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Spanish for Business 1 (LL128)



Advanced (post A level or equivalent)

Main Objectives:

This module provides a post-A level (or equivalent) entry for students wishing to progress through the Spanish pathway of the International Business degree, focussing on business and international affairs.

Assessment Scheme:

See assessment page




One 2-hour language class each week for 22 weeks.
Students are reminded that 1 credit = 10 hours of study, therefore the minimum expected amount of study is 240 hours, which averages over 10 hours per week. A substantial amount of independent study is therefore required.

Availability/Location of module within courses:

As a first year core course for the BSc (Hons) in International Business.


Susana Jackson-Houlston

Course Text-books (must be bought by student):

Empresa Siglo XXI, Emilio Romero/Emilia Núnez Peréz

Gramática de Uso del Español, Luis Aragonés y Ramón Palencia.

Additional material (provided by tutuor): Supplementary material will include articles from El País and other newspapers and journals, audiovisual material and other authentic resources which will be available on the Moodle webpage of the module. The course will also require use of a range of CD-ROMS, Web-based and other authentic materials.

Course Description

Students will be enabled to participate fully in work, study and social contexts in Spanish-speaking countries. This practically orientated module will enable students to read and analyse texts of various registers, including financial and statistical data.

The main learning objectives are:

  • to enable students to communicate effectively at an advanced level in predictable and unpredictable situations likely to be met in work or study situations in a Spanish-speaking country.
  • to help students improve accuracy of grammar and syntax and to familiarise them with essential reading techniques that will support further independent study of the written language.


  • La empresa, recursos humanos, marketing y publicidad, servicios y venta, importación/exportación, cámaras de comercio, la banca, la bolsa, negociaciones.

Communicative skills

  • Expresiones para hablar de la comprensión e incomprensión de un mensaje; Modismos para hablar de las buenas y malas relaciones/de cualidades o defectos; Fórmulas sociales; modismos y expresiones procedentes del mundo comercial, modismos para hablar de la igualdad de los sexos en la España contemporánea.