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HRC Committee members

HRC Committee Members for 2024/25 are as follows:

Chair, Director of the HRC: Professor Alison Cooley (Classics and Ancient History)

The Chair of the Board of the Faculty of Arts, ex officio: Professor Rachel Moseley (SCAPVC)

Members of academic staff from the Faculty of Arts:

Dr Michael Bycroft (History)

Dr Milija Gluhovic (SCAPVC)

Professor Elisabeth Herrmann (SMLC)

Professor Eileen John (Philosophy) Term 1

Professor Paulo de Medeiros (English and Comparative Literary Studies)

Dr Caroline Petit (Classics and Ancient History)

Dr Johannes Roessler (Philosophy) Terms 2 and 3

Dr William Rupp - (Liberal Arts)

tbc (History of Art)

Alan Ashton-Smith