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11 Dec 2020 pgr <>
Sent:11 December 2020 18:01
To:EnglishHoD, Resource <>
Cc:PGREnglish, Resource <>; Varma, Rashmi <>
Subject:Message for PGRs

Dear all,

I hope everyone's doing ok and heading into some kind of break over the holidays. I'm sure the last day of term doesn't mean much when you're all working so hard on your theses in such difficult times. I wanted to write and let you know the department is really aware of how challenging and downright rubbish the current situation is for PhD students in particular. We know your work is being held back and we'll do everything we can to support you if the option of applying for funding extensions arises. While we can't promise anything will come through we will continue to lobby the University to support PGRs in terms of funding and time.

I know I've copied a few of our PGT students here too - we know it's also tough going for you too, so do let us know if there's anything further we can do to support you. We're all really hopeful for a happier and warmer term 2 and 3.

Take care of yourselves and have as much of a break as you can over the next few weeks. Happy holidays to all of you.

Best wishes,



Professor Emma Mason, Head of English and Comparative Literary Studies, University of Warwick