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News from the Global History and Culture Centre

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Wednesdays in June, July and September, 16.00-17.30 (CEST), Via Zoom

Organizers: Giorgio Riello (HEC) and Glenda Sluga (EUI)

This series of talks organised by Giorgio Riello and Glenda Sluga (EUI) further the conversation on transnational and global histories of capitalism from 1500 to the present. Seven international scholars consider the connections and intersections between capitalism, politics, the history of empire and its legacies, environmental history, and public health.

All welcome! To register please contact Laura Borgese or follow the link for each event.


Thu 06 May 2021, 12:16 | Tags: webinar

Carlo Ginzberg and Francesca Trivellato in conversation on Microhistory and Global History

23rd Annual Joseph and Rebecca Meyerhoff Lecture in Judaic Studies March 2, 2021 | Zoom

Carlo Ginzburg and Francesca Trivellato

This event was cosponsored by the Center for Italian Studies, the History Department, Italian at Penn, the Jewish Studies Program Kutchin Seminar Series, the Workshop in the History of Material Texts, and the Kislak Center for Special Collections.

Wed 03 Mar 2021, 10:20 | Tags: webinar

Black Studies Reading Group

The Black Studies Reading Group offers a critical and creative space to discuss the work and writings of authors/activists of African descent. We are based in the History Department and open to both undergraduate and postgraduate students, as well as staff and those outside of the university. Through virtual and (someday) ‘real’ meetings, we aim to build a community of people who want to be committed to critical engagement with Black intellectual production, in all its forms.

We will meet regularly to engage with readings and creative performances that deal with Black history, culture and politics. It is our intention to centre the long history of Black communities in Britain (and wider Atlantic region) as well as its its diverse diasporic articulations. We very much welcome your suggestions for readings, talks and events in this collaborative space! We particularly welcome students and staff of colour to join our group.

Drop us a line at:

Fri 26 Feb 2021, 12:00


Conveners: Profs Giancarlo Casale, Pieter M. Judson and Glenda Sluga

14-16 September 2021, via ZOOM

In the nearly half century since the EUI History Department was established, the contours of European history have shifted away from nation-based or comparative approaches. The department now defines itself a center for the study of Trans-national, Global and comparative history. All of these approaches are implicitly about creating a new history of Europe, but have they accomplished this goal? What is the outlook for the future of this project? This summer school is devoted to asking, “What is European History in the 21st Century?” As historians call for the decolonization of history, and, simultaneously, face the historical distortions encouraged by resurgent populist nationalisms, reflection on the possibilities and problems of European history have never seemed more urgent. Should European history bring to the centre of its narratives, peoples and societies who are traditionally considered marginal to Europe? How can European History illuminate the global and transnational dynamics which have shaped the lives of differently situated Europeans?

The Summer School will combine discussion of methodological issues in global, transnational and comparative history with case studies by leading specialists from the European University Institute and other major universities.

Wed 24 Feb 2021, 08:06

David Washbrook (1948 – 25 January 2021)

It is with great sadness that we have learned that David Washbrook, great historian of India, passed away peacefully at home on Monday, the 25th of January after a relatively brief illness. David Washbrook joined the Warwick History department in 1974, and taught Indian History, Historiography and wider British and European history until 1992. He was a Visiting Professor at Harvard from 1986 to 1988, and was so well liked he was offered a permanent Chair there, but declined it to return to his Readership at Warwick. But he was soon after to leave Warwick to become Reader in Indian History at Oxford. He remained there until 2008 when he was awarded an Honorary Senior Research Fellowship at Trinity College, Cambridge. He taught regularly until shortly before his death on the MPhil in S. Asian history, and supervised many PhD students. Apart from his early monographs, he was a great essayist, a critical voice in developing new directions in the field, and the key figure in the field in the social and economic history of early modern South India. David joined the debates in global history as these emerged in the later 1990s, and made the history of India both central and accessible within this broad framework of global history. He was a great support in the early years of the Warwick Global History and Culture Centre, serving for several years as Honorary External Advisor and as External Examiner on the MA in Global History. David supervised, formally and informally, many students in the field now teaching in India, the UK and the U.S. His influence on his field has been enormous. He was always generous with his time, welcoming outsiders to his field and introducing them to the country he loved. We will all miss him so very much.

Wed 27 Jan 2021, 12:54

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