. Reiner; Flagstad, Melchior, Janssen; recorded complete on 58 sides as TT 5459 (prelude missing) and 57 sides transferred to matrices 2EA3296-45. Not issued on 78. All extant material issued on CD Naxos 8.110068-70. This recording is sometimes attributed to June 11, 1936.

May 20, Die Meistersinger (Ext.); cond. Beecham; Lemnitz, Ralf, Bockelmann; 38 sides recorded on Technical Test series TT2294, 37 sides transferred, but only 2 sides were released on LX645/6 (3 mins from act 1 and 8 mins from act 3). No further material known to exist. All extant material issued on Dutton CDEA5023

May 21, Das Rheingold; cond. Beecham; Szantho, Bockelmann, Weber; 4 sides recorded on Technical Test TT2295, 3 sides transferred, but no sides issued and none known to still exist. missing

May 29 Götterdämmerung (Ext. Act 1 Hagen’s Watch (5 mins), Act 2 Scene 2 (12 mins)); cond. Beecham; Leider, Melchior, Weber; 8 sides recorded on HMV technical test TT2296, 7 sides transferred; issued on 78 as Columbia LX636/7 and LX69047/8. All extant materials issued on Guild GHCD 2311/12

June 2 Tristan und Isolde; cond. Reiner; Flagstad, Melchior, Janssen; 54 sides recorded as TT5235; Act 1 prelude only transferred to matricies 2EA3357 & 2EA3358. Both sides issued on Naxos 8.110068-70

Walter Legge incorrectly claimed that both ring cycles from 1936 as well as Parsifal were recorded but the HMV TT ledgers list only the above recordings.


April 19 Otello cond. Beecham; Martinelli, Formichi; (Ext from Act 2, 4 mins, seems to originate from the BBC broadcast)

April 27 Parsifal cond. Reiner; Ralf, Janssen, Weber; 18 sides recorded as Technical Test TT2350, 17 sides transferred. None issued on 78rpm. 18 minutes from Act 1 survives, issued on CD by Immortal Performances.

May 2 Parsifal cond. Reiner; Ralf, Janssen, Weber; 28 sides recorded as Technical Test TT2351, 28 sides transferred. None issued on 78rpm. 24 minutes from Act 3 survives, issued on CD by Immortal Performances.

May 5 Turandot cond. Barbirolli; Turner, Martinelli, Borgioli; 10 sides recorded as Technical Test TT2352, 6 sides transferred. None issued on 78rpm. 24 minutes survives and was issued on EMI CD CDH 7 61074 2

May 10 Turandot cond. Barbirolli; Turner, Martinelli, Borgioli; 8 sides recorded as Technical Test TT2353, 7 sides transferred. None issued on 78rpm. 30 minutes survives and was issued on EMI CD CDH 7 61074 2

May 24 Das Rheingold cond Furtwangler; Bockelmann, Thorborg, Weber, Easton Fuchs; 3 sides recorded by HMV as Technical Test TT6540, 6541, and 6542, all three transferred. It is possible more was recorded and transferred to matricies 2EA5201-5234. Nothing from this performance has been released. missing

May 26 Die Walküre cond. Furtwängler; Flagstad, Müller, Bockelmann; Act 3 recorded complete by HMV on matrices 2EA5237-2EA5252. None issued on 78rpm. This has been issued on CD by Music and Arts CD-1035(2). This recording is not listed in the EMI Technical Test Ledger.

May 28 Siegfried cond. Furtwangler; Melchior, Zimmermann, Fuchs, Bockelmann, Flagstad. According to information from the late Keith Hardwick a large part of Siegfried was recorded in the 1937 season and transferred to matricies 2EA5609-5618. Various sources suggest this performance, May 28, 1937, as the most likely one. According to Hardwick this still exists in the EMI archive, but nothing has ever been issued. This recording is not listed in the Technical Test Ledger. missing

June 1 Götterdämmerung; cond. Furtwangler; Flagstad, Melchior, Janssen; 28 sides recorded by HMV as Technical Test TT6543-1 to TT6543-28 and all transferred to matrices 2EA5619 - 2EA5646. Nothing was issued on 78. A total of 103 minutes survive: Act 1 prologue -14 mins; end act 1 - 34 mins; end act 2 – 33 mins; end act 3 - 22 mins. This has been issued in part on CD by Music and Arts CD-1035(2) and in full on Gebhardt JGCD0003-2.

June 7 Der fliegende Holländer (Ext.); cond. Reiner; Flagstad, Janssen, Weber; 22 sides recorded by HMV as Technical Test TT6544 (18 sides were transferred, sides 1, 4-6, & 14-15 exist)

June 11 Der fliegende Holländer (Ext.); cond. Reiner; Flagstad, Janssen, Weber; 24 sides recorded by HMV as Technical Test TT6545 (23 sides were transferred, sides 2-3, 7-15, 18-23 exist) composite extracts from this (17 sides) and the June 7 performance (6 sides) were transferred to matrices 2EA5600-2EA5618; these have been issued Act 1 - 24 mins [TT6544 sides 1, 4-6; TT6545 sides 2-3]; Act 2 – 41 mins [TT6545 sides 7-15; TT6544 sides 14-15]; Act 3 – 20 mins [TT6545 sides 18-23]. Total 85 mins on CD on Melodram 6002931)

June 16 Der fliegende Holländer (Ext.); cond. Reiner; Flagstad, Janssen, Weber; 20 sides recorded by HMV as Technical Test TT6546, 3 sides were transferred, none of these sides were used in the composite above.

June 18 Tristan und Isolde cond. Beecham; Flagstad, Melchior, Janssen; 58 sides recorded by HMV as Technical Test TT6547, 56 sides transferred, all surviving material (Act 1 all but last 5 mins and Act 2) issued on Discocorp lp RR-223

June 22 Tristan und Isolde cond. Beecham; Flagstad, Melchior, Schöffler; 56 sides recorded by HMV as Technical Test TT6548, 56 sides transferred, all surviving material (Act 1 last 5 mins, Act 2 and Act 3) issued on Discocorp lp RR-223


June 1 Die Walküre cond. Furtwängler; Leider, Thorborg, Kamann; The short Act 2 Extract (4 mins) seems to derive from a BBC broadcast and has been issued on CD by the Frida Leider Society FLG 19361938

June 2 Tosca cond. Gui; Pacetti, Gigli; The short Act 3 Extract (4 mins 'E lucevan le stelle') seems to derive from a BBC broadcast

June 6 Rigoletto cond. Gui; 6/6/38; Pagliughi, Gigli, Tagliabue, Zambelli, Baracchi; Extracts from Acts 1,3, & 4 (total 22 mins) seem to derive from a BBC broadcast

June 7 Götterdämmerung cond. Furtwängler; Leider, Melchior, Janssen; The extract from Act 2 Sc 4-5 (30 min), seems to derive from a BBC broadcast and has been issued on CD by the Frida Leider Society FLG 19361938


May 1 The Bartered Bride; cond. Beecham; H. Konetzni, Tauber, Krenn; issued on CD on Urania 6996176

May 12 Il Trovatore; cond. Gui; Cigna, Björling, Basiola, Wettergren, Zambelli; issued on CD on Bel Canto BCS5000

May 15 Tosca, cond. Gui; Gigli, Baracchi; Short extract from Act 1 ‘Recondita armonia’; seems to derive from a BBC broadcast

May 22 La Traviata; cond. Gui; Caniglia, Gigli, Basiola; issued on CD on Minerva B000005R8G

May 24 Aida; cond. Beecham; Caniglia, Gigli, Borgioli; issued on CD on Arkadia 50002

May 31 La Traviata cond Cimara; Gigli, Caniglia, 4 mins extract from Act 1, this seems to derive from a BBC broadcast

The origins of the 4 complete operas from this season are a little obscure. Only the Traviata was broadcast complete, but the short extract we have from the broadcast differs from the complete performance. It seems that the complete operas were recorded in house on film on a Telefunken Selenophone machine owned by Thomas Beecham. In addition to these 4 operas, Otello with Melchior, Turandot with Eva Turner, and Don Giovanni with Rethberg were all supposed to have been recorded, but nothing has ever emerged from these performances. It is possible that the recordings still exist, most likely in the collection of Lady Beecham.

Post war

Covent Garden was closed for opera during the war, reopening in 1947. Important recordings after the war capture some stars such as Kirsten Flagstad at the end of their careers and others such as Birgit Nilsson early in their careers. Covent Garden was popular with singers from commonwealth countries such as Australian Joan Sutherland and Canadian Jon Vickers but also had a good crop of home grown talent such as Amy Shuard and Gwyneth Jones. Tape was not a widespread medium in Britain until the 1950s, thus the most common method of recording off air was via turntables. Few people had the money to own twin turntables to ensure continuous recording, therefore some performances were only captured in part. There are some in house recordings made by enthusiasts in the theatre, of varying quality. The best recordings come from BBC broadcasts, intially in AM mono only, then FM mono from 1955, and finally from 1966 in FM stereo. Major collections of recordings are owned by the Royal Opera Archive, the BBC Archive and the National Sound Archive.


June 22 Magic Flute Sladen, Neate, Walters, Franklin / Rankl (highlights broadcast on Home Service from the stage of the ROH, in English, 23 mins)

September 16, Don Giovanni (Vienna State Opera on tour 14 x 78rpm sides exist - only two sides playable) Schoffler, Kunz, Dermota, Cebotari / Krips (broadcast repeated on Sept 20 and 27)

September 18, Cosi Fan Tutte (Vienna State Opera on tour Act 1 extracts, 20 mins) Seefried, Hongen, Kunz, Dermota /Krips

September 19, Fidelio – (Vienna State Opera on tour) Konetzni, Schwarzkopf, Friedrich, Schöffler /Krauss issued on CD by IDIS Historical IDI6379

September 20, Don Giovanni (Vienna State Opera on tour 4 x 78 rpm sides exist only two sides playable) Schoffler, Kunz, Dermota, Cebotari / Krips

September 27, Don Giovanni (Vienna State Opera on tour 4 x 78 rpm sides exist, all playable) Schoffler, Kunz, Tauber, Cebotari / Krips

September 30, Salome (Vienna State Opera on tour) Cebotari, Rothmuller /Krauss issued on CD by Gebhardt, JGCD0011

October 4, Le Nozze di Figaro, Cebotari, Seefried, Hotter /Krips - (Vienna State Opera on tour extracts from this BBC broadcast exist - Act 2 - 27 mins, Act 3 - 4 mins.)

December 9, Peter Grimes, Lewis, Shacklock, Brannigan /Rankl exists complete in the National Sound Archive of the British Library


June 2, Siegfried (Act 3 only was broadcast on the Home Service - exists complete 64 mins - closing commentary) Svanholm, Flagstad, Schon, Furmedge /Rankl

(no other part of the Ring was broadcast)

December 3, 1949 The Olympians (broadcast Dec 28 on BBC overseas service 1 hr of extracts exist in BBC archive)


June 19, Rheingold (Broadcast complete on the Third Programme - 110 mins exist, missing part of Sc 1 and Sc 3 and the final 20 mins) Zimmermann, Boehm, Weber /Rankl

June 21 Die Walkure (Broadcast complete on the Third Programme - Act 2 opening 9 minutes, Brunnhile-Wotan scene 9 minutes, final 40 minutes, (total 58 mins exist), Act 3 Brunnhilde-Wotan scene, 30 mins exist) Flagstad, Boehm, Shacklock, Svanholm, Fisher, Weber /Rankl
June 23 Siegfried (Broadcast complete on the Third Programme - Act 1 21 min extract end of Sc 1 and start of Sc 2, and Act 3 from Siegfried's journey 42 mins exist) Svanholm, Flagstad /Rankl
June 26 Gotterdammerung (Broadcast complete on the Third Programme - Act 1: opening 39 mins and final 43 mins Hagen's Watch to end of act. Act 2: final 48 mins. Act 3: final 20 mins, exists) Flagstad, Doree, Savanholm, Schoffler, Weber, /Rankl
June 29, Tristan (Broadcast complete on the Third Programme - Act 1 exists plus 20 minutes from the Act 2 love duet recorded via shortwave in the US), Flagstad, Svanholm, Shacklock, Boehm /Rankl


May 21, Fidelio Flagstad, Schwarzkopf /Rankl (Act 1 only broadcast by the Home Service - 28 mins exists) issued on EJS 390
May 29, Tristan (Broadcast complete on the Third Programme - Act 2 beginning 18 mins, and Act 3 finale 16 mins exists nearly complete in a private collection) Flagstad, Svanholm, S.Bjorling /Krauss

May 31 Die Walkure (Act 2 only broadcast on the Home Service, 33 mins exists from Sieglinde and Siegmund's entrance to the end of the Act ) Flagstad (as Sieglinde), Svanholm, Varnay, S.Bjorling / Rankl
June 22 Parsifal (Broadcast complete on the Third Programme Act 1 66 mins Act 2 complete) , Flagstad, Lechleitner, S. Bjorling, Kraus, Weber, /Rankl
July 2 Meistersinger (Broadcast complete on the Third Programme - Act 1 and Act 2 only) Grummer, Anders, Dickie, Hotter /Beecham
August 18, The Bohemian Girl - Peters, Marlowe, Glynn /Beecham issued on CD by CRQ
December 1, Billy Budd, Pears, Uppmann, Evans / Britten issued on CD by VAI 1034-3


January 3, Rosenkavalier Fisher, Shacklock, Guldbeck / Kleiber ( complete in the National Sound Archive of the British Library )
January 25, Wozzeck (Act 2 only exists) Goltz, Rothmuller, Shacklock, /Kleiber
November 18, Norma Callas, Picchi, Sutherland/Gui issued on CD by EMI 5626682


May 23 Wozzeck Wolkowsky, Walters Dalberg, / Kleiber
June 8, Gloriana Cross, Pears, / Pritchard available for download from Music Preserved (commentary before act 1 and act 2, after act 2)

June 10 Aida Callas, Baum, Simionato / Barbirolli issued on CD by Testament on SBT 21355
September 19 Die Liebe der Danae (Bavarian State Opera on tour) Rysanek, Vandenberg, Franz/ Eichorn
September 21,Arabella (Bavarian State Opera on tour) Della Casa, Probstl, / Kempe issued on CD by Testament SBT2 1367


January 14, The Golden Cockerel Glynne, Dobbs, Cuenod, Markevitch available for download from Music Preserved

April 6 Die Walkure Fisher, Beirer, A.Konetzni, Hofmann /Goodall (on tour in Birmingham) (in house extracts, first 15 mins, plus 15 mins from act 3, earliest non-broadcast recording)
June 25, Siegfried (extracts, Act 1-26 mins, Act 2-56 mins, Act 3-35mins) Svanholm, Kuen, Sutherland /Stiedry issued on CD by Pearl GEMS0230
June 29 Gotterdammerung (extracts Act 1-25 mins; Act 3-40 mins) Svanholm, Harshaw, Sutherland / Stiedry issued by Pearl GEMS0232

November Der Rosenkavalier (extracts Act 1-43 mins, Act 3-32 mins - house wire recording) Fisher, Shacklock, Leigh, Howell /Kempe

December 3, Troilus and Cressida, Dalberg, Peters, Lewis, Sinclair, /Sargent


January 27, The Midsummer Marriage, Sutherland, Langdon, Kraus / Pritchard issued on CD by Gala 1459 in the National Sound Archive

June 17, Gotterdammerung Svanholm, Harshaw, / Kempe
June 30, Tosca Tebaldi, Tagliavini, Gobbi / Molinari-Pradelli available on Pristine Classical

July 7, Salome, Goltz, Evans, Coates, Kraus /Kempe (broadcast by BBC recording may exist in ROH archive) missing

July 16, Aida, Stella, Penno, Gobbi, Stignani /Molinari-Pradelli (Act 1 only in BBC archives)

July 21, Turandot (Act 2 only) Grob-Prandl, Johnston, Leigh /Goodall (broadcast by BBC Home Service, commentary before and after the act)
October 17, Otello Vinay, Brouwenstijn / Kubelik issued on CD by the Royal Opera Heritage Series ROHS001 (NB only acts 1 and 2 on the ROH label come from this performance, Acts 3 and 4 are from the 1956 broadcast)


Feb 16, Coq d'Or, Le - (in English) Dobbs, Glynne, Cuenod, Dalberg, Coates - Pritchard

Nov 8, 1956 Un Ballo in Maschera Poleri, Shuard, O Kraus, Sciutti/ Quadri (only 45m from acts 2 and 3 known to exist, but more may exist in the Itter archive)
November 26 Otello, Vinay, Brouwenstijn, Kraus / Kubelik

December 6 La Boheme (In English) Nilsson, Morison, Walters , Collier /Kubelik (Acts 1, 2 and 4 only)


May 2, Madam Butterfly De Los Angeles, Lanigan, Evans / Kempe issued on CD by the Royal Opera Heritage Series ROHS006

June 16 The Magic Flute Sutherland, Lanigan, Vickers, Langdon (11 mins from act 2) The Mastersingers Pease, Vickers, Sutherland /Kubelik ( 27 minutes of extracts from Act 3). These extracts were part of a special BBC broadcast 'Music to Remember' from the stage of the Royal Opera House using singers in the current ROH casts.
June 20 The Trojans Shuard, Vickers, Thebom / Kubelik issued on CD by Testament on SBT 41443
July 1, Tosca, Milanov, Corelli / Gibson issued on CD by the Royal Opera Heritage Series ROHS005

September 25, Das Rheingold Hotter, Kraus, / Kempe issued on CD by Testament on SBT 13 1426
September 27 Die Walkure Vinay, Fisher, Hotter, Nilsson / Kempe issued on CD by Testament on SBT 13 1426
October 1 Siegfried Windgassen, Nilsson, / Kempe issued on CD by Testament on SBT 13 1426
October 4 Gotterdammerung Windgassen, Nilsson, / Kempe issued on CD by Testament on SBT 13 1426
December 19, Otello Vinay, Kraus, Brouwenstijn, /Downes


January 21, Poulenc: Les Dialogues des Carmelites Morison, Sutherland, Watson, Fisher / Kubelik
February 6, Peter Grimes, Pears, Fisher, Pease, Evans /Britten available for download from Music Preserved

May 12 Don Carlo Christoff, Vickers, Gobbi / Giulini issued on CD by the Royal Opera Heritage Series ROHS003
May 29, Elektra Lammers, von Milinkovic, Kraus /Kempe issued on CD by the Royal Opera Heritage Series ROHS004

June 12 Tristan und Isolde Nilsson, Vinay /Kubelik (only 32 mins of act 3 exists, including immolation)
June 20 Traviata Callas, Valetti, Zanasi / Rescigno issued on CD by Myto MCD00145 and by ICA Classics
July 17 The Trojans Shuard, Vickers, Thebom, / Kubelik
November 6, Boris Godunov - Christoff/Roleau/Gostic/Veasey - Kubelik
November 15, Samson, Sutherland, Vickers, Carlyle /Leppard (broadcast Jan 3, 1959) available for download from Music Preserved


January 19 Madam Butterfly Jurinac, Craig, Veasey, Walters / Balkwill
February 26 Lucia Sutherland, Gibin, Rouleau / Serafin issued on CD by the Royal Opera Heritage Series ROHS002
June 16 Parsifal Liebl, Lammers, Frick / Kempe issued on CD by Testament SBT41455
June 30, Medea Callas, Giasone, Cossotto / Rescigno available for download from Pristine Classical
September 18, Das Rheingold Hotter, Kraus / Konwitschny issued on CD by Walhall WLCD0334
September 23, Die Walkure Vinay, Shuard, Varnay, Hotter / Konwitschny issued on CD by Walhall WLCD0316
September 28, Siegfried Windgassen, Varnay, / Konwitschny issued on CD by Walhall WLCD0370
October 2, Gotterdammerung Windgassen, Varnay, / Konwitschny issued on CD by Walhall on WLCD0368

December 5, Aida (extracts total 54 mins) Hammond, Lane, Vickers, Shaw /Downes (in house)

December 7, Der Rosenkavalier Schwarzkopf, Jurinac, Steffek /Solti

December 8 Carmen (in English - extracts, 30 mins) Lane, Vickers, Carylye, /Pritchard (in house)

December 16, Pagliacci (extracts total 26 mins), Vickers, Carlylye, Evans /Balkwill (in house)

NB in house recordings done by members of the audience exist from 1959 onwards, becoming more frequent over time. The sound quality was often poor but sometimes captured unique performances overlooked by the BBC.


January 13, Traviata, La - Zeani, McAlpine, Walters / Santi (Zeani substituted for an ill Sutherland) issued on CD by Legendary Recordings LR-CD 1022-2 and by Myto

February 2, Turandot (in English) Shuard, Kaart, Collier /Pritchard (in house)
April 8, Macbeth, Shuard, Gobbi, /Molinari – Pradelli
May 21, Barber of Seville, Lewsi, Alva, Panerai, / Giulini issued on CD by ICA Classics (commentary before act 1 after act 3, act 1 in the National Sound Archive)
May 10, The Trojans, Shuard, Vickers, Carlyle, /Pritchard (commentary before acts 1, 2 & 5, after act 5, incomplete copy in the National Sound Archive)
October 25, Sonnambula, La - Sutherland, Sinclair, Berry, Lazzari, Rouleau /Serafin


January 26, Pagliacci Dinoff, Shaw, Wells, /Balkwill (complete in the National Sound Archive of the British Library)

February 11, Midsummer Night's Dream Oberlin, Carlyle, Elkins /Solti (exists complete in the National Sound Archive of the British Library)
February 24, 1961 Fidelio Jurinac, Vickers, Frick, /Klemperer issued on CD by Testament on SBT 21328 (recorded by BBC, but not broadcast)

March 7, 1961 Fidelio Jurinac, Vickers, Frick, /Klemperer (BBC broadcast, different from above)
May 12, Falstaff, Evans, Freni, Alva, Resnik, / Guilini
May 26, Tosca, Crespin, Di Stefano, Kraus, / Downes
June 10, Boris Godunov - Christoff/Rouleau/Lanigan/Elkins - /Goodall available for download from Pristine Classical

Aug 23 Ipheginie et Tauride Gorr, Massard, Turp /Solti (at the Edinburgh festival) broadcast

August 28 Lucia di Lammermoor Sutherland /Pritchard (At the Edinburgh Festival broadcast on Scottish Home Service)
October 2 Die Walkure Vickers, Watson, Hotter, Valkki / Solti ( extracts (90 mins) in the National Sound Archive) issued complete on CD by Testament

October 31, Der Freishutz Savoie, Kelly, Lang/Kempe
November 28 Die Schweigsame Frau - Ward, Sinclair, /Kempe (in the National Sound Archive)
December 11, Pique Dame - (in English) - Collier/Lewis/Sinclair/Kraus/Quilico/Coates -Melik-Pashayev


January 4 Die Zauberflote Lewis, Evans, Sutherland / Klemperer ( parts in the National Sound Archive) issued by Pristine Classical

February 19, Don Giovanni, Siepi, Gencer, Jurniac, Freni, / Solti issued on CD by the Royal Opera Heritage Series ROHS007 (parts of act 1 in the National Sound Archive)
February 23 Ballo in Maschera Vickers, Shuard / Downes (in house - compiled from performances on Feb 23 & 27, and March 3) issued on CD by the Royal Opera Heritage Series ROHS009

May 29 King Priam (from Coventry Theatre) Collier, Robinson, Godfrey /Pritchard
June 30, Otello Del Monaco, Kabaivanska, Gobbi / Solti ( in the National Sound Archive)
September 17 Siegfried Windgassen, Nilsson / Solti
October 1 La Forza del destino Bergonzi, Ghiaurov, Shaw, Solti


February 6, 9, or 13, Aida - Shuard, Craig, Glossop /Balkwill (in house, Act 3 extract, 25 mins)

March 5, Turandot Shuard, Prevedi, Kabaivanska /Downes ( part of act 2 in the National Sound Archive)
April 11, Don Carlo, Ulfung, Collier, Bumbry, / Pritchard (available for download from opera club)

April 29 Troilus and Cressida Robinson, Lewis, Turp, Collier /Sargent
June 11 Le Nozze di Figaro Evans, Freni, Gobbi / Solti

August 18 Damnation of Faust (at the Edinburgh Festival) Veasey, Gedda, London, /Solti
September 6, Gotterdammerung Nilsson, Windgassen, Frick /Solti (Act 3 only at the Proms, stereo)
September 14, Gotterdammerung Nilsson, Windgassen, Frick /Solti
October 14, Les Dialogues des Carmelites, Les - (in English) Harper, Carlyle, Fisher /Davis
December 13, Katerina Ismailova - (in English) Collier, Howitt, Evans /Downes


January 9, Billy Budd, Lewis, Kerns, Robinson /Solti (in the National Sound Archive)

January 21, Tosca, Callas, Cioni, Gobbi /Cillario (in house)

January 24, Tosca, Callas, Cioni, Gobbi /Cillario issued on CD by EMI 5626752
January 30, Tosca, Callas, Cioni, Gobbi /Cillario (in house)

February 4 Aida Vishnevskaya, Vickers, Siminoato / Balkwill (in house)

February 10, Rigoletto, Glossop, Moffo, Cossutta /Solti

February 24, Macbeth, Shuard, MacNeil, /Rossi (in house - 11min extract)

April 20, Otello, McCracken, Kabaivanska, Gobbi /Solti (broadcast in National Sound Archive)

April 30 A midsummer night's dream Burgess, Vaughan, Glossop, /Davis (broadcast in the National Sound Archive)

May 4, Falstaff, Evans, Sciutti, Ligabue, Baratti, Barbieri, Gardner /Pritchard (in music preserved archive)

June 2, Aida Shuard, Vickers, Elkins /Loughran (on tour in Manchester) (in house recording, extracts c.82 mins)

June 23, Otello Vickers, Carlyle, Glossop /Downes (on tour in Manchester) (in house recording, complete)

August 10, Otello McCracken, Carlyle, Glossop / Solti (at the proms)

September 2, Die Walkure Kozub, Watson, Robinson, Valkki /Solti (Acts 1 and 3 only at the proms, only 10 mins of act 1 known to exist, act 3 complete)
October 10, Fidelio Crespin, Dobson, Pribyl /Del Mar ( available for download from opera club)
October 31, Wozzeck, Evans, Horne, Kraus, /Pritchard
November 26, Il Trovatore, Jones, Simionato, Prevedi / Giulini issued on CD by the Royal Opera Heritage Series ROHS011 ( in the National Sound Archive). 65 mins from Act 2, 3 and 4 were telecast by BBC on December 27, 1964 taken from either this or another performance in the run. (video in the BFI National Archive)


February 6, Arabella Della Casa, Carlyle, Fisher-Dieskau / Solti (exists complete only 21 mins of act 2 in the National Sound Archive)

February 19 Turandot – Shuard, Vaughan, Nikolov /Downes

March 8, Elektra - Shuard, Meyfarth, Resnik, Evans /Kempe (in house)

March 25 La Traviata Scotto, Pavarotti, Glossop /Cillario (BBC studio recording with the Covent Garden company)

March/April Cavalleria Rusticana Jones, Cossuta, /Balkwill (in house in the National Sound Archive)

March/April Pagliacci Collier, Craig, Shaw /Balkwill (in house)

April 23, Il Trittico, Gobbi, Collier, Craig /Pritchard (extracts in the National Sound Archive)

April 30, Turandot - Shuard, Smith /Downes (in house extracts Act 2, 23 mins, Act 3, 13 mins)

June 14 La Boheme - Carlyle, Turp, Shaw, Collier / Lockhart (in house extracts from Acts 1, 2 and 4, total 37 mins)

July 1, Moses und Aaron, Lewis, Berry, Robinson, /Solti
July 5 Tosca Callas, Cioni, Gobbi / Pretre (in house in the National Sound Archive)

July 19, Moses und Aaron, Lewis, Berry, Robinson, /Solti (at the Proms)

September 22 Rheingold Ward, Neidlinger, Veasey /Solti
September 23, Die Walkure Kozub, Jones, Ward, Shuard /Solti

October 14 Siegfried Windgassen, Shuard, Hotter /Solti
October 16, Gotterdammerung Windgassen, Shuard, Frick /Solti

December 11 or 14, Simon Boccanegra Shaw, Jones, Godfrey, Rouleau /Fabriitis (prologue only, 23 mins, recorded in house from the lighting bridge)
December 30, Simon Boccanegra Vaughan, Cioni, Gobbi /Lockhart (the cast of this ROH production made a BBC studio recording of the opera on Dec 19, broadcast on Dec 30)


January 25 A Midsummer night's dream Veasey, Vaughan, Kaye /Balkwill ( exists complete act 3 only in the National Sound Archive)
February 4, Hollander Jones, Ward, Frick, /Solti (commentary before and after the opera)

March 5, Parsifal (Act 2 only), Shuard, Vickers /Kempe (in house)

April 1 Elektra Shuard, Shaw / Downes (in house, missing opening section)

April 26, Der Rosenkavalier, - Jurinac, Carlyle, Veasey, Langdon /Solti (broadcast in stereo on October 29, 1966 )
May 10, Tosca, Collier, Cioni, Bacquier, /Downes (broadcast in stereo Dec 25, 1966)

May 14, Ballo in Maschera Vickers, Shuard / Kertesz (in house in the National Sound Archive)

May 25, Un Ballo In Maschera Vickers, Shuard / Kertesz (In House - 10 mins extract from Act 1 Sc 2, and 9 mins from Act 2)
May 28 Turandot Shuard, Corelli, / Mackerras (in house in the National Sound Archive)
June 2 Fille du regiment Sutherland, Pavarotti / Bonynge (in house in the National Sound Archive)
June 16, Don Carlo - G.Jones, Gorr, Prevedi, /Downes (broadcast in stereo April 2, 1967)
August 1, Parsifal - Frick, Shaw, Uhl, Shuard/ Solti (At the Proms, acts 2 and 3 only)

August 3 Solomon - Tear, Harwood, Minton /Mackerras (at the Proms)

December 31, Benvenuto Cellini Gedda, Vaughn, Ward / Pritchard issued on CD by Gala GL100618 ( two stereo extracts exist, 9 mins of act 2, 7 mins of act 4)


January 6, Turandot Nilsson, McCracken, Pellegrini /Mackerras (in house)

January 21, Arabella Carlyle, Robson, Reynolds, Fischer-Dieskau /Solti (in house)

March 11, Bartered Bride, Haywood, Turop, Robson, /Krombhoic (broadcast, 24 min extract of act 2 exists)

March 28, Barbiere di Siviglia, Berganza, Alva, Glossop /Varviso (55 mins of extracts in stereo, complete in mono with commentary before both acts and after act 2)

April 24 La Traviata Freni, Cioni, Cappuccilli /Giulini (soundtrack of BBC2 broadcast) (video of Acts 3 & 4 in MP) First live telecast from Covent Garden

March Cavalleria Rusticana Shuard, Cossutta / Balkwill (in house)
May 5 La Traviata Freni, Cioni, Cappuccilli /Giulini (radio)

May 22, King Priam Lewis, Godfrey, Robinson / Pritchard (stereo)
June 17 Frau Ohne Schatten Hillebrecht, King, Borkh, Macintyre /Solti (stereo - in the National Sound Archive) available for download in mono from opera club

June 24 Fille du regiment Sutherland, Pavarotti / Bonynge (in house, missing last 5 mins of act 1)
July 8, Don Giovanni - G.Jones, Vaughan, Gobbi /C.Davis (Incomplete in house)

September 4, Fidelio Bjoner, Dowd, MacIntyre, /Solti (at the Proms)

October 2, Das Rheingold Hotter, Kraus, Veasey /Downes (in house missing the prelude)
October 3, Walküre Dvorakova, Bjöner, Veasey, Kozub/ Downes (broadcast in the National Sound Archive)

November 30, Norma – Sutherland, Horne, Tagliavini, /Bonynge (in house)

December 16 Norma Sutherland, Horne, Tagliavini, /Bonynge (mono broadcast)


January 27, Aida - G.Jones, Dourian, Vickers, Shaw, Rouleau /Downes (stereo broadcast - part in the NSA)

February 5, Aida, G.Jones, Craig, Bubry, Shaw /Downes (BBC TV in Colour)
February 24 Jenufa Varnay, Collier, Lanigan / Kubelik (broadcast - part in the National Sound Archive)

April 22 A Midsummer Marriage Carlyle, Watts, Remedios, /Davis

May 4, Il Trovatore Vaughn, Gorr, McCracken / Atherton (in house)

May 14 Otello, Tarres, Howells, Cassilly, /Solti
June 3, Falstaff - Evans, Ligabue, Robson, Minton, Resnik, Shaw / Kertesz

July 6 Cosi Fan Tutte Lorengar, Veasey, Popp, /Solti

July 22 Cosi Fan Tutte Lorengar, Veasey, Popp, /Solti (BBC TV soundtrack)

July 27 Billy Budd, Kerns, Lewis, Shaw /Downes

July 29 Don Carlos Cossutta, Glossop, Verrett, /Solti (at the Proms)
November 8 Zauberflöte - (in English) M.Price, Deutekom, Burrows /Wich
December 19, Manon Lescaut, Collier, Ilosfalvy, Massard /Kertesz (stereo)


February 8, Meistersinger Hofmann, Evans, Thomas, Veasey / Solti (stereo)

May 20, Simon Boccanegra, Glossop, Cossutta, Vaughan, /Mackerras (stereo)

May 30 Peter Grimes, Vickers, Harper, Evans, /Davis (broadcast on December 21, 1969, in the National Sound Archive)
September 30, Troyens Vickers, Silja, Baker, /Davies
October 21, Ballo in Maschera Cossutta, Gorr / Downes (in house)

December 13, Pelleas et Melisande Soderstrom, Ward, Shirely, Boulez

December 27, Le Coq D’or, Mangin, Book, Steele, /Mackerras


March 7, Boris Godunov Christoff, McAlpine, Wallis /Rozhdestvensky

April 6, Wozzeck Evans, Collier, Dowd, /Davis

April 13 Victory (Bennett) McIntyre, Howells, Lanigan /Downes (World Premiere in the National Sound Archive)

September 6, Das Rheingold Ward, Keleman, Veasey /Solti (at the Proms)

September 26, Gotterdammerung Hering, Dvorakova, Talvela /Solti

October 1, Siegfried Hering, Shuard, Ward /Downes (in house)

December 5, The Knot Garden Barstow, Gomez, Tear /Davis

December 28, Lucia di Lammermoor Sills, Mauro, Robinson /Pritchard (in house)

December 30, Carmen Knight, Bonhomme, McIntyre, Freni /Atherton (in house)


January 25, Lucia di Lammermoor Sills, Aragall, Robinson /Pritchard (in house)

February 13, Eugene Onegin Braun, Cotrubas, Minton /Solti (stereo broadcast)

March 20 La Sonnambula Scotto, Burrows, Robinson /Cillario (in the National Sound Archive)

March 27, Cosi fan Tutte Soderstrom,Howells,Sciutti /Davis

April 19 Parsifal Frick, Shuard, Vickers /Goodall (house wire recording of the dress rehearsal)

April 24, Un Ballo in Maschera Bergonzi, Gorr, Milnes /Guadango

May 7, Un Ballo in Maschera Gulin, Bergonzi, Milnes, /Guadagno (in house)

May 8, Parsifal - Hendrix, Shuard, Vickers /Goodall (stereo broadcast in the National Sound Archive)

May 26 Il Barbiere di Siviglia Bruscantini, Wise, Davies, /Atherton (in house)

May 27 Hamlet (Searle), Dowd, Daniels, Howells, /Downes

June 7, Hamlet (Searle), Dowd, Daniels, Howells, /Downes (broadcast in the National Sound Archive)

June 26, Tristan und Isolde – Dvorakova, Thomas, /Solti (in house - missing part of act 3 sc 1)

July 3, Tristan und Isolde – Nilsson, Thomas, /Solti (stereo broadcast in the National Sound Archive)

July 26, Boris Godunov Christoff, Veasey, Rouleau /Downes (broadcast in the National Sound Archive)

November 5, Falstaff Glossop, Vaughan, Bryn-Jones, /Ceccato (stereo broadcast)

November 11 Rosenkavalier Jurinac, Fassbaender, Popp, Langdon, Mauro /Krips

December 4, Le Nozze di Figaro Te Kanawa, Grist, Evans, /Davis (mono broadcast)


January 1, Tosca Domingo, Jones, Paskalis /Downes (broadcast)

March 17, Der Fliegende Hollander McIntyre, Ligendza, Remedios /Isserstedt (in house)

April 1 Nabucco Glossop, Suliotis, Ward /Davis (broadcast)

May 2, Jenufa Fine, Cochran, Shuard /Mackerras (in house)

May 31, King Priam Lewis, Harper, Johnson /Atherton

June 3 Orfeo ed Euridice Verrett, Vaughan, /Mackerras (in the National Sound Archive)

June 22, Elektra – Nilsson, Dernesch, Resnik /Solti

June 28 La Traviata Caballe, Gedda, Braun /Cillario (in house in the National Sound Archive)

July 15 Taverner (Davies) Ulfung, Howell, Lannigan /Downes (in the National Sound Archive)

October 7, The Trojans Vickers, Baker, Veasey /Davis (broadcast in the National Sound Archive)

November 25, Khovanshchina McIntyre, Minton, Talvela /Downes (stereo broadcast)

December 28, Rigoletto Aragall, Saccomani, Aragall /Atherton


January 1 Nabucco Glossop, Vaughan, Van Allen, /Downes (in house)

February 24, Don Pasquale - Harwood/Davies/G.Evans/Bacquier /Pritchard

March 19, Parsifal Shuard, Brilioth, Talvela /Horenstein (in house)

April 7, Arabella – Harper,Robson,Tear /Varviso

April 12, Aida Cruz-Romeo, Bergonzi, Te Kanawa, /Mackerras

April 30 Don Giovanni Glossop, Jones, Burrows /Davis (broadcast in the National Sound Archive)

May 26 Il Trovatore Cossoto, Arroyo, Cossutta /Mackerras (parts in the National Sound Archive)

July 4, Carmen Verret, Te Kanawa, Domingo /Solti (stereo broadcast in the National Sound Archive)

September 23, Tannhauser Kassel, Norman, Bailey /Davis (stereo broadcast)

October 9, Turandot Shuard, Konya, Chiara /Delogu (in house)

October 17, Simon Boccanegra Glossop, Te Kanawa, Christoff /Matheson (in house extracts)

October 29 Elektra Mastilovic, Harper, Meyer /Kempe (in house)

November 16 Tosca – Janku,Bonhomme,Gobbi /Segerstam

November 17 Iphigenie en Tauride Jurinac, Massard, Bonhomme /Gardiner (in the National Sound Archive)

December 1 Don Giovanni - M.Price, te Kanawa, Siepi/ Davis

December 26, Forza del Destino Arroyo, Craig, Milnes /Patane


April 6, Salome, Jones, Bailey, Ulfung, /Dohnanyi (in house)

April 15 La Traviata Cotrubas, Carreras, Braun /Pritchard (broadcast)

May 1 Otello Cossutta, Te Kanawa, Cappuccilli /Mackerras (in house, stereo in the National Sound Archive)

May 28 Jenufa Shuard, Fine, Cochrane, /Mackerras (in house Acts 2 & 3 in the National Sound Archive)

June 10, Jenufa Shuard, Fine, Cochrane, /Mackerras (in house in the National Sound Archive)

June 15 Rosenkavalier Dernesch, Minton, Cahill /Kleiber (in house)

June 20 Rosenkavalier Dernesch, Minton, Cahill /Kleiber (in the National Sound Archive)

June 28 Falstaff, Gobbi, Langdon, Ligabue /David (stereo broadcast)

July 9 Falstaff, Gobbi, Langdon, Ligabue /Davis (in house)

September 3, La Clemenza di Tito Baker, Minton, Young /Davis (at the Proms)

September 30, 1974 Das Rheingold McIntyre, Veasey, Kelemen /Davis (in house)

October 5, 1974 Die Walkure McIntyre, Lindholm, Cassily, Napier /Davis (broadcast)

October 8, 1974 Das Rheingold McIntyre, Veasey, Kelemen /Davis (in house final 24 minutes)

November 18 Tosca, Jones, Cecchele, Bacquier /Mackerras (in the National Sound Archive)

December 7 Faust, Burrows, Te Kanawa, Treigle /Mackerras (broadcast, in the National Sound Archive)

December 14 Pelleas et Melisande Cotrubas, Minton, Stewart /Davis


February 8, Un Ballo in Maschera Domingo, Ricciarelli, Cappuccilli, /Abado (broadcast)

May 3, Il trovatore Cossutta, Milnes, Caballe /Guadagno (broadcast in the National Sound Archive)

May 8, Il trovatore Cossutta, Milnes, Molnar-Talajic /Guadagno (in house)

June 2 King Priam Vaughan, Robinson, Delvin /Atherton (broadcast in the National Sound Archive)

June 11 Die Frau Ohne Schatten King, Harper, McIntyre, Dernesch /Solti (in house - acts 1 and 2)

June 21 Die Frau Ohne Schatten King, Harper, McIntyre, Dernesch /Solti (in house - acts 3)

June Madama Butterfly Carreras, Hayashi, Bryn-Jones /Delogu (in house)

September 3, Peter Grimes Vickers, Harper, Bailey, /Davis (at the Proms)

October 4, 1975 Die Walkure Cassilly, Kovacs, Lindholm, McIntyre /Davis (in house, Acts 2 and 3 only)

October 6, 1975 Siegfried Cox, Linholm, McIntyre, Ulfung /Davis (broadcast on BBC Radio 3 on April 3, 1976)

October 7, 1975 Das Rheingold Ward, Veasey, Keleman /Goodall (in house)

October 9, 1975 Die Walkure Cassilly, Kovacs, Kasva, McIntyre /Goodall (in house, Act 1, final 22 mins, Acts 2 and 3 complete)

October 11, 1975 Siegfried Cox, Kovacs, Ward /Davis (in house acts 2 and 3 only)

October 24, Il Barbiere di Siviglia Allen, Alva, Welting /Zedda (in house)

December 6, Der Rosenkavalier Jones, Fassbender, Hammond-Stroud /Varviso

December 15, Rigoletto Glossop, Lindroos, Pediconi /Gardelli (stereo broadcast)


January 7, L’Elisir D’Amore Hayashi, Carreras, Allen /Pritchard

January 23, La Boheme Pavarotti, Te Kanawa, Allen /Stapleton (in house)

February 16, Cavalleria Rusticana Domingo, Tinsley, Mastroemi /Stapleton (broadcast, in the National Sound Archive)

February 16, Pagliacci Domingo, Maliponte, Glossop /Stapleton (broadcast, in the National Sound Archive)

February 20, Clemenza di Tito Baker, Howells, Hollweg /Pritchard (broadcast in the National Sound Archive)

March 5 Cenerentola Alva, Valentin-Terrani, Dara /Abbado (La Scala on tour, in the National Sound Archive)

March Simon Boccanegra (La Scala on tour)

March 25 Carmen, Ludwig, Vickers, Diaz /Lopez-Copos (in the National Sound Archive)

April 5, Frau Ohne Schatten King, Harper, Berry, Dernesch /Solti (in house)

April 17 Fidelio Behrens, Ward, Vickers /Goodall (broadcast, commentary before act 1 and after both acts in the National Sound Archive)

April 26, Eugene Onegin Luxon, Te Kanawa, Burrows, /Kord (in house)

May 18 A Midsummer Night’s Dream Bowman, Gomez, Littman /Davies

June 9 I Lombardi, Ghiuselev, Carreras, Sass /Gardelli (broadcast in the National Sound Archive)

July 14, We come to the River /Atherton

October 9, 1976 Gotterdammerung Cox, Lindholm, Bunger /Davis (in house)

November 30 Troilus and Cressida, Cassilly, Baker, Luxon /Foster

December 20, La Boheme – Hayashi, Fine, Carreras, Glossop /Elder (IH)

December 27, L'Elisir D'amore Cotrubas, Carreras, Wixell /Pritchard (in house)


January 8 L'Elisir D'Amore Cotrubas, Alva, Wixell /Pritchard (in house)

January 31 Der Freischutz McIntyre, Kollo, Popp /Davis (broadcast in the National Sound Archive)

February 8 Un Ballo in Maschera Gedda, Molnar-Talajic, Masurok /Downes (in house)

April 4, 1977 Peter Grimes Cassilly, Harper, Bailey /Atherton

April 11, 1977 Tosca, Kabiavanska, Pavarotti, Glossop /Stapleton (in house)

April 24 La Princesse de Navarre Mory, Issartel, Hill Smith /Malgoire (broadcast)

May 30 Silver Jubilee Gala (simulcast in the National Sound Archive)

May 6 Elektra Nilsson, Jones, McIntyre, /Kleiber (in house in the National Sound Archive)

May 21, L'ELisir D'Amore

June 11 Jenufa Fine, Vickers, Dempsey /Mackerras (in the National Sound Archive)

June 30, Aida Caballe, Domingo, Glosssop, /Muti (broadcast in the National Sound Archive)

July 20 Ice Break (Tippett), Harper, Barstow, Shirely-Quirk (broadcast in the National Sound Archive)

July 27, La Traviata Sass, Kraus, Bruson /Delacôte

September 29, Tosca, Caballe, Carreras, Glossop /Stapleton (in house)

October 12, Tosca – Vishnevskaya,Bergonzi,Glossop /Stapleton

December 7, Lohengrin Kollo, Tomova-Sintov,McIntyre /Haitink (stereo broadcast on 5 Feb 1978 in the National Sound Archive)

December 26 Maria Stuarda Sutherland, Burrows, Van Allen /Bonynge (in house)

December 31, Die Fledermaus Te Kanawa, Prey, Luxon /Mehta (simulcast broadcast, final 35 mins in the National Sound Archive, repeated 29 Dec 1979)


January 21, La Fanciulla del West, Domingo, Neblett, Carroli /Mehta

March 16 Idomeneo Burrows, Baker, Kenny /Davis (broadcast in the National Sound Archive)

March 27 Il Trovatore, Bergonzi, Arroyo, Bordoni /Downes (in house)

April 3 Il Trovatore Bergonzi, Hunter, Budai, Bordoni, /Downes (in the National Sound Archive)

May 29, Tristan und Isolde Vickers, Knie /Davis (broadcast in the National Sound Archive)

June 21 Luisa Miller Ricciarelli, Pavarotti, Nucci /Maazel (broadcast in the National Sound Archive)

July 6, Norma, Caballe, Bumbry, Lavirgen /Lobos-Cobos (IH)

July 17 Pelleas et Melisande Allen, Stewart, Howells /Davis (in house)

July 27 Norma, Bumbry, Veasey, Lavirgen /Lobos-Cobos (in house)

October 9, Das Rheingold, McIntyre, Shireley, Kelemen, Veasey /Davis (broadcast)

October 10, Die Walkure, Hofman, Dernesch, Jones, McIntyre /Davis (broadcast in the National Sound Archive)

October 12, Siegfried, Cox, Jones, McIntyre /Davis (broadcast)

October 14, Gotterdammerung, Jones, Cox, Kelemen, Rundgren /Davis (broadcast)

November 28, L'Africaine Domingo, Bumbry, Carrolli /Maag (stereo broadcast in the National Sound Archive)

December 27 Un Ballo in Maschera Sass, Carreras, Sardinero /Mackerras (in house)


January 20, Don Pasquale Evans, Cotrubas, Burrows /Chailly

February 17 Eugene Onegin Masurok, Gedda, Benackova /Tchakarov

February 19 Die Zauberflote Leggate, Haywood, Murray / Davis (broadcast in the National Sound Archive)

March 31 Don Carlos Moldovean, Sass, Christoff /Conlon (in house)

April 17, Parsifal Hofmann, Moll, Bailey, Minton /Silem (broadcast in the National Sound Archive)

June 4 Luisa Miller Bruson, Ricciarelli, Domingo /Maazel (TV broadcast in the National Sound Archive)

June 8, Werther Kraus, Veasey, Buchanan (broadcast in the National Sound Archive)

June 29 Rakes Progress Tear, Donath, Gramm /Davis (mono broadcast)

July 18, Hippolyte et Aricie (English Bach Festival)??

Sept Tosca Caballe, Carreras, Wixell /Davis (TV 9 Oct 1979 ROH on tour in Tokyo)

October 8, Therese (Tavener) Townley, Lewis, Tear /Downes (broadcast in the National Sound Archive)

Nov 7 La Boheme Cotrubas/Ghazarian/Aragall/Summers/Howell /Kleiber (IH)

November 22, Norma Verrett, Veasey, Craig /Downes (IH)

After 1980 this list concentrates on broadcasts (excluding increasingly common in house tapes).


Feb 19 Otello Domingo, Carroli, Price / Kleiber (Capital Radio broadcast 9 March)

March 29 Lucretia Borgia Sutherland, Kraus, Howells / Bonynge (simulcast)

June 11 Simon Boccanegra Milnes, te Kanawa, Lloyd / Davis missing

October 25 Lucia di Lammermoor Ricciarelli, Carerras, Zancanaro / Lopez-Cobos


January 2 Tales of Hoffmann Domingo, Baltsa, Serra, Cotrubas, Evans / Pretre (TV simulcast)

January 27 Cosi fan Tutte te Kanawa, Baltsa, Burrows, Allen / Davis

February 3 Un Ballo in Maschera Pavarotti, Caballe, Bruson / Haitink

February 24 Lulu Armstrong, Reich, Sarden / Davis

April 3 Macbeth Bruson, Scotto, Shicofff / Muti

May 20 Otello Cossutta, Evstaticva, Cappuccili / Davis (on tour in Manchester TV broadcast 19 July 1981)

June Madama Butterfly Kabiavanska, O'Neill, Nucci / Gardelli (Capital Radio 27 Sept 1981)

June 30, Peter Grimes Vickers, Harper, Bailey / Davis (TV broadcast 26 Sept)

July 15 Don Giovanni Raimondi, Janowitz, te Kanawa / Davis

Oct 6 Samson et Dalila Vickers, Verrett, Summers /Davis (TV simulcast 19 Dec)

Oct 19 Arabella te Kanawa, Ghazarian, Wixell / Pritchard

Nov 10 La Sonnambula Cotrubas, O'Neill, Gale / Ramin

Nov 30 Tosca Jones, Domingo, Wixell / Varviso (Capital Radio 14 Feb 1982)

Dec 12 Alceste Baker, Tear, Shirley / Mackerras

Dec 17 A Christmas Carol (Musgrave) Dugdale, Harrby, Bainbridge (ROH @ Sadler's Wells) missing

Dec 22 Il Trovatore Sutherland, Bonisollli, Masurok, Obratzova / Bonynge


Feb 20 La Boheme Shicoff, Allen, Cotrubas /Gardelli (TV)

March 8 Die Meistersinger von Nurnberg Bailey, Goldberg, Popp /Davis

June 1 Simon Boccanegra Burson, te Kanawa, Bonisolli /Downes

July 9 Falstaff Bruson, Nucci, Ricciarelli /Giulini (TV Jan 1 1983)

Nov 8 Khovanschina Nesterenko, Howell, McIntyre / Svetlanov (missing)

Dec 11 Semele Masterson, Skinner, Tomlinson, Tear / Mackerras


Feb 21 Tosca Jones, Aragall, Nurmela, van Allen /Navarro

Mar 12 La Fanciulla del West Domingo, Carroli, Neblett / Santi (TV from Nov 1983)

April 12, Don Carlos Evstatieva, Garazzi, Allen /Haitink

March 15 Carmen Baltsa, Carerras, Luxon /Davis

April 26 Dialogues of the Carmelites Lott, Tinsley, Masterson / Plasson

May 28 Manon Lescaut te Kanawa, Domingo, Allen / Sinopoli (simulcast)

June 15 Faust Kraus, Nesterenko, Masterson / Dutoit

July 5 Macbeth Milnes, Bartstow, Lloyd /Downes (Capital Radio missing)

July 6 Taverner (Maxwell Davies) Ulfung, Tomlinson, Walker /Downes

Dec 22 Otello Act 4 McCracken, Te Kanawa /Davis (TV Callas celebration)

Dec 31 Die Fledermaus Prey, te Kanawa, Luxon / Domingo (TV)


July 17 Turandot Jones, Watanabe, Domingo / Davis (ROH in LA - PBS broadcast)

July 19 Peter Grimes Vickers, Harper, Stewart / Davis (ROH in LA - PBS broadcast)

Sept 4 Turandot Jones, Domingo, Donath /Davis (Capital Radio)


Jan 12 L'Elisir d'Amore Ghazarian, Pope, Ramirez, Evans /Bellini (TV from June 1984)

March 30 Der Rosenkavalier Te Kanawa, Howells, Bonney /Solti (TV)

June 22 Ariande auf Naxos Norman, King / Tate

Aug 18 La Donna Del Largo Merritt, Von Stade, Horne / Foster

Sept 21 Andrea Chenier Domingo, Tomow-Sintow, Zancanaro / Rudel (TV)

Oct 12 Don Carlo Lima, Zancanaro, Cotrubas / Haitink (TV)


April 20 Semiramide Anderson, Horne, Merritt / Lewis

September 25, 1986 The Rhinegold Joll, Walker, Clark, Collins /Armstrong (WNO at Covent Garden in English)

September 27, 1986 The Valkyrie Joll, Evans, Ellsworth, Harris /Armstrong (WNO at Covent Garden in English)

September 30, 1986 Siegfried Lawton, Evans, Joll, Harris / Armstrong (WNO at Covent Garden in English)

October 4, 1986 Twilight of the Gods Lawton, Evans, Tranter, Mora /Armstrong (WNO at Covent Garden in English)


April 12 The King Goes Forth to France (Sallinen) Begley, Dean, Walker / Kamu

May 25 Turandot Jones, Bonisoll, Haymon / Delacote (simulcast)

Dec 5 Tosca Marton, Dvorsky, Wixell /Sinopoli


Jan 1 Die Entfuhrung aus dem Serail Walt, Moll, Waton / Solti (simulcast from Nov 1987)

February 6, Parsifal Estes, Ellsworth, Meier, /Haitink

March 7 Un Ballo in Maschera Aragall, Price, Agache /Armstrong

April 25 Lucia di Lammermoor Gruberova, Lima, Brendel /Pritchard

June 18 Anna Bolena Sutherland, Metzner, Begly / Bonynge

July 7 Don Giovanni Allen, te Kanawa, Burrows / Davis (TV)

October 8, Das Rheingold Morris, Dernesch, Wlaschiha /Haitink


Jan 21 Die Fledermaus Vaness, O'Neill, Allen /Fischer

Feb 11 Un re in Ascolto Macintyre, Tear, Harries / Berio

June 13 Il Trovatore Domingo, Plowright, Leiferkus / Hatink

June 24 Der Rosenkavalier Muray, Lott, Moll / Tate

October 14, 1989 Die Walkure Kollo, Schnaut, Morris, Jones /Haitink


February 10 PRINCE IGOR Leiferkus Tomova-Sintov/Haitink (Mono TV Feb 24)

April 16, MEISTERSINGER von NÜRNBERG Weikl, Heppner, Lott /Dohnanyi

May 7, COSI FAN TUTTE Blochwitz, Schmidt, Desderi /Tate (simulcast) missing

July 7, WILLIAM TELL Yurich Cuberli Dean Lloyd / Plasson

December 10, FIDELIO Benackova, Protschka, / Dohnanyi (issued on DVD)

Dec 25 , CUNNING LITTLE VIXEN Watson, Tear, Knight /Rattle (TV from June 1990) missing

December 31 Die Fledermaus Gustafson, Bottone / Bonynge (SUTHERLAND Farewell) (TV)


January 19, CAPRICCIO te Kanawa, Allen, Howells / Tate

June 22 Gawain Le Roux, Tomlinson, Angel / Howarth (TV April 17 1992) missing

October 10, 1991 Das Rheingold Morris, Riedel, Wlaschiha / Haitink

October 11, 1991 Die Walkure Elming, Armstrong, Morris, Jones / Haitink

October 14, 1991 Siegfried Goldberg, Jones, Tomlinson /Haitink

October 17, 1991 Gotterdammerung Goldberg, Jones, Tomlinson /Haitink

Nov 30 Simon Boccanegra Agache, te Kanawa, Sylvester / Solti (TV on Ch4)


Jan 1 CARMEN Ewing, Lima, Vaduva /Mehta (TV from April 1990)

February 10, DON GIOVANNI Allen, Vaness, Blochwitz /Haitink (issued on DVD)

May Salome Ewing, Devlin, Reigel /Downes (on DVD only)

May 23, I PURITANI Anderson Sabbatini / Gatti

July 1, 1992 Der Fliegende Hollander, Morris, Varady, Howell, /Dohnanyi

July 13, VIAGGIO a REIMS McNair Fleming Caballe / Rizzi

September 16, 1992 TOSCA Holleque, Pavarotti, Carroli / Mehta

October 3, 1992 I CAPULETTI E MONTECCHI Roocroft, von Otter, Lewis/ Gatti

October 27,1992 OTELLO Domingo Leiferkus Kanawa/Solti (80th birthday) (simulcast)

November 7, 1992 PORGY AND BESS White, Haymon /Litton

November 28, 1992 FRAU OHNE SCHATTEN Tomowa-Sintow, Jones, King / Haitink


January 20, ALCINA Kenny, Murray, Rolfe Johnson/ Fisher

February 6, 1993 STIFFELIO Carreras Malfitano Yurisch/ Downes (TV Feb 2)

March 17, DAMNATION OF FAUST Hadley, Ramey, Borodina / Colin Davis

31 March , PELLEAS & MELISANDE Von Stade, Le Roux Minton/ABBADO

June 19, ATILLA Ramey Zancanaro / Downes missing

September 30, ITALIAN GIRL IN ALGIERS Horne, Raimondi, Ford / Rizzi

October 2 ,MADAMA BUTTERFLY Soviero, Shicoff, / Rizzi

October 16, MEISTERSINGER von NÜRNBERG Tomlinson, Windbergh, Gustafsson /Haitink

October 20, MITRIDATE RE DI PONTO Fugelle, Ford, Murray / Daniel (issued on DVD)

November 6, EUGENE ONEGIN Hvorostovsky Malfitana / Ermler

November 17, ZAUBERFLÖTE Streit Roocroft SumiJo Lloyd/ Parrott


February 7, 1994 GLORIANA Barstow, Randle, Roberts / Daniels

February 24, 1994 CHERUBIN Graham, Lloyd, Gheorghiu / Bernardi

March 3, 1994 RIGOLETTO Agache, Hadley, Shin, / Young

March 17, 1994 KATYA KABANOVA Prokina, Begley, Randova / Haitink

March 24, 1994 BALLO In MASCHERA O'Neil, Rautio, Coni / Gatti

April 25 Gawain Le Roux, Howells, Angel /Howarth

May 20, 1994 CARMEN Cegraves, Domingo, Tumanyan / Delacote

May 24, 1994 FEDORA Freni Carreras / Downes missing

June 11, 1994 MOSE IN EGITTO Murray, Ford, Antonacci / Olmi

June 27 AIDA Studer O'Neill D'intino Agache Lloyd/ Downes (TV Dec 25 1994)

July 13, 1994 MANON Vaduva, Sabatini / Colin Davis

October 20, 1994 RHEINGOLD Tomlinson, Henschel, Wlaschiha / Haitink

October 22, 1994 WALKÜRE Elming, Gustafsson, Tomlinson, Polaski / Haitink

Nov 12 Romeo et Juliette Alagna, Vaduva, Le Roux / Mackerras (TV April 14 1995)

December 8,1994 TRAVIATA Gheorghiu Lopardo Nucci/Solti TV


February 2, 1995 TROILUS & CRESSIDA ON at ROH / Hickox

February 8, 1995 COSI FAN TUTTE Roocroft Graham Ford Allen / Pido

March 31, 1995 SALOME Malfitano Terfel Riegel Silja/Dohnanyi

April 4, 1995 SIEGFRIED Jerusalem, Evans, Tomlinson /Haitink

April 21, 1995 BALLO IN MASCHERA Grigorian Voigt Zancanaro/ Downes

April 26, 1995 YEOMAN OF THE GUARD WNO at CG Mackerras

May 5, 1995 KING ARTHUR Salomaa, Waters / les arts florissants Christie missing

June 5 Billy Budd Clark, Gilfry, Tomlinson /Spano

June 7, 1995 PETER GRIMES Heppner, Barstow, Terfel / Tamayo

June 10, Der Rosenkavalier Tomowa-Sintow, Moll, Murray, Bonney /Davis

July 7, 1995 SIMON BOCCANEGRA Agache, Fleming, Sylvester / Haitink

July 8, 1995 STIFFELIO, Domingo, Malfitano, Yurisich / Downes

July 18, 1995 SIMON BOCCANEGRA (1851 version) Michaels-Moore, Roocroft, Cura /Elder

July 19, AROLDO O'Neil, Esperian, Zapater / Rizzi

July 20, DUE FOSCARI Chernov, O'Neil, Anderson / Gatti

September 23, 1995 ARIANNA (Goehr) Graham, Kohler, Raftery / Bolton

October 28, GÖTTERDÄMMERUNG Jerusalem, Polaski, Rydl /Haitink

November 28, 1995 MATHIS DER MALER / Salonen

December 2, FEDORA Guleghina, Domingo / Downes


February 8, 1996 MIDSUMMER MARRIAGE / Haitink

April 11, 1996 ARABELLA Studer Oelze Brendel / Elder

June 21, 1996 IL CORSARO Cura Dragoni /Pido

June 22, 1996 DON CARLOS Alagna, Mattila, Hampson, Van Dam / Haitink

July 5, 1996 GIOVANNA D'ARCO Anderson Chernov / Gatti

July 6,1996 NABUCCO Yurisch Ramey O'Neil/Downes

July 15 TRAVIATA Gheorghiu Alagna Alvarez /Young

July 16 ALZIRA Villaroel Agache Coliban / Elder

July 20, 1996 DON CARLO Margison Valayre Haitink (PROMS)

October 25, 1996 Das Rheingold Tomlinson, Henschel, Wlaschiha / Haitink

October 26, 1996 Die Walkure Elming, Gustafsson, Tomlinson, Evans/Chalmers / Haitink

October 28, 1996 Siegfried Jerusalem, Poell, Tomlinson /Haitink

November 2, 1996 Gotterdammerung Fassler, Evans, Rydl /Haitink

December 12, 1996 Gold and Silver Gala (TV repeated BBC 2 17 Feb 2001)


January 18 CHERUBIN Futral, Graham, Davies /Gardiner

February 19, PALESTRINA Moser Held Ziesak Stene Pape/Thielemann

March 8, COSI FAN TUTTE Isokoski, Trost, Skovhus/ Bernet (TV)

March 19, LOHENGRIN Winbergh, Mattila, Leiferkus, Jones, Pape /Gergiev

April 8, SALOME Malfitano Terfel Riegel Silja / Dohnanyi (TV relay 26 Dec 1997)

May 19, ELEKTRA Behrens Secunde Henschel Held/Thielemann

June 28, OBERTO Graves, Neill, Tomlinson / Young

July 4, 1997 SIMONE BOCCANEGRA (1857) Leiferkus Domingo / Elder

July 5, 1997 MACBETH (1847) Michaels-Moore, Scandiuzzi Downes

July 12, MEISTERSINGER VON NÜRNBERG Tomlinson, Windbergh, Gustafsson /Haitink (last performance at the house before 2 year closure)

July 14, CLOSURE GALA Live TV relay

July 21, PALESTRINA CG at the MET Thielemann (uk?)

Sept 20 (BARBICAN) Giulio Cesare Murray, Roocroft, /Bolton missing

Oct 3 (BARBICAN) Platée (Rameau) Fouchecourt, Montague, Leroux /McGegan missing

October 11 (BARBICAN) TURN OF THE SCREW Bostridge Henschel Rodgers/ Davis

December 11, 1997 (Shaftesbury Theatre) PAUL BUNYAN Cranham, Gritton, Egerton /Hickox

December 28, 1997 (Shaftesbury Theatre) MERRY WIDOW Lott, Allen /Bernet (TV) recorded in October (a few excerpts only)


April 23, 1998 Parsifal Domingo, Polaski, Rasilainen /Fricke (concert performance, broadcast on April 25)

May 16 (Barbican) MEPHISTOFELE Ramey Margison Miricioiu /Haitink

May 25 (RFH) ÄGYPTISCHE HELENA Voigt Titus / Thielemann

June 13 (BADEN-BADEN) MASNADIERI Hvorostovsky Farini/ Downes

September 20 (Concertgebouw) WALKÜRE Begley Cullis Martin Tomlinson/Haitink ?uk

December 19 (SW) BARTERED BRIDE Isokoski, Hawlata Silvast/ Haitink (simulcast)

December 30 (SW) COQ D'OR Kelessidi Burchuladze Levinsky /Yurovsky


June 5 (RFH) GIORNO DEL REGNO Tamar Mentzner Chernov / Benini

December 1 1999 REOPENING GALA TV (Radio/TV simulcast)

December 22,1999 FALSTAFF Terfel Frittoli Frontali/Haitink (Radio/TV simulcast) new production to open the newly rebuilt opera house.


Feb 3 La clemenza di Tito Cole, Kasarova, Schuman / McGegan

Feb 17 Otello (Rossini) Ford, Arevalao, Devia / Gelmeti

Feb 26 Romeo et Juliette Alagna, Ghiorghiu, Beltran / Mackerras

March 30 Der Fliegende Hollander Weikl, Kringelborn, Moll, /Young

April 29 The Greek Passion Silvasti, McLaughlan, Howell, /Mackerras

May 20 Alfred (Arne) / Curnyn (Lindbury Studio Theatre) missing

May 26, Norma Miricioiu, Mentzer, Farina / Wynn-Griffiths

July 3 Il Battaglia di Legnano Domingo, Villroel, Michaels-Moore /Elder

July 10 Semyon Kotko (Prokofiev) /Gergiev (Kirov at ROH)

Oct 7 Billy Budd Begly, Keeleyside, Opie / Hickox

Oct 10 Les Contes D'Hoffmann Alvarez, Ghioghiu, Pertusi / Villaume (TV relay Oct 29)

November 9 Tristan und Isolde West, Schnaut, Titus, Lang /Haitink

Nov 18 Katya Kabanova Roocroft, Dean Smith, Barstow /Young

Dec 21 Cenerentola Ganassi, Florez /Elder (TV relay 26 Dec)


Feb 28 Turandot, Eaglen, O'Neill, Gallardo-Domas / Badea

April 28 Otello Cura, Roocroft, Agache / Moshinsky

May 19 Queen of Spades Barstow, Hvorostovsky, Putilin / Haitink

June 2 Die Entfuhrung aus dem Serail Schafer, Rydl, Streit, Stein / Mackerras

June 9 Orfeo ed Euridice Daniels, Gritton /Hickox missing

Sept 22 Rigoletto Gavanelli, Alvarez, Schafer, /Downes (TV simulcast)

Oct 13 Jenufa Mattila, Silja, Silvasti / Haitink

Nov 3 Macbeth /Gergiev (Kirov at ROH) missing

Nov 17 Un Ballo in Maschera / Gergiev (Kirov at ROH) missing

December 19, 2001 Parsifal Hampson, Anderson, Urmana, /Rattle


Jan 28 Don Giovanni Terfel, Pieczonka, Diener / Davis

March 4 Bluebeard's Castle/ Ewartung White, Dalayman / Nielsen / Zagorsek

April 27 Il Trovatore Villarroel, Cura, Neff, Hvorostovsky / Rizzi (TV relay 6 Oct)

May 18 Daphne Weth, Botha, Sacca / Soltesz

May 25 La Rondine Gheorghiu, Alagna / Gelmeti

June 22 Macbeth Michaels-Moore, Guleghina, Miles / Young

July 13 Haitink Farewell gala (Figaro Act 2, Don Carlo Act 4 sc 1, Meistersinger Act 3 sc 2)

Sept 21 Ariadne auf Naxos Lang, Koch, Brubaker /Pappano

Oct 19 I Masnadieri Pape, Hvorostovsky, Delligatti / Downes

Oct 26 Wozzeck Goerne, Clark, Dalayman / Pappano

Nov 2 La Clemenza di Tito Frittoli, Ford, Netrebko / Davis

Dec 10 Sophie's Choice (Maw) Kirschlager, Gilfrey, Silvasti / Rattle


Jan 23 Cenerentola Florez, Kassarova / Pido

Feb 10 Die Zauberflote Hartmann, Keenlyside, Damrau / Davis (TV relay 1 Feb)

April 2 Madama Butterfly Gallardo-Domas, Berti, Gallo / Pappano (TV relay 12 Apri)

May 6 Luisa Miller Frittoli, Alvarez, Guelfi / Bennini

July 10 Pagliacci Domingo, Gheorghiu, Hvorostovsky / Pappano

July 17 Rusalka Fleming, Larin, Hwalta / Mackerras

Oct 11 Boris Godunov Tomlinson, Larin, Borodina / Bychkov

Nov 1 Orlando Coote, Bonney, Mehta /Bicket

Nov 22 Aida Fantini, Komlosi, Botha / Pappano

Dec 6 Lucia di Lammermoor Rost, Michaels-Moore, Alvarez /Pido

Dec 17 Sweeney Todd Allen, Palmer / Gemignani


Feb 11 Les Contes D'Hoffmann Villazon, White, Siurina / Hickox

Feb 18 The Tempest (Ades) Keenlyside, Rice, Bostridge / Ades (TV relay 21 Feb)

May 1 Samson et Dalila Cura, Graves, Caproni / Jordan

May 8 Lady Macbeth of Mtsensk Dalayman, Ventris, Tomlinson /Pappano

May 15 Der Rosenkavalier Kirschlager, Lott, Nold /Mackerras

June 5 Arabella Mattila, Bonney, Hamptson / Dohnanyi

June 10 Rape of Lucretia Rice, Rose, Lee / Briger (ROH Lindbury Studio Theatre) missing

June 19 Faust Alagna, Gheorghiu, Terfel / Pappano (simulcast with TV)

July 10, Peter Grimes Happner, Watson, Opie /Pappano

Sept 25 The Greek Passion (Martinu) Ventris, McLaughlan / Mackerras

Oct 2 Werther Alvarez, Donose, Tezier / Pappano

Nov 6 La Foza Del Destino Licitra, Urmana, Maestri / Pappano

Dec 4 Don Pasquale Florez, Lisnic, Alaimo / Campanella


January 17 2005 Das Rheingold Terfel, Plowright, Henschel, Langridge /Pappano (TV 27 March)

March 28 Die Walkure Domingo, Meier, /Pappano (TV Act 1 only broadcast due to Terfel's indisposition)

May 7 Die Walkure Silvasti, Dalayman, Terfel, Gasteen (TV Act 2 and 3)

May 21 Un Ballo in Maschera Mattila, Alvarez, Hampson / Pappano

May 25 1984 (Maazel) Keenlyside, Gustavson, Margison / Maazel (TV July 29, 2006)

June 25 Orphee (Glass) Lee, Kooten, Kennedy / MacDonald (ROH Lindbury Studio Theatre) missing

July 9 Mitridate, Re di Ponto Ford, Kurzak, Matthews /Hickox

July 18, 2005 Die Walkure Domingo, Meier, Terfel, Gasteen /Pappano (at the Proms simulcast)

Sept 24 La Fanciulla del West Gruber, Cura, Delavan / Pappano

Oct 8 Maskarade Schade, Bell /Schonwandt

October 29, 2005 Siegfried Treleaven, Gasteen, Tomlinson /Pappano (TV 10 Mar 2007)

November 26 Midsummer Marriage Hartman, Roocroft, Tomlinson / Hickox

Dec 30 Il Barbiere di Siviglia Di Donaato, Spence, Petean / Elder (Live TV)


Jan 12 Il Barbiere di Siviglia Di Donato, Spence, Petean / Elder

Feb 15 Le Nozze di Figaro Schrott, Findlay, Mersson /Pappano (TV 1 April 2006)

May 13, 2006 Gotterdammerung Gasteen, Treleaven, Tomlinson / Pappano (TV 17 Mar 2007)

May 27 Il re Pastore Bronder, Kooten /Gardner (ROH Lindbury Studio Theatre)

June 10 Eugene Onegin Hvorostovsky, Villazon, Roocroft / Jordan

July 1 Tosca Gheorghiu, Alvarez, Terfel / Pappano

Oct 14 La Finta Giardiniera Maltman, Steit, Kuhmeier /Gardiner

Nov 11 Lady Macbeth of Mtsensk Westbroek, Ventris, Tomlinson / Pappano (TV)

Nov 25 La Juive O'Neill, Poplavaskaya / Oren (at the Barbican)

Dec 26 Carmen Antonacci, Ansellem, Kaufmann / Pappano (TV 26 Dec 2007)

The BBC increasingly does not broadcast performances live but tapes them for later broadcast, sometimes conflating different performances into one broadcast. The dates below are broadcast dates, not necessarily performance dates. The ROH has also begun to screen some performances in cinemas. Many were also broadcast on the radio (though they might be from different performances in a run), but some were only available in the cinema.


Jan 27 La Fille du Regiment Florez, Dessay, Corbelli (TV Dec 30)

Feb 16 Souvenir de Florence (Tchaikovsky) /Bychkov missing

May 19 Stiffelio Cura, Radvanowsky, Frontali / Elder

May 26 L'Heure Espagnole / Gianni Schicchi Bottone, Rice, Maltman / Terfel, Kuznetzova, Pirgu /Pappano

June 9 Pelleas et Melisande Keelyside, Findlay, Kirschlager / Rattle

June 23 The Tempest (Ades) Keenlyside, Bostridge, Sieden /Ades

Oct 6 Iphigenie en Tauride Graham, Keenlyside/ Bolton

Oct 20 Katya Kabanova Watson, Palmer, Merritt /Mackerras

Oct 27 Thais Fleming, Calleja, Alberghini / Davis

Dec 1 L'Elisir d'amore Secco, Kurzak, Tezier / Franck


Jan 19 Parsifal Tomlinson, Ventris, Lang, /Haitink (from December 13, 2007)

Feb 9 La Traviata Netrebko, Kaufmann, Hvorostovksy / Bennini

May 10 Salome Michael, Volle, Schuster, Moser / Jordan (simulcast)

May 31 The Minotaur (Birtwhistle) Rice, Reuster, Tomlinson / Pappano (cinema)

June 28 Don Carlo Villazon, Poplavskaya, Furlanetto / Pappano (cinema 3 July + TV)

July 5 Le Nozze di Figaro D'Arcangelo, Mattei, Frittoli / Mackerras

Oct 18 The Rake's Progress Castronovo, Relyea, Matthews / Ades

Oct 25 La Calisto (Cavalli) Matthews, Zazzo /Bolton

Nov 22 Matilde de Shabran (Rossini) Kurzak, Florez, Lepore / Rizzi

Dec 16 Hansel und Gretel Damrau, Kirschlager, Connell / Davis (TV Dec 25)

Dec 27 La Fanciulla del West Westbroek, Cura, Carroli / Pappano


April 8 Acis and Galathea Workman, de Niese / Hogwood (TV relay May 22, radio?)

May 16 Les Contes D'Hoffmann Vilazon, Saks, Kooten, Rice /Pappano (from Dec 2008)

May 23 Die Tote Stadt Gould, Michael, Finley /Metzmacher

May 30 Der Fliegende Hollander Terfel, Konig, Kampe /Albrecht

June 6 I Capuleti et Montecchi Netrebko, Garancia, Owens / Elder

June 13 Elektra Bullock, Schwanewilms, Henschel, Reuter /Elder (from Nov 2008)

June 20 Dido and Aeneas Connelly, Crowe / Hogwood (TV relay May 15)

June 27, 2009 Lohengrin Botha, Haller, Struckmann /Bychkov

July 4 Lulu Eichenholz, Volle, Larmore / Pappano

Oct 10 Il Barbiere di Siviglia Spagnoli, Florez, di Donato /Pappano

Oct 17 Don Carlo Kaufmann, Poplavskaya, Keenlyside /Bychkov

Oct 24 Carmen Garancia, Alagna, Zhang / Billy

October 31, 2009 Tristan und Isolde Heppner, Stemme, Volle, Koch /Pappano

Dec 5 Cherevichki (Tchaikovsky) Diadkova, Mikhailov / Polianichko


May 15 Il Turco in Italia Allen, Jones, Ebel, /Benini

May 22 The Gambler Sacca, Denoke, Tomlinson / Pappano

May 29 Cunning Little Vixen Matthews, Maltman / Mackerras

June 5 Der Rosekvalier Isakoski, Koch, Rose, crowe / Petrenko (from Dec 2009)

June 26 Aida Carosi, Alvarez, Cornetti / Luisotti

July 3, Tamerlano Stotijn, Streit, / Bolton

July 5, 2010 SIMON BOCCANEGRA Domingo Tomlinson Calleja/Pappano TV

July 10, Manon, Netrebko, Grigolo, Braun / Pappano

July 18 SIMON BOCCANEGRA Domingo Calleja / Pappano (ROH at the Proms)

Sept 10 Cosi fan tutte Breslik, Degout, Allen /Hengelbrock (cinema only)

Oct 16 Salome Denoke, Reuter, Siegel, Mishura / Haenchen

Oct 23, Niobe regina de Tebe Gens, Mead, Odinius / Hengelbrock

October 30, Les Pecheurs de Perles, Finley, Osbron, Cabell, /Pappano

November 6, Romeo et Juliette, Beczala, Machaidze /Oren

November 30, Adriana Lecouvreur Gheorghiu, Kaufmann, Borodina / Elder

December 25, 2010 Tannhauser Botha, Westbroek, Gerhaher /Bychkov (date of broadcast, perhaps a compilation of these performances Dec 11, 15, 19, 22, but Gerhaher was absent for Acts 1 and 2 on Dec 19, while another singer was ill for the performance of Dec 22)


March 14 Aida Monastyrska, Alagna, Borodina / Luisi

April 2 Anna Nicole (Turnage) Westbroek, Finley, Oke, /Pappano

April 27 The Tsar’s Bride Popv, Gubanova, / Elder

June 4 Werther Villazon, Koch/ Pappano

June 6, Macbeth Keenlyside, Monastyrska / Pappano (+ cinema)

June 25 Fidelio Stemme, Wottrich / Elder

July 2 Madama Butterfly Opolais, Valenti, Michaels-Moore / Nelsons

July 9 Cendrillon Di Donato, Gutierrez, Coote / Billy (+ cinema)

July 14,2011 TOSCA Gheorghiu Kaufmann Terfel/Pappano (+TV)

17 Sept Il Trittico Westbroek, Jaho, Gallo / Pappano (+ cinema)

September 24, 2011 FAUST Gheorghiu Grigolo Papé Hvorostovsky /Pidó (+ cinema)

October 2011 DER FLIEGENDE HOLLÄNDER Silins, Kampe, Milling /Tate

Nov 5 Placido Domingo Gala featuring acts of Otello, Rigoletto and Boccanegra

November 12, La Sonnambula Gutierrez, Albelo, Pertusi / Pido

December 31 La Traviata Perez, Peczala, Keenlyside / Lange


January 1, 2012 Die Meistersinger von Nurnberg Koch, O'Neill, Bell /Pappano

Feb 26 Don Giovanni Schrott, Rimigio, Donose / Carydis

May 19 Miss Fortune Bell, Imbrailo, Watts / Daniel

May 26 Nozze di Figaro Arcangelo, Kuzak, Meacham, Willis-Sorensen / Pappano

June 2 Rusalka Nylund, Hymel, Lang / Nezet-Seguin

June 9 Rigoletto Platanias, Crowe, Grigolo / Gardiner (+ cinema)

June 16 Boheme Calleja, Gianattasio, Focile / Bychkov

June 30 Falstaff Maestri, Martinez, Jenis / Gatti

July 5 Troyens Antonacci, Hymel, Westbroek / Pappano (cinema only)

July 22 Troyens Antonacci, Hymel, Westbroek / Pappano (at the proms)

October 16, 2012 Das Rheingold Terfel, Koch, Connolly, Anderson /Pappano

October 18, 2012 Die Walkure O'Neill, Westbroek, Terfel, Bullock /Pappano

October 21, 2012 Siegfried Vinke, Siegel, Terfel, Bullock /Pappano

Oct 20 Otello Antonenko, Gallo, Harteros / Pappano

October 24, 2012 Gotterdammerung Vinke, Bullock, Coleman-Wright, Tomlinson /Pappano

Dec 1 L'Elisir D'amore Alagna, Kursak, Maestri / Campanella

Dec 15 Robert le Diable Hymel, Poplavskaya, Ciofi / Oren (+ cinema)


Jan 10 La Boheme Popov, Kovalevska, Dovhan / Elder (cinema only)

June 1 2013 EUGENE ONEGIN Keenlyside, Stoyanova, Breslik, Rose/Ticciati (+ cinema)

June 8 Nabucco Domingo, Kowaljow / Luisotti (+ cinema)

June 15 La Donna del Largo Di Donato (+ cinema)

June 22 Written on Skin (Benjamin) Purves, Hanigan / Benjamin (+ cinema)

June 29 Gloriana Bullock, Spence, Stone / Daniel (+ cinema)

July 18 Tosca Serafin, Antonenko, Hendricks / Oren (cinema only)

Sept 30 La Rondine, Gheorghiu, Castronovo / Armiliato

Oct 7 Don Carlo Kaufmann Harteros Furlanetto Pappano

Oct 17 Les Vepres Siciliennes Haroutounian, Hymel, Volle / Pappano (+ cinema)

Dec 2 Wozzeck Keenlyside, Siegel, Mattila / Elder

Dec 11 Parsifal Pape, O’Neill, Denoke, Finley /Pappano (+ cinema)


Jan 4 Capriccio Fleming, Baumgartner, Staples /Davis (from July 2013)

Jan 6 Elektra Goerke, Pieczonka, Schuster, / Nelsons (from Sept 2013)

Feb 17 Greek (Turnage) Farnsworth, Silver /Rafferty missing

Mar 3 Don Giovanni Kwiecien, Gens, Bystrom / Luisiotti (+ cinema)

March 29 Die Frau ohne Schatten Magee, Botha, Reuter, Pankratova /Bychkov

April 22 Faust Calleja, Terfel, Yoncheva / Bennini

May 20 La Traviata Perez, Costello, Keenlyside /Wynn-Griffiths (big screen)

June 7 Dialogues des Carmelites Matthews, Prohaska, Koch / Rattle

July 1 Manon Lescaut Opolais, Kaufmann, Maltman, /Pappano (+ cinema)

July 14 Maria Stuarda DiDonato, Giannattasio / Billy

July 16 Aridane auf Naxos Mattila, Sacca, Archibald /Pappano

Nov 29 L’elisir D’amore Crowe, Grigolo, Terfel / Rustioni (+ cinema)

Dec 29 Tristan und Isolde Gould, Stemme, Paterson / Pappano


Jan 10 Un ballo in Maschera Calleja, Monastryska, Hvorostovsky /Oren

Jan 21 Orfeo Orendt, Bevan, Hurrell / Curnyn (ROH at the Roundhouse - TV)

Jan 26 Idomeneo Polenzani, Bevan, /Minkowski

Jan 31 Andrea Chenier Kaufmann, Westbroek / Pappano (+ cinema)

Feb 23 Der fliegende Hollander Silins, Pieczonka, /Nelsons (+ cinema)

March 14 Rise and fall of the city of Mahagonny Von otter, Hoare, White / Wigglesworth (+ cinema)

April 13, Zauberflote Breslik, Karg, Zeppenfeld / Meister

May 16 Krol Roger Kwiecien, Jarmann, Begley /Pappano (+ cinema)

June 8 La Boheme Betrebko, Calleja, /Ettinger (+ cinema)

July 13 Don Giovanni Maltman, Shagimuratova, Villazon, Roschmann / Altinoglu

July 14 William Tell, Finley, Osborn, Bystom / Pappano

Oct 5 Le Nozze di Figaro Schrott, Degout, Dehn /Bolton (cinema only)

October 24, Orphee et Eurydice, Florez, Crowe / Gardiner

December 5, Morgen und Abend Wegener, Pohl, Hartmann / Boder


Jan 2 Eugene Onegin Hvorostovsky, Car, Fabiano /Bychkov (from 2015 repeated 2019)

Feb 4 La Traviata Gimadieva, Pirgu, Salsi / Abel (cinema only)

February 6 Cavalleria & Pagliacci Westbroek, Antonenko, Giannattasio / Pappano (+ cinema - from Dec 2015)

February 20, L’Etoile, Mortagne, Piolino, Guilmette / Elder

March 21 Boris Godunov Terfel, Hall, Anger /Pappano (+ cinema)

May 14 Lucia di Lammermoor Damrau, Texier, Hoare / Oren (+ cinema)

June 4 Oedipe Reuter, Timlinson, Devan / Hussain

June 9 Nabucco Domingo, Monastyrska, Relyea / Benini (+ cinema)

June 11, I due Foscari Domingo, Meli, Agresta /Pappano (from October 2014 + cinema)

Sept 17 Barbiere di Siviglia Priante, Camerna, Mack / Nanasi

October 15 Werther Grigolo, Di Donato, Bizic / Pappano

October 22 Trovatore Haroutounian, Meli, Lucic, /Noseda (+ cinema)

November 5 Norma Yocheva, Calleja, Ganassi / Pappano (+ cinema)

November 12 Cosi fan tutte, Winters, Brower, Behle, /Bychkov (+ cinema)

December 24 Les contes d’Hoffmann Grigolo , Hampson , Fomina, Rise, Yoncheva / Pido (+ cinema)

Dec 31 The Nose Winkler, Tomlinson, Aldridge / Metzmacher ( + cinema)


Jan 14 Rosenkavalier, Fleming, Coote, Bevan , Rose / Nelsons

Jan 31 Il Trovatore Haroutounian, Kunde, Bilyy /Farnes (cinema only)

March 30 Madama Butterfly Jaho, Puente, Hendricks / Pappano (cinema only)

May 27 The Exterminating Angel Otter, Allen Tomlinson / Ades

June 10 Meistersinger Terfel, Jones, Sorensen / Pappano

June 17 Don Carlo Hymel, Lewis, Pohl / Billy

July 8 Mitridate re di Ponto Spyres, Shagimuratova / Rousset

July 13 Otello Kaufmann, Agresta, Vratogna / Pappano (+ TV + cinema)

September 16 Turandot Goerke, Antonenko, Gerzmava / Ettinger (+ cinema)

Sept 20 Die Zauberflote Stagg, Peter, Kares /Jones (cinema only)

Oct 7 La Boheme Car, Fabiano, Kwiecien /Pappano (+ cinema)

Oct 28 Tannhauser (performance of May 2016) Seiffert, Bell, Koch / Haenchen


January 6 Semiramide Di donato, Pertusi /Pappano

Jan 16 Rigoletto Fabiano, Platanias, Crowe / Joel (cinema only)

Feb 7 Tosca Pieczonka, Calleja, Findlay / Ettinger (cinema only)

Mar 10 Carmen Goryachova, Meli, Mkytarian / Hrusa (+ cinema)

April 21 Coraline (Turnage) Bevan, Whately, Baker /Edwards (ROH at the Barbican)

May 19 Lady Macbeth of Mtsensk Westbroek, Jovanovich / Pappano

June 2 Lessons in Love and violence Degout, Hannigan, Orendt / Benjamin (+ cinema)

June 9 Macbeth Netrebko, Lucic / Pappano (+ cinema)

June 26 La Boheme Castronovo, Yoncheva, Fillonczyk / Villaume (cinema only)

June 30 From the House of the Dead Margita, Spence / Wigglesworth

July 7 Lohengrin Vogt, Davis, Goerke, Mayer / Nelsons

July 12 Don Giovanni Kwiecien, D'Arcangelo, Reiss / Minkowski (cinema only)

September 22 Falstaff Terfel, Martinez, Keenlyside / Luisotti

October 27 Rheingold Lundgren, Kranzle, Connolly / Pappano

November 3, Die Walkure Skelton, Magee, Lundgren, Stemme / Pappano (+ cinema)

November 17 Siegfried Vinke, Stemme, Siegel / Pappano

December 29, Gotterdammerung Stemme, Vinke /Pappano


January 26, Simon Boccanegra Alvarez, Bassenez, Meli / Nanasi

Jan 30 La Traviata Jaho, Castronovo, Domingo /Manacorda (cinema only)

April 13 Queen of Spades Antonenko, Westbroek / Pappano (+ cinema)

April 27, Katya Kabanova Majeski, Cernoch, /Gardner

April 30 Faust Fabiano, Schrott, Lunga /Ettinger (cinema only)

May 25 Forza Kaufmann, Netrebko, Tezier / Pappano (+ cinema)

June 1 Billy Budd Imbrailo, Sherratt, Spence / Bolton

June 29 Andrea Chenier Alagna, Radvanovsky / Oren

July 2 Carmen Morel, Hymel, Pisaroni / Jones (big screen only)

September 28 Marriage of Figaro Gerhaher, Harvey / Gardiner

October 19, Agrippina DiDonato, Fagioli, Crowe /Emelyanychev

October 26, Werther Florez, Leonard /Gardner

November 2 Don Giovanni Schrott, Bystrom, Papatanasiu / Haenchen (+ cinema)

November 23 Don Pasquale Terfel, Peretyatko / Pido (+ cinema)

December 28, Death in Venice Padmore, Finley, /Farnes


Jan 29 La Boheme Yoncheva, Castronovo, Filonczyk, Garifullinia / Villaume (cinema only)

March 28 Fidelio Davidsen, Kaufmann, Zeppenfeld /Pappano

Nov 28 Ariodante Murrihy, Reiss, Finley /Curnyn

Dec 26 Christmas Concert (Hansel & Gretel Act 2, La Boheme act 2, Magic Flute extracts) Davis, Hipp, Williams / Wigglesworth

The Royal Opera was closed for most of 2020 because of the pandemic


Jun 15 La Clemenza di Tito Montvidas, D'Angelo, Chevalier /Wigglesworth

July 16 Don Giovanni Schrott, Finley, Zaharia, /Trinks (streamed)

Oct 9 Rigoletto Alvarez, Avetisyan, Oropesa / Pappano

Oct 23 Jenufa Grigorian, Mattila, Spence, Pirgu / Nánási

November 27 La Traviata Oropesa, Avetisyan, Gerhaher /Manacorda (rebroadcast 8 Feb 2025)

December 18 Macbeth Keenlyside, Pirozzi, Kim /Rustioni


Feb 26 Bajazet Margheri, Giusti, O'Sullivan / Whelan

March 5 Theodora Bullock, Di Donato, Orlinski / Bicket

April 23 Peter Grimes, Clayton, Bengtsson, Terfel / Hetherington

June 25 Samson et Dalila, Baek, Garanča, Golinski /Pappano

July 9 Madama Butterfly Haroutounian, Tommaso, Meachem, Nikolaieva /Ettinger

September 17 Cavalleria Rusticana & Pagliacci Baek, Kurzak, & Berti, Platanias / Pappano

October 22 Don Giovanni Micheletti, Begtsson, Murrihy, /Trinks

October 29 Aida Stikhina, Meli, Rhelis / Pappano

November 26 Rape of Lucretia Stanley, Holt, Dufresne / Niemeyer

December 3 Alcina Oropesa, D'Angelo, Bevan / Curnyn


March 4 Tannhauser Ernst, Davidsen, Finley, Gubanova /Weigle

May 6 Rusalka Grigorian, Philip, Isaev, Connolly, /Bychkov

May 20 Saariaho - Innocence Carlstedt, Piau, Purves / Malkki

June 24 Wozzeck Gerhaher, Kampe, Hoare / Pappano

July 1 Il Trovatore Willis-Sørensen, Barton, Massi, Tézier / Pappano

September 16 Don Carlos Jagde, Davidsen, Micheletti, Relyea / Billy

October 7 Das Rheingold Maltman, Purves, Panikkar, Prudenskaya / Pappano

October 21 La Forza del Destino Radvanovsky, Jagde, Dupuis / Elder

October 28 L'Elisir d'amore Sierra, Avetisyan, Maestri / Quatrini

December 16 Jephtha Clayton, France, Coote / Cummings


February 10 Elektra Stundyte, Jakubiak, Mattila / Pappano

March 31 Der Fliegende Holländer Terfel, Strid, Milling / Nánási

May 25 Carmen Akmetshina, Beczala, Smoriginas / Manacorda

June 1 L'Olimpiade Li, Richmond, Redmond / Whelan (Irish National Opera on Tour in the Lindbury Studio Theatre)

June 15 Lucia di Lammermoor Sierra, Anduaga, Rucinski / Sagripanti

June 22 Andrea Chénier Kaufmann, Radvanovsky, Enkhbat / Pappano

July 13 Cosi fan tutti Schultz, Hankey, Behle, Schuen / Soddy

September 28 Le Nozze di Figaro Micheletti, Fang, Rendall, Bengtsson / Jones

October 26 Eugene Onegin Bintner, Mkhitaryan, Avetisyan / Nanasi

November 16 Trouble in Tahiti / A Quiet Place Neill, Giunta & Doyle, Pierce / Chalmers

November 23 Fidelio Davis, Cutler, Rose / Soddy

December 21 Les Contes d'Hoffmann Florez, Esposito, Pudova, Costa-Jackson, Jaho / Manacorda


March 1 Jenufa Winters, Mattlila, Spence / Hrusa