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News from the Global History and Culture Centre

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The third episode in our online concert series "Music, Culture, and Empire in 18th Century London" is available on Youtube.

Flautist Jonathan Slade digs up some gems from "A Gentleman's Pocket Companion to the Flute" from the 1730s; Mark Baigent explores the journey of the hautbois from Louis XIV's court to George I's procession on the Thames; and Emily White looks at the almost complete disappearance of the previously ubiquitous trombone from England's courts and cathedrals.

You can read Maxine Berg's introductory essay to the series here.
Wed 19 Aug 2020, 08:15

Fellows of the British Academy

We are *extremely* proud that TWO associates of the Warwick Global History and Culture Centre (one a current member, Rebecca Earle, and one a key former member, Gurminder Bhambra, have been elected as fellows of the British Academy.

See also:

Tue 28 Jul 2020, 10:42 | Tags: Award, Fellowship

Who knew potatoes could be this political?

Rebecca Earle's new book reviewed in The Telegraph on 20 June 2020, and here is a blogpost she wrote about the book:

Baked potato saved my life’, sang Matt Lucas, in a fundraising video for the NHS that brought smiles to faces across the UK. The joyful silliness helps explain its appeal. Of course a baked potato can’t save anyone’s life. Or can it'

Fri 26 Jun 2020, 08:59 | Tags: Publication

New book publication: Migration, edited by Johannes Knolle, Imperial College London, James Poskett, University of Warwick (Cambridge University Press)

Migration is in the news every day. Whether it be the plight of refugees fleeing Syria, or the outbreak of the Zika virus across Latin America, the modern world is fundamentally shaped by movement across borders. Migration, arising from the 2018 Darwin College Lectures, brings together eight leading scholars across the arts, humanities, and sciences to help tackle one of the most important topics of our time. What is migration? How has it changed the world? And how will it shape the future? The authors approach these questions from a variety of perspectives, including history, politics, epidemiology, and art. Chapters related to policy, as well as those written by leading journalists and broadcasters, give perspective on how migration is understood in the media, and engage the public more widely. This interdisciplinary approach provides an original take on migration, providing new insights into the making of the modern world.

Fri 19 Jun 2020, 09:55 | Tags: Publication

Webinar series: 'Conversations in Global History' at the EUI (Florence)

Organizers: Pieter M. Judson, Lucy Riall, Giorgio Riello (EUI)

A series of discussions with prominent scholars in the field of global history.
Each conversation will take place at 17:00-18:30 (Florence time) and each will involve a reading to be distributed in advance of the session.

Sat 06 Jun 2020, 10:28 | Tags: webinar, public lecture

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