25 Nov 2020
Sent:25 November 2020 18:11
To:EnglishHoD, Resource <englishhod@warwick.ac.uk>
Cc:Moore, Sian <Sian.Moore@warwick.ac.uk>; Barry, Liz <E.C.Barry@warwick.ac.uk>; UGEnglish, Resource <ugenglish@warwick.ac.uk>; PGEnglish, Resource <PGEnglish@warwick.ac.uk>
Subject:Message to all students in ECLS
Dear all,
I’m writing again with some important updates on the end of term and term 2 and how you can inform the department about your own plans for January.
As already communicated to you, Warwick will continue to offer a blended teaching approach. Campus will remain open, including accommodation, the library and study spaces and Warwick Presents (the University’s programme of food, activities and events) will ensure campus is a welcoming and exciting place to be.
However, the University also understands that due to travel limitations or personal circumstances, some of you may need to continue your learning online for some, or all, of term 2. Please read through the following information if you wish to notify the department you cannot come onto campus in term 2.
If you're a home student based in the UK and wish to be considered for exemption from on-campus teaching, please read through the defined criteria here: https://warwick.ac.uk/coronavirus/students/arrival/ If you believe you meet these criteria, or wish to talk further about your personal circumstances in relation to exemption, please email me directly and copy in our Senior Tutor, Dr Liz Barry (E.C.Barry@warwick.ac.uk).
If you had an exemption from on-campus teaching in term 1 and wish for this exemption to continue into term 2, please email me directly (emma.mason@warwick.ac.uk or EnglishHoD@warwick.ac.uk) also copying in Dr Barry and confirm why you would like your exemption to continue.
On-campus teaching in our department starts in week 4. If you are unable to join us on campus and plan on studying remotely, please notify me copying in Dr Liz Barry (E.C.Barry@warwick.ac.uk). As stated on our teaching pages, students who miss on-campus teaching can catch up on missed material via online office hours with tutors. In some instances, tutors will move seminars scheduled on-campus online if there are 50% or more students unable to attend an on-campus seminar.
There are implications for both EU and non-EU students who wish to study fully online. For more information see our Arrivals, Immigration and dates webpage for further information on term 2: https://warwick.ac.uk/coronavirus/students/arrival/
You may find it useful to view the Student Immigration and Compliance webpages if you have further queries: https://warwick.ac.uk/study/international/immigration/
If you are getting in touch with us about your term 2 arrangements, and you have an accommodation booking for term 2, we strongly recommend you get in touch with Warwick Accommodation: https://warwick.ac.uk/services/accommodation/ by 15 December, or your private accommodation provider. You should let Warwick Accommodation know if you have a formal exemption from on-campus teaching from the department.
Please also continue to check the Stay Safe at Warwick website: https://warwick.ac.uk/coronavirus/students/teaching/and look out for MyWarwick app alerts to see if changing circumstances are likely to further affect your studies. Information on the Christmas Student Travel Window is online here: https://warwick.ac.uk/coronavirus/student-travel-window
In the meantime, please look after yourselves and your families. You’re more than welcome to be in touch with any further questions.
Best wishes,
Professor Emma Mason
Head of English and Comparative Literary Studies
University of Warwick