Spanish Advanced 2 (L128) - Not offered in 2018/19
You have very good vocabulary and a good understanding of grammatical rules and how to apply them. You may have done one year of post A2 level study or 6 years attendance at evening classes. Whilst being able to communicate and interact with ease in most common social or work situations, you can grasp most of the language spoken at native speaker speed. You feel confident understanding written documents and you are developing fluency in your writing. You may have lived in a Spanish speaking country and/or visit it regulary.
Main Objectives:
The course will demand greater accuracy from you and involve you more in the exploration of issues of a cultural or political nature.
Please read our Can-do Statements (link on the right of this page) to see the competences which you will be working towards and can achieve by the end of the year.
1 x 2 hour class per week plus some independent learning.
Course Text
Uso de la gramática española / Nivel avanzado - New edition 2011, Edelsa, ISBN: 978-84-7711-714-8
Course Description
You will be part of a small group (up to 12 people) and will have plenty of opportunity to talk. Homework tasks will be set weekly.
This course will cover the following:
- current affairs;
- varieties of Spanish;
- Spanish and Latin American cultures and traditions;
- music and literature of the Spanish-speaking world;
- topics of general interest about Latin America and Spain.
- revision of all tenses in indicative and subjunctive;
- revision of 'ser' and 'estar';
- revision of prepositions, connectors and relative pronouns;
- revision of the passive voice;
- listening, speaking, reading and writing.