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Memories of Exile and Return: Testimonies from the International Symposium 2010

Alan Angell - Founder of Academics for Chile (PDF Document)

Alan Phillips - General Secretary WUS (UK) 1973–1981 (PDF Document) 

Wendy Tyndale - Chile Committee for Human Rights - Joint Working Group (PDF Document)

Bibliography on Chilean refugees in the United Kingdom

Angell, Alan, 'Las dimensiones internacionales del golpe de estado chileno' [The International Dimensions of Chilean Coup], Revista de Ciencia Política 51 (2) (2013), 57–78 <>

Bayle, Paola, 'Los rubios. El compromiso británico hacia las víctimas de la dictadura militar chilena (1973–1990)' [Los rubios. The British commitment to the victims of the Chilean military dictatorship (1973–1990)], Sociedad Hoy 22 (2012), 77–93 <>

Bayle, Paola, La diáspora de una población calificada: el exilio académico chileno en el Reino Unido (unpublished doctoral thesis, Universidad Nacional de Cuyo, 2010)

Bayle, Paola, 1973: Chilean academics in the Emergency, in Österreichische Zeitschrift für Geschichtswissenschaften (Viena: Institut für Wirtschafts- und Sozialgeschichte- Universität Wien, 2010), pp. 119–146.

Joly, Danièle, 'Britain and its Refugees : The case of the Chileans', Migration 1 (1987), 91–108.

Kay, Diana, 'The Politics of Gender in Exile', Sociology 22 (1) (1988), 1–21.

Kushner, Tony and Knox, Katharine, 'Refugees from Chile: A Gesture of International Solidarity', in Refugees in an Age of Genocide: Global, National, and Local Perspectives (New York: Frank Cass, 1999), pp. 289–305.

Ramírez, Carolina, '"It's not how it was": the Chilean diaspora's changing landscape of belonging', Ethnic and Racial Studies 37 (4) (2014), 668–684 <>

World University Service (UK), A Study in Exile: A Report on the WUS (UK) Chilean Refugee Scholarship Programme (London: World University Service, 1986) (PDF Document) [Reference code for the report: MSS.925/1/10 (World University Service, UK; Modern Records Centre, University of Warwick)]

Other sources

Documents from the Collection of the World University Service (WUS) 1955–2007 can be found at the Modern Records Centre at the University of Warwick Library. For a catalogue of the collection see 

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