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Comparatives are used to compare things. For example:

My friend is richer than yours.

Mein Freund ist reicher als dein Freund.

Note: als is used for than when comparing

 so ... wie is used when both things are the same.

For example: Nikki ist schöner als Barbara. Peter ist so intelligent wie Paul.


The majority of adjectives have an -er ending. However, there are some irregular adjectives.

  • Some short adjectives add Umlaut as well as -er. For example: alt - älter, jung - jünger, groß - größer
  • Some short adjectives do not add Umlaut. For example: faul - fauler, klar - klarer, rund - runder
  • Some adjectives are irregular. For example: gut - besser, hoch - höcher, gern - lieber

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