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News from the Global History and Culture Centre

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Keeping Cultures Connected during the Pandemic: a Concert Series

Maxine Berg has been awarded funding from the Connecting Cultures GRP ('Keeping Cultures Connected during the Pandemic') to support a digital concert series by the Oxford-based baroque orchestra, Instruments of Time and Truth.

Fri 29 May 2020, 08:09 | Tags: Award

Why historians and economists should study each other’s subjects

In a new post that has appeared on the British Academy blog, Maxine Berg writes: 'The pressing issues of financial crisis, inequality and climate change call for a reformulation of current economic models. A closer integration of economics and economic history is likely to be a central part of this reformulation. For economists, there could be a new curiosity about what it means to think about actors and institutions ‘in time’, that is, historically. Equally for economists, the impact of their research will depend on making it accessible to historians and other social scientists. For historians this could bring a revival of historical work on material life in the years ahead. How can we open dialogue, engage with each other, and equip our students with the tools and historical context they need?'. Read the full piece here on

Thu 03 Oct 2019, 21:44

Research Fellowships in Munich

Call for applications issued by the recently founded Munich Centre for Global History:
The Munich Centre for Global History is advertising research fellowships for the summer term 2020. The fellowships have a duration of between 1 and 3 months and can be flexibly timed within the winter term. The call is open for postdoctoral researchers. They particularly encourage experienced colleagues in the field of global history to also consider applying.
The Munich Centre for Global History is a recently founded, interdisciplinary centre that seeks to bundle global history research in Munich and serves as a platform for innovative projects and approaches in the field. A wide range of different disciplines with a historiographical angle - such as archaeology, geography, art history or theatre studies to name but a few - are contributing to the centre. The centre will become fully operational with the summer term 2019. The attached call for applications is looking for the third cohort of fellows. Similar calls will be issued for the following terms.
Tue 09 Apr 2019, 19:14 | Tags: Fellowship

new publication by GHCC member David Anderson

A new article has been published by our colleague David Anderson on on Kenya's FGM crisis of the inter-war years. Please see the link below. David M. Anderson, 'Women missionaries and colonial silences in Kenya's female "circumcision" controversy', The English Historical Review 133, no.565 (2018)

Thu 22 Nov 2018, 08:57

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