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Centre for the Study of the Renaissance

Language & Skills Provision

Palaeography (English, Latin & Italian) designed to help doctoral students and early career fellows who are working in archives and libraries to make better sense of the materials they are reading and understand common conventions of transcription.

Latin for research aims to help participants develop the ability to read and understand Renaissance texts. Three streams available.

Greek for research a short course to introduce the complete beginner to the main elements of classical Greek.

External networks

We have close links with the following organisations:

ICLS ~ The International Courtly Literature Society (British Branch)

FISIER ~ International Federation of Societies & Institutes for the Study of the Renaissance
k opens in a new windowLink opens in a Johns Hopkins University

Newberry Library including funding opportunities (travel) and various fellowships

SEFR ~ Society for European Festivals Research

SNLS ~ Society for Neo-Latin Studies

IANLS ~ International Association for Neo-Latin Studies


The CSR organises special study days – and, subject to demand, longer courses. The last gathering was on Friday 20th September on the topic of 'Propaganda'.

Details of this year's event will be posted soon.

Details of more recent past events can be found HERE.