News & events
Jan 19: Critical Environments Brown Bag Jamming Session
Critical Environments Brown Bag Jamming Session 19th January 2016
Theme: Critical Environments - New Interdisciplinary Directions in Teaching
You are cordially invited by Chris Maughan and Julie Hudson to an informal (bring your lunch) Critical Environments (CE) networking session in which (if so inclined) you are welcome to "jam" about your Eco-critical interests and activities with a view to developing and sharing ideas.
David Beck has kindly agreed to join us as lead "jammer" this month. David is Director of UG Studies and Director of Student Experience for joint (interdisciplinary) degrees in Global Sustainable Development. These exciting degrees encompass everything from economics to the sciences to theatre and beyond.........
Lots of food for thought......
When: January 19th 2016, from 12:30 to 13:30.
Where: H542
Jan 14: PG Workshop with Axel Goodbody
Thursday 14 January, 10am-12pm
Postgraduate Workshop on representations of climate change and climate scepticism (with Axel Goodbody, University of Bath)
This workshop will discuss discourses on climate change in an intercultural perspective, including the surprising similarities between some of the arguments of climate activists and sceptics, and will give research students from a variety of disciplines the opportunity to present and discuss their work on related topics.
Wolfson Research Exchange (Millennium Library, 3rd floor, Library Road, University of Warwick). Contact: Hanna Schumacher,
Jan 13: Axel Goodbody seminar
Wednesday 13 January, 4-6pm - Axel Goodbody (University of Bath), H2.02 Humanities
Telling the Story of Climate Change: Narrative Strategy and the Challenge of the Anthropocene
How does education and research figure in the UN Climate Agreement?
The Paris Agreement that was finalised on December 12th has had a mixed reception. For some it is an historic document that will keep global warming in check. For others it will deliver too little too late. Without repeating all of the arguments here this post is intended to just focus on what it says about education and research. Here there is some potential.
Dec 4: Critical Environments Brown Bag Jamming Session
You are cordially invited by Chris Maugham and Julie Hudson to an informal Critical Environments (CE) networking session in which (if so inclined) you are welcome to "jam" about your Eco-critical interests and activities with a view to developing and sharing ideas. Friday December 4th at 12:30; Julie (eco-theatre) and Chris (sustainable allotments) will be the kick-off jammers at this first session.