Daria Akhapkina

Daria Akhapkina is a PhD Candidate at the University of Warwick Centre for the Study of the Renaissance. Her doctoral project, “Edible Saints and Holy Vices: Late Medieval and Renaissance Ecclesiastical Parody”, investigates the development of ecclesiastical parody in Latin and Middle French from the 13th to the 16th centuries. In her research, she focuses on the transition from Latin to the vernacular and analyses the development of religious parody in its integrity, presenting it as a heterogeneous entity, capable of change and yet keeping in line with the established literary traditions.
Daria obtained her MA degree with distinction from the University of York (2020-2021) and a BA Hons from Moscow State University (2016-2020). She received Chancellor’s International Scholarship from the University of Warwick Doctoral College in 2022.
Her research interests include (but not limited to) medieval and renaissance comedy, literary parody and satire in Latin and Middle French, humour in hagiography and sermons.
Akhapkina, Daria N. ""A devout and holy sermon”: sources of parody in sermons joyeux" in HUMOR: The International Journal of Humor Research, 2 (De Gruyter Mouton, 2024), p.p. 217-235
‘Between Art and Life: the Gargantuan World of Medieval Laughter’, ed. by Elena Lichmanova and Daria Akhapkina, Vox Medii Aevi, vol. 2 (9) (“Cheornoye Iskusstvo” Press, 2021).
Conference papers:
'Strange Entanglement: Sacred and Comical in Le Roman de Renart' – International Medieval Congress, Leeds (4-7 July, 2023)
‘Edible Saints: Borderline Blasphemy?’ – International Medieval Congress, Leeds (4-7 July 2022)
- ‘Sacred and Comical in Sermons Joyeux’ – International Congress on Medieval Studies, Kalamazoo, Michigan (10 May 2022)
- ‘Sermons Joyeux: a Genre Study’ – ‘Transitions’ CMS PGR conference, Bristol (29 April 2022)
- ‘Pious trickster and foul monk: Religious satire in Roman de Renart’ – ‘The Sacred and The...Profanity’ online symposium, Bristol (08 September 2020)
- ‘The Boundaries of Folly: A Study of the Ecclesiastical Parody’ – International Medieval Congress, Leeds (6-9 July 2020)