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Chinese Post Beginners (L33) - 2018/19



You might have completed a beginners' course of approximately 50 hours, or studied the language before, so that you only have very limited vocabulary and basic grammar knowledge of Mandarin Chinese. You can cope with simple predictable situations, and want to extend your grammar knowledge in order to cope with wider daily topics.

Main Objectives:

By the end of the course, you should be able to use appropriate constructions to express different tenses in languages, so that build confidence to communicate in a wider range of topics. You will further develop your speaking, listening and reading skills, and leanr more Chinese characters. At the same time, you will understand more about Chinese culture and society.

Please read our Can-do Statements (link on the right of this page) to see the competences which you will be working towards and can achieve by the end of the year.


1 x 2 hour class per week plus some independent learning.

Course Text

Discover China Student’s Book One &Two, Anqi Ding, MACMILLAN, ISBN: 978-0-230-40595-0, 978-0-230-40639-1

All text books can be purchased from the University Bookshop.


Course Description

This course is based on the textbook 'Discover China book 1’ (unit 9-12) and ‘Discover China book 2’ (unit 1-2). Teaching will be focused on spoken language with daily issues. Although both Pinyin and characters will be in use, students are recommended to learn Chinese characters through the workbook which contains both exercises and character writing guide. Understanding characters will be very helpful if you want to attain a higher level of competence in the language. Specific culture background will be given to help students understand the language. Students will be supported by abundant resources including workbook, Mp3 downloads, extra speaking activities and other online materials.

Homework will be given after each session to enable you to reinforce and practice the language learnt in class.


This course will cover the following:


  • Asking for and giving locations;
  • Talking about different types of transport;
  • Talking about travel plans;
  • Talking about different types of sports;
  • Talking about likes and dislikes;
  • Talking about holiday;
  • Talking about one’s daily routines;
  • Talking about weather, seasons and clothes.


  • Expressing existence and locations;
  • Expressing alternatives;
  • Making suggestions and comparisons;
  • Expressing superlatives;
  • Using modal verbs 可以, 会 and auxiliary word 得
  • Expressing past actions and future actions;
  • Expressing regular events.