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EN2C5/EN3C5 Chaucer

Module description

This module allows students to read the major works of the most influential medieval poet in English alongside selections from the broader European literature that inspired him. Term 1 focuses on his early dream poems and his philosophical romance set in the Trojan War, Troilus and Criseyde. It will also introduce Chaucer’s first experiment in writing a story-collection, The Legend of Good Women. Term 2 examines the range of Chaucer’s writing in The Canterbury Tales, introducing students to the important medieval genres of romance, exemplum, miracle, and animal fable. We will also consider Chaucer’s afterlife and some of the continuations to his work produced in Middle English and Older Scots in the century after his death.

Prerequisites: Students taking this module should have passed EN121 Medieval and Early Modern Literature or (if they are visiting students) have some equivalent prior experience. If you are a visiting student, you are encouraged to contact the module convenor to discuss the suitability of this module.

Further information

Module convenor

Dr Sarah Wood

Module information 2025-26Link opens in a new window

For more information about this module, including syllabus, assessments, and links to the reading list, please click the link above.