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Spanish Post Beginners (L123)



You may have studied the language at school some years ago or attended a beginners' course of approximately 50 hours. You have very limited vocabulary and some understanding of basic structures. You can just about cope with predictable situations but lack confidence in other contexts.

Main Objectives:

The course will introduce new tenses and help you to communicate in everyday social or work situations.

Please read our Can-do Statements (link on the right of this page) to see the competences which you will be working towards and can achieve by the end of the year.


1 x 2 hour class per week plus some independent learning.


Course Texts (must be bought by student):

  • Nuevo Prisma Nivel A1, Edición ampliada (12 unidades) - Libro del Alumno + CD + extensión digital. Edinumen. ISBN: 978-84-9848-6049
  • Recommended: Nuevo Prisma Nivel A1, Edición ampliada (12 unidades) - Libro de Ejercicios + extensión digital. Edinumen. ISBN: 978-84-9848-6018

A copy can be purchased from the University Bookshop.

Course Description

Based on a step-by-step approach, the course is divided into learning blocks each of which focuses on practical, useful and manageable language.

You will develop cultural awareness of the Spanish speaking world.

You will have access to online resources for a more independent learning.

Homework tasks will be set each week to consolidate what you have learnt in class.



  • telling the time;
  • days of the week, months and seasons;
  • daily routine;
  • leisure, hobbies;
  • expressing agreement and disagreement;
  • food;
  • illnesses and health problems;
  • parts of the body;
  • talking about the weather;
  • varieties of Spanish.


  • reflexive verbs;
  • adverbs;
  • verbs like ‘gustar’, ‘doler’;
  • indirect object pronouns;
  • present tense of irregular verbs;
  • future tense using 'ir + a';
  • present continuous (gerund);
  • preterite (past tense);
  • imperative (affirmative).


  • listening, speaking, reading and writing.