Selected reviews:
Felix Barker, 'Ben Jonson in an over-gilded cage', The Evening News, 17 January 1968
Herbert Kretzmer, 'Prancing, dancing, giggling - endless', Daily Express, 17 January 1968
Anthony Merryn, 'A florid fantasy', Liverpool Daily Post, 17 January 1968
David Nathan, 'Volpone... strictly for the birds', The Sun, 17 January 1968
Henry Popkin, 'Black comedy still has too much', The Times, 17 January 1968
Gordon, Samuel, 'Seamy side of the moral underworld', Yorkshire Post, 17 January 1968
Eric Shorter, 'Too much production in Guthrie Volpone', The Telegraph, 17 January 1968
Milton Shulman, 'Too much human jungle', The Evening Standard, 17 January 1968
J. C. Trevin, Birmingham Post, 17 January 1968
Alan Bien, 'Volpone gets the business', Sunday Telegraph, 21 January 1968
Ronald Bryden, The Observer, 21 January 1968
'Comedies with happy endings', Tribune, 26 January 1968
Martin Esslin, Plays and Players, March 1968, 14-7