Dr Teresa Grant
BA (Cantab), MA (London), PhD (Cantab), PGCHE (Liverpool).
Research Interests
I have research interests in Medieval, Renaissance and Restoration drama, especially issues surrounding staging, and in Renaissance literature and culture. My current project is as General Editor (with Eugene Giddens and Barbara Ravelhofer) of the Oxford University Press 10 volume The Complete Works of James Shirley. I am writing a monograph for CUP based on my doctoral work about the uses of animals on the early modern stage.
Selected publications
‘Dramatic Representations of Mary Tudor in the Early Years of the Seventeenth Century’ in Mary Tudor: Old and New Perspectives, ed. Susan Doran and Thomas S. Freeman (Palgrave, 2011).
Teresa Grant and Barbara Ravelhofer, ed., English Historical Drama 1500-1660: Forms Outside the Canon (Palgrave, 2007).
‘Entertaining Animals’ in A Cultural History of Animals, gen. ed. Brigitte Resl and Linda Kalof, Volume 3. The Renaissance (1400-1600) ed. Bruce Boehrer, (Berg, 2007).
Teaching and supervision
I have supervised MA dissertations on Milton, Wyatt and Petrarch, early modern theatre and on factionalism at the court of Henry VIII. Recently research students have been working with me on James Shirley’s Irish Plays and on Caroline Lord Mayors’ pageants. I would be delighted to hear from anyone planning to start a research degree on aspects of early modern drama, especially on Shirley and his contemporaries. On the English undergraduate course, I usually teach on EN228 Seventeenth Century Literature and Culture or EN301 Shakespeare and Selected Dramatists. From 2012, I will be running two new 15 CATS courses, Early Modern Drama (term 1) and Restoration Drama (term 2) which can be taken together or combined with other 15 CATS courses. My undergraduate teaching expertise also includes drama from Greek tragedy to the present day and late medieval literature. Undergraduates wishing to write a final year dissertation on seventeenth-century drama (including Restoration Drama) are encouraged to contact me.