Bibliography - Thomas Kyd: The Spanish Tragedy
The section currently comprises of over 1,000 bibliographical entries and sub-entries, covering three main areas: editions, criticism and productions. The database has been coded and tagged for search by:
- entry type (criticism, editions, production, bibliography, passim, context, screenplay, and performance script);
- century (from the 16th to the 21th century);
- year
- source type (book, book section(s), article(s) in collection, journal article, journal review, newspaper review, programme, radio review, etc);
- edition type (single play, anthology of works, etc);
- production type (professional, amateur, tour, transfer, revival, and radio);
- authorship (for editions of the play: anonymous or Thomas Kyd);
- media (print, electronic, microfilm);
- director (Bogdanov, Boyd, Byrne, Daley, and MacDonald);
- venue (Cottesloe, Lyttelton, Swan, Pit, Christ Church, St Edmund Hall, The Mint, etc);
- location (Warwick Library, Beyond Warwick Library, open access website, lost).
Entries for major works (such as editions and main critical studies) also include information on reviews, reprints and later editions. University of Warwick Library classmarks for printed resources and/or links for electronic sources have been provided where available. Coding work has begun in order to provide an accurate set of content tags for each bibliographical entry. We are also working to make the database searchable by author.
For contributions and/or submission of bibliography entries, contact Dr Nicoleta Cinpoes.
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