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Thomas Long, 'The Promise of Precommitment in Democracy and Human Rights: The Hopeful, Forgotten Failure of the Larreta Doctrine ' Perspectives on Politics, (Online FirstView: DOI: 10.1017/S1537592719002676). With Max Paul Friedman. 2019

Maxine Berg, ‘Sea Otters and Iron; a Global Microhistory of Value and Exchange at Nootka Sound 1774-1792, Past and Present Supplement, 14 2019, pp. 50-82.

Michael Bycroft and Sven Dupré, eds., Gems in the Early Modern World: Materials, Knowledge, and Global Trade, 1450-1800, Palgrave McMillan, 2019.

Rebecca Earle, Potato (Bloomsbury, 2019)

Rebecca Earle, ‘Potatoes and the Pursuit of Happiness’, Gastronomica 19:1 (2019), 14-32. Sophie Coe Prize 2020 Commendation.

Rebecca Earle, ‘The Political Economy of Nutrition in the Eighteenth Century’, Past & Present 242 (2019), 79-117.

Rebecca Earle, ‘Spaniards, Cannibals and the Eucharist’, To Feast on Us as their Prey: Cannibalism in the Early Modern Atlantic, ed. Rachel Herrmann, University of Arkansas Press (Fayetteville, 2019), 81-96. Volume awarded the Association for the Study of Food and Society’s 2020 Book Award.

Robert Fletcher, The Ghost of Namamugi: Charles Lenox Richardson and the Anglo-Satsuma War, Renaissance Books.

James Poskett, Materials of the Mind: Phrenology, Race, and the Global History of Science, 1815–1920 (University of Chicago Press, 2019),

Anna Ross, Beyond the Barricades: Government and State-Building in Post-Revolutionary Prussia, 1848-58 (Oxford: OUP, 2019)

Bishnupriya Gupta, “Falling Behind and Catching Up: India’s Transition from a Colonial Economy”, Economic History Review, 2019.

Bishnupriya Gupta, “Japan and the Great Divergence, 730-1870" (2018) with Jean-Pascal Bassino, Stephen Broadberry, Kyoji Fukao, and Masanori Takashima, Explorations in Economic History, 2019. (Larry Neal prize for the best paper in the journal in 2019)