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News from the Global History and Culture Centre

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Applications invited for a PhD studentship

Metallic Empire: Science, Energy, and Industrial Imperialism in the John Percy Collection, 1817–89

Applications are invited for a fully-funded PhD studentship (fees and maintenance) to be held at the Department of History, University of Warwick and the Science Museum, London. The studentship focuses on the colonial and industrial history of the John Percy Collection, held at the Science Museum, London. The Percy Collection comprises over 3,700 mineralogical specimens, including coal from South Africa, silver from Australia, and copper from India. The collection was made by John Percy FRS (1817–1889), and then subsequently acquired by the South Kensington Museum on his death.

Tue 08 Mar 2022, 11:19 | Tags: Postgraduate, Fellowship

Call for Papers: Global History Student Conference

24th-26th June 2022
An academic conference run by students from the MA Global History programme at the Humboldt Universität zu Berlin and Freie Universität Berlin.
We are looking for papers considering global history from all time periods and geographic regions, as well as from alternative perspectives. We encourage students at any point in their academic journey to participate. Please be advised that as the conference will be held in English, all submissions must also be in English.
Limited travel bursaries are also available for applicants requiring financial support to attend.
We are happy to discuss any queries from applicants; these should be directed to
For more details, please see the attached call for papers, and visit our website

Mon 28 Feb 2022, 14:31

Another URSS project: Cheryl Nah on 'FOREIGNER’S WALL - Who is the Berlin Wall for?'

This project looks at the impact of global media coverage on the memorialisation of the Berlin Wall. Cheryl Nah shows that external influences should be considered when understanding how national symbols are remembered and celebrated, especially in this increasingly globalised world.

Tue 14 Dec 2021, 08:01 | Tags: Publication, Undergraduate

URSS student Fu Ge Yang creates podcast on Traditional Chinese Medicine and SARS

What is Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) and what are its links to the 2003 SARS outbreak? Focusing on mainland China and from data collected via interviews with TCM physicians, I sit down with Cheryl to discuss some of the key findings and arguments. We will touch on TCM’s contribution to both SARS and COVID, how it operates in China as well as whether it is truly a marginalised and alternative medicine compared to biomedicine. Researcher: Fu Ge Yang, Invited guest: Cheryl Nah

Thu 09 Dec 2021, 18:42

Rethinking the Industrial Revolution: a debate at the British Academy

Recently, Joel Mokyr wrote the following, in a piece entitled "'The Holy Land of Industrialism': rethinking the Industrial Revolution"

"On the eve of the Industrial Revolution, Britain’s high-skilled workers were superior to those anywhere else, and this difference was a critical element in its technological performance during the Industrial Revolution. The institution that produced this superior competence was British apprenticeship, which was the chief source of technical human capital in this age."

Not everyone agreed...

In a reply entitled 'Slavery, Atlantic trade and skills: a response to Mokyr’s ‘Holy Land of Industrialism’', Maxine Berg and Pat Hudson wrote: 'We challenge the idea that Britain’s short-lived industrial primacy in the late 18th and early 19th centuries is explained by ‘comparative advantage’ in high-level artisan skills possessed by an elite workforce. Skills were vital to the industrial revolution but the timing of change and its regional concentration suggest that Britain’s rise to dominance in Atlantic trade was the major causal factor. Rapidly growing markets in Africa and the Americas, especially for textiles and metalwares, centred on Britain’s leading role in the slave trade and the extension of her plantation frontier in the Caribbean. Structural and industrial change, concentrated in the economic hinterlands of Atlantic ports, facilitated product and process revolutions. Diverse Atlantic demands and new Atlantic raw material supplies stimulated skill development and key innovations in light and heavy industry.'

For the whole debate, including other responses, please see the Journal of the British Academy, Volume 9.

Sat 13 Nov 2021, 19:32 | Tags: Publication

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