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Learning Together

Virtual Exchanges

International Virtual Exchange between Warwick and Chinese universities (Shanghai Jiaotong University, Harbin Institute of Technology, Northwestern Polytechnical University, Qingdao University and Beijing Normal University).

Online poetry workshop

Students are paired with a partner or in a small group to meet online, complete activities and a collaborative project together and present their project in the end of the exchange. Students get the Certificate of Participation with logos of the two universities and A HEAR report

We run calligraphy workshops each year for students to do hand on calligraphy practice to learn more about Chinese characters and Chinese arts as well as understanding the Chinese culture.

We run virtual exchange programmes and speaking clubs encourage cross-cultural cooperation with students in China or other countries or with other Chinese students on campus to encourage.

We give the students chance to understand culture through translating ancient Chinese poems.

Conversation club

Arabic Beginners LDS have established WhatsApp Group for practising speaking skills and exchanging ideas and useful websites.

Also, for Arabic Beginners LDS, Arabic 3 (optional and LDS) and Arabic 4 (optional and LDS), we have used AI for learning purposes and for enhancing reading and writing skills. The main platform used is DiffitLink opens in a new window.

We are planning to establish a virtual exchange with the University of Rabat, Morocco. The director of the Language Centre will be visiting Warwick 10-12 July and we will discuss the exchange with him.

Learning a language through film

Arabic 4 (optional and LDS) have been exposed to a variety of films touching on social, political and cultural aspects of the Arab World. These films have either Arabic subtitles or English subtitles. These led to discussions among students and raised some questions which enhanced their understanding. A sample of these are the links opposite.

There were also poetry reading sessions, particularly on one the most famous Syrian poets Nizar Qabbani who is known as the poet of love, women and politics.

On the issue of women rights and how women are perceived in the Arab World, two films were shown and discussed: one about Nawal Al-Saadawi, a feminist, and another called “Wajda” demonstrating the struggle of women against the patriarchal society.

Community projects

Arabic students at Warwick have been working to support immigrants at the Coventry Refugee CentreLink opens in a new window.


Choix Goncourt UK

For the past four years, students of French from the SMLC and departments across Warwick have taken part in the Choix Goncourt UKLink opens in a new window, a prestigious literary event organised by the

Higher Education, Research and Innovation Department at the French Embassy and the Institut français, in partnership with the Académie Goncourt. The event gives our students the opportunity to read and discuss up to four contemporary Francophone novels. Students can join our reading groups and engage in the event through social networks. During the “Semaine de la Francophonie” in March, two Warwick representatives are invited at the French Embassy, London to select with students from 14 other universities the winner of the Choix Goncourt UK.

Cultural projects

Chinese calligraphy workshop

Calligraphy Workshop

We run calligraphy workshops each year for students to do hand on calligraphy practice to learn more about Chinese characters and Chinese arts as well as understanding the Chinese culture.


Understanding culture through translating ancient Chinese poems

We give the students chance to understand culture through translating ancient Chinese poems.

Student lead language taster sessions

 Arabic, Chinese, Japanese and Russian

A group of SMLC students studying Chinese, Japanese, Russian, and Arabic gave a taster language class to fellow SMLC students and other university students. The students created their own teaching materials to teach essential phrases as well as writing scripts.


Social event in class during which students became acquainted with food culture and participated in making recipes (tabboula, homous, etc)