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Dr Nicoleta Cinpoes


My research focuses on Shakespeare: performed, edited, filmed, adapted, translated, recycled; on Elizabethan and Jacobean drama; on performance hermeneutics and audience studies; on European and Foreign Shakespeare; on early modern e-resources; on performance documenting and archiving. I have published on Shakespeare contrmporary productions, on translations of Hamlet, on Bond's and Wesker's recyclings of Shakespeare, and on audience studies.

Currently I am completing a monograph on Romania's Hamlet and editing Doing Kyd - a collection of critical articles. I am preparing the introductory study to the new translation of Hamlet in Romanian (forthcoming in 2011).

Click here for a list of selected publications.


I am organising Hamlet: Stage Productions and Translations, a two-day seminar for the International Shakespeare Festival - The Hamlet Constelation, Craiova - Romania, April 2010. The seminar will be chaired by Prof Michael Dobson and Prof Lawrence Guntner.


BSA - British Shakespeare Association

SAA - Shakespeare Association of America

ESRA - European Shakespeare Research Association

ISA - International Shakespeare Association


At Worcester I teach modules on: Shakespearean Comedy; English Literature: 1585-1800; Justice and Revenge in English Renaissance Drama; Contextualising Shakespeare; and Literature in Film, alongside I teach a range of modules on research skills and methodology.

Undergraduate Supervision

This year I supervise dissertations on: Homoeroticism in Shakespeare's Comedies; Fairies in Shakespeare's Plays; Poetry and Politics: Obscenity in Rochester's Poetry; Sex and Politics in Aphra Behn's Work: An Exploration of Royalist Sympathies and Proto-feminist Ideas; Shakespeare's Absent Mothers. Previously, I supervised work on Shakespeare as a Collaborator, and on Witches in Shakespeare.

Institute of Humanities and Creative Arts
University of Worcester
Bredon 190
Henwick Grove
WR2 6AJ, Worcester