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Peter Larkin’s three collections of poetry, Terrain Seed Scarcity (2001), Leaves of Field (2006) and Lessways Least Scarce Among (2012) focus on the dynamics of landscape in terms of compressions of scarcity as both survival strategy and countermode. He contributed to The Ground Aslant: an Anthology of Radical Landscape Poetry (2011) and has published a book of essays, Wordsworth & Coleridge: Promising Losses (2012), which features a number of ecocritical studies. A new collection, Give Forest Its Next Portent, is due out from Shearsman next year. Main research interests are (Romanticist) ecopoetics, phenomenology and postmodern theology.

Emma Mason's research is focused on poetry as a way of negotiating the relationship between ecology and religion. Her current book, Christina Rossetti: Poetry, Ecology, Faith (Oxford University Press), argues that Rossetti models her religious life on plant subjectivity to prioritize an ecological ethics within faith. Mason has also argued for a 'green' grace as a way of reading ecological concerns in Heidegger, Latour, Felicia Hemans, John Clare, William Wordsworth and Jack Clemo. She is also working on a collected poems of Peter Larkin.

Pablo Mukherjee's major research interests include the relationship between imperialism, environmental crises and literature as well as 'green' post-colonial theory. His most recent books, Postcolonial Environments (Palgrave Macmillan, 2010) and Natural Disasters and Victorian Empire (Palgrave Macmillan, 2013) explore the colonial and post-colonial dimensions of environmental disasters and their impact on literary and cultural forms. Among his current projects is a collaboration with national and international institutions which analyses the impact of urban planning on violence and the registration of this in contemporary writing.

Michael Niblett’s research interests centre upon Caribbean literature and culture, as well as world literature, environmental history, and critical theory. He is interested in the literary encoding of ecology, modernity, nationhood, and class struggle in texts produced in the Caribbean and in other peripheral and semi-peripheral areas within the capitalist world-system. Between 2009 and 2012, he was involved in a Leverhulme Trust-funded research project entitled Literature and the Environment in the Caribbean: The Case of Guyana, which examined the intersection between aesthetics, the environment, and social justice in Guyana. His current research explores the ways in which world literature might be reconceptualised through the prism of what environmental historian Jason Moore terms “world-ecology”. Forthcoming publications include studies of the literary mediation of commodity frontiers and ecological revolutions; of the different political ecologies of resources such as oil, sugar, and rubber; and of the economic-ecological dynamics of boom-towns. Alongside Dr. Chris Campbell and colleagues from other institutions, he is pursuing a number of interconnected research interests centred on literature and world-ecology. Under the rubric of “Global Frontiers: Ecologies, Commodities, Labour and the Arts”, these research strands include “Plotting the World System: Cash-Crops, Foodways, and Literary Representation” and “Captain Swing and King Sugar: Approaches to World-Ecological Comparativism”.

Jonathan Skinner founded and edits the journal ecopoetics, which features creative-critical intersections between writing and ecology. His poetry collections include Birds of Tifft (BlazeVOX, 2011) and Political Cactus Poems (Palm Press, 2005). Skinner has published critical essays on Charles Olson, Ronald Johnson, Lorine Niedecker, Mei-mei Berssenbrugge, Bernadette Mayer, translations of French poetry and garden theory, essays on bird song from the perspective of ethnopoetics, and essays on horizontal concepts such as the Third Landscape and on Documentary Poetry. His current writing project focuses on bioacoustics and cross-species listening. A former Professor of Environmental Studies at Bates College, Skinner teaches in the Writing Program at the University of Warwick. Currently, he is writing a book of investigative poems on the urban landscapes of Frederick Law Olmsted, and a critical book on acoustic ecology in contemporary poetry, Vibrational Communication.

Nick Lawrence His research and teaching interests include American literature and culture from the nineteenth century to the present, especially within a world-ecological frame; histories of capital and modernity from an ecological perspective; critical theory and environmental philosophy, including the relations between work, unemployment and environmental crisis; media ecologies; and debates around the Anthropocene/Capitalocene. He has published on clifi, dystopia and post-capitalist imaginaries, climate breakdown pedagogy and the environmental legacy of the Frankfurt School.