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Timetable for training sessions


For 2024-5, the training sessions, teaching observations and feedback will be in-person sessions, and will be delivered by Nancy Haijing Jiang. Please note that although each workshop has a particular focus (ie. building student confidence) these sessions are primarily responsive to tutor concerns, so please feel free to raise any questions or concerns on any aspect of teaching at any of the sessions.

Term 1, Week Zero (date TBC)

  • Introductions
  • Teaching undergraduates
    • attendance monitoring;

    • student support within the department and at university level;

    • common student concerns;

    • managing the transition from secondary school to undergraduate study

  • Preparing for the first seminars
  • Office hour etiquette
  • Questions and concerns

Term 1, Week 1: Teaching clinic (open drop-in)

  • I will be holding an open drop-in session for tutors if they have any further questions or concerns before first year seminar teaching starts properly in Week 2 (Usually Week 1 classes are just introductory meetings).

  • I will also email out links to the UG handbook once it is released.
  • We will arrange the time and day for the regular meetings once tutor timetables are finalised.

Term 1, Week 3: Teaching strategies (Engaging Discussion Tactics)

  • This workshop covers strategies for conducting interactive and lively seminar discussion for small groups (10 students) and large groups (15 students), with an emphasis on building student confidence and managing the group dynamic.
  • At the end of the session I will distribute a range of essays that tutors are asked to mark and provide written feedback for.

Term 1, Week 5 : Marking and feedback

  • Marking criteria;
  • formative and summative assessment;
  • Workshop and discussion of the essay marking exercise;
  • Discussion of the importance of providing timely, relevant and helpful feedback;
  • Role of the module convenor

Term 1 Week 7: Teaching strategies (Improving Student Writing)

  • In this workshop we continue our training on running interactive and lively seminars, with a focus on supporting students' academic writing
  • tutors feedback on their experience of marking formative assessments and of conducting seminars for the first half of term 1.

Term 1, Week 9: Building your teaching persona and philosophy

  • This is the final workshop of the term and the emphasis here will be on building your own teaching persona and philosophy as you reflect on your teaching this term. How might you construct your unique teaching style given your own particular backgrounds, interests, and stakes?
  • This workshop will also be a chance to discuss how to balance research work with teaching load.
  • We also discuss the reflective essay: all PG tutors submit a piece of reflective writing (2,000 words). This is a mandatory requirement to complete the training program.

Term 1, Weeks 4-9: Teaching Observations

  • Nancy will observe each tutor's seminar teaching;
  • Tutors can expect to be observed once and to receive detailed feedback;
  • Nancy arranges for one-to-one sessions with tutors who ask for additional support and agree on the timing of future observations.

Additional meetings

In Term 2, there will be two meetings (times and dates TBC) to discuss any tutor concerns about marking the assessed work and giving feedback (early Term 2 and late Term 2).

In Term 3, there will be one meeting (time and date TBC) on supporting students' revision (early Term 3).

Assessment and Feedback

In term 2, tutors will be marking assessed essays on some of the first year modules. Although the convenor of the module may moderate a sample of their marking, I am available for consultation on any aspect of the feedback process and hold weekly office hours (dates and times TBC).

Term 3 End of year module feedback forms: At the end of a module, students complete feedback forms where they are invited to comment on the teaching methods, the delivery of seminars, the quality of essay feedback that they have received and on the overall “success” of the module. Should any significant issues be raised regarding the quality of teaching, we will address them.

Completion of this training programme equates to the APP-PGR "Preparing to Teach" module.

Term 1: Training sessions and observations, plus reflective essay to be submitted over the Christmas break.

Term 2: Meetings at the start and end of term about marking and other concerns.

Term 3: Meetings at the start of term about exam preparation, marking and other concerns.


Useful documents/links:

Start of year information for 2022-23

Current students page (links to essay deadlines; personal tutors; tabula)

2024-5 office hours TBC