Research seminars
Annual Postgraduate Research Symposium
This is a popular and important fixture in the Department’s calendar. Each year towards the end of term 3 the Department hosts the Annual Postgraduate Research Symposium, a one-day event where MA and doctoral students present their work to members of staff as well as fellow students. Papers are organised in panels according to research area and chaired by appropriate members of staff. The atmosphere is friendly and supportive; students receive feedback and exchange ideas across research areas, as well as having the chance to develop their communication and presentation skills. It is an excellent opportunity to meet other postgraduate students and staff with similar research interests and to get involved in the life of the department. Participation is open to all doctoral students, irrespective of their year of study. You can find more details about the PG Symposium and previous years, here.
The Departmental Research Seminar
This is a programme of regular visiting speaker events. The seminar meets on selected Wednesday afternoons during term time. All postgraduate research students are expected to attend.
Seminars and Conferences outside the Department
There are a great variety of seminar and conference events taking place at Warwick each term. For information, keep checking the postgraduate notice board, and the notice boards in the fourth floor extension (Graduate Space), especially outside the Humanities Research Centre office. The Faculty of Arts sends out a weekly diary of forthcoming events by email to members of staff and postgraduate students – you should receive this as a matter of course, but if you haven’t, please contact the Faculty of Arts secretary.
Numerous seminar programmes are run by research centres and departments across the university which postgraduate students of all departments are welcome to attend. These include:
Early Modern and Eighteenth Century Centre
Centre for Research in Philosophy, Literature and the Arts
Yesu Persaud Centre for Caribbean Studies