Professor John Milbank
Professor John Milbank will be leading a workshop on his writing on November 12, 2014.
G03, Milburn House, 16.00-18.00
Professor Milbank is one of the most distinguished and controversial theologians currently working in the UK. He joined Nottingham's Department of Theology in September 2004 and previously taught at the Universities of Lancaster, Cambridge and Virginia. He is the author of several books including Theology and Social Theory and Being Reconciled: Ontology and Pardon and is one of the editors of the Radical Orthodoxy collection of essays, which has been widely commented on in print and online.
From his website
"In general he has endeavoured in his work to resist the idea that secular norms of understanding should set the agenda for theology and has tried to promote the sense that Christianity offers a rich and viable account of the whole of reality. At the same time he tends to insist that Christianity is itself eclectic and fuses many traditions - particularly that of biblical narrative with that of Greek philosophy. In style his theology is eclectic, interdisciplinary and essayistic - though it aims to be systematic in a somewhat ad hoc fashion. So far he has produced two books in the areas of Christian doctrine and ethics - though both have a strong philosophical component. In addition he has sustained interests in developing a political and social theology - critical of the liberationist current as insufficiently theological, while retaining a left-leaning perspective. Currently he is pursuing a long-term project concerning the topic of 'gift' which involves all the above-mentioned concerns. In the long-term he hopes to develop a fully-fledged 'Trinitarian ontology'."
MILBANK, J., 2013. Beyond secular order: the representation of being and the representation of the people Wiley-Blackwell.
MILBANK, J., 2012. Against human rights: liberty in the western tradition The Oxford Journal of Law and Religion. 1(1), 203-234
MILBANK, J., 2011. On "Thomistic Kabbalah" Modern Theology.
MILBANK, J., 2011. Hume versus Kant: Faith, Reason and Feeling Modern Theology.
DAVIS, C., MILBANK, J., PICKSTOCK, C. and ZIZEK, S., eds., 2010. Paul's New Moment: Continental Philosophy and the Future of Christian Theology Brazos.
MILBANK, J., 2010. The Mystery of Reason. In: CANDLER, P. and CUNNINGHAM, C., eds., The Grandeur of Reason: Religion, Tradition and Universalism SCM.
MILBANK, J., 2010. The New Divide: Romantic versus Classical Orthodoxy Modern Theology.
MILBANK, J., 2010. A Closer Walk on the Wild Side. In: WARNER, M., ET AL., ed., Varieties of Secularism in a Secular Age Harvard University Press.
MILBANK, J., 2010. Without Heaven there is only Hell on Earth: 15 Verdicts on Zizek's Response Political Theology.
MILBANK, J., 2010. Culture and Justice Theory, Culture and Society.
ŽIŽEK, S. and MILBANK, J., 2009. The monstrosity of Christ: paradox or dialectic? MIT Press.
MILBANK, J. and OLIVER, S., eds., 2009. The Radical Orthodoxy Reader Routledge.
MILBANK, J., 2009. Geopolitical Theology: Economy, Religion and Empire after 9/11. In: MORGAN, M., ed., The Impact of 9/11 on Religion and Philosophy Palgrave-Macmillan.
MILBANK, J., 2009. Radical Orthodoxy: A Conversation. In: OLIVER, S., ed., The Radical Orthodoxy Reader Routledge.
MILBANK, J., 2009. Afterword: The Grandeur of Reason and the Perversity of Rationalism. In: OLIVER, S., ed., The Radical Orthodoxy Reader
MILBANK, J., 2009. Sophiology and Theurgy: The New Theological Horizon. In: PABST, A. and SCHNEIDER, C., eds., Radical Orthodoxy and Eastern Orthodoxy Ashgate.
MILBANK, J., 2009. Commentary: Ecumenical Orthodoxy - A Response to Nicholas Loudovikos. In: PABST, A. and SCHNEIDER, C., eds., Radical Orthodoxy and Eastern Orthodoxy Ashgate.
MILBANK, J., 2008. The Future of Love Wipf and Stock.
MILBANK, J., 2008. Stale Expressions: The Management-Shaped Church Studies in Christian Ethics.
MILBANK, J., 2008. The ethics of honour and the possibility of promise In: Proceedings of the American Catholic Philosophical Association. 82. 31-65
MILBANK, J., 2006. The Thomistic Telescope: truth and identity American Catholic Philosophical Quarterly. 80(2), 193-226
MILBANK, J., 2005. The suspended middle: Henri de Lubac and the debate concerning the supernatural London: SCM Press.
DAVIS, C., MILBANK, J. and ŽIŽEK, S., eds., 2005. Theology and the political: the new debate Durham, NC: Duke University Press.
MILBANK, A.J., 2005. Fictioning Things: Gift and Narrative Religion and Literature. 37(3), 1-37 (In Press.)
MILBANK, J., 2005. Materialism and transcendence. In: DAVIS, C., MILBANK, J. and ŽIŽEK, S., eds., Theology and the political: the new debate North Carolina: Duke University Press. xii, 476
MILBANK, J., 2003. Being reconciled: ontology and pardon London: Routledge.
MILBANK, J. and PICKSTOCK, C., 2001. Truth in Aquinas London: Routledge.