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Spanish for Business 3 (LL312)


This is the core language module of the IB degree in the fourth year following student placement in a Spanish-speaking country during their third year. Students will already have taken LL128 and LL223 in their first and second years respectively.
Main Objectives:
The module will develop further students’ fluency and accuracy in written and spoken Spanish.
One 2-hour language class each week for 21 weeks plus independent learning.
Availability/Location of module within courses:
As the fourth year core module for the BSc (Hons) International Business degree (Spanish strand).
Susana Jackson-Houlston
Course Texts (must be bought by student):
Francisca Castro, Uso de la gramática española: nivel avanzado (Madrid: Edelsa, 2011) ISBN 978-84-7711-7148

Dossier of texts and articles from newpapers, journals and web-based material. (Provided by tutor).
Additional material:
Suplementary material will include articles, audivisual material and other authentic resources which will be available on the Moodle webpage of the module .
Learning Outcomes:
  • Understand and communicate effectively at near native speaker level using appropriate register, vocabulary and style.
  • Write reports, analyses, and other documents pertinent to international business and current affairs with a high degree of accuracy and with due regard to the formalities of conducting business in a range of Spanish-speaking countries.
  • Discuss in speech and writing a range of economic, political and educational topics.
  • Demonstrate an extensive knowledge of national structures and business practice and the contexts in which they operate in a number of Spanish-speaking countries.
  • Use a wide range of evidence in presenting and discussing topics using multiple approaches, sources and media, including documentary, bibliographical, statistical, etc.
  • El mundo laboral: cartas y entrevistas de trabajo
  • El mundo laboral II: tipos de contratos
  • Franquicias y negocios hispanos
  • Inditex: la receta del éxito
  • Las compañías startup
  • El comercio justo
  • La "movilidad exterior" o cómo nos fuimos de España
  • El fin del bipartidismo en España
  • Las cumbres iberoamericanas. Mercosur
  • La mujer en el mundo laboral
  • La tecnología en la economía
  • La rebelión del consumidor.
Communicative skills:
  • Repaso del imperativo y la voz pasiva.
  • Ser y estar con expresiones idiomáticas.
  • Oraciones Condicionales y sus conectores.
  • Usos del subjuntivo.
  • Perífrasis verbales.
  • Verbos con infinitivo o gerundio
  • Modismos.
  • Acentuación.