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Spanish Advanced 1 (L127)



You have good vocabulary and a fair understanding of fundamental grammatical rules and how to apply them. You may have done an advanced level course at school at least A2 level grades A & B or 5 years attendance at evening classes. You feel reasonably confident speaking in most common social or work settings and you are developing fluency in your reading and writing. You now want to use the language more flexibly and use appropriate register to suit the context. You also want to sort out in your mind (and on paper) some of the more complex grammar forms.

Main Objectives:

The course gives you an opportunity to discuss and study various aspects of the Spanish world contemporary reality by considering images of Spain and Latin America in the 21st century and their culture. The course will demand greater accuracy from you and involve you more in the exploration of issues of a cultural or political nature.

Please read our Can-do Statements (link on the right of this page) to see the competences which you will be working towards and can achieve by the end of the year.


1 x 2 hour class per week plus some independent learning.


Course Texts (must be bought by student):

  • Nuevo Prisma Nivel B2 - Libro del alumno + CD. Edinumen. ISBN: 978-84-9848-641-4


  • Nuevo Prisma Nivel B2 - Libro de ejercicios + Extensión digital. Edinumen. ISBN: 978-84-9848-643-8

A copy can be purchased from the University Bookshop.


Course Description

The course gives you an opportunity to discuss and study various aspects of the Spanish world contemporary reality by considering images of Spain and Latin America in the 21st century and their culture.

You will be part of a small group (up to 12 people) and will have plenty of opportunity to talk. You will be encouraged to take part in discussions and debates, to exploit texts, videos and audio materials. You will discover contemporary artists and follow political and social developments in the Spanish news. Weekly homework tasks will be set.



  • voluntary work: ONGs;
  • learning foreign languages;
  • travel;
  • music;
  • health and sports;
  • new technologies;
  • art;
  • cinema;
  • memories
  • old and new professions;
  • current affairs.


  • revision of past tenses;
  • revision of the present subjunctive;
  • the imperfect subjunctive;
  • the passive voice and impersonal sentences with ‘se’;
  • Impersonal sentences with 'ser' and 'estar';
  • reported speech;
  • relative clauses;
  • comparative and superlative;
  • verbal periphrasis (phrasal verbs);
  • verbs expressing change;
  • conditional sentences;
  • connectors to show concession.


  • listening, speaking, reading and writing.