HRC Events Calendar
Interchange: Environment and Stability
Location: FAB5.03
Term 2: Environment & Sustainability
- Wednesday 15 February 2023
- 12:00 - 13:30
- FAB5.03
- Interchange is open to all researchers at any career stage; doctoral students are also welcome
- Lunch will be provided: please make sure to register your attendance so that we can cater accordingly
Addressing the climate crisis and generating sustainable solutions for society is at the top of the agenda for the university, the region, the nation and the world. What role can Arts and Social Sciences researchers play in tackling this challenge, and how can we ensure our contribution finds the right audience?
- Dr Caroline Kuzemko (Politics and International Studies)
- Dr Pietari Kaapa (Centre for Cultural and Media Policy Studies)
Chair: Professor Chris Brown (Education Studies)
For further details and to register, please visit: