Dr Jack Avery

Bio & Research Interests
Hello! I'm an honorary research fellow with the Centre for the Study of the Renaissance. My main interest is in exploring the relationship between newsprint and literary writing during the seventeenth century, and in England and the Low Countries in particular. Not satisfied with that alone, I've also been known to work more widely on Anglo-Dutch cultural exchange, satire and propaganda, early modern intellectual culture, correspondence networks, and the writing of late seventeenth-century mariners. I'm currently working with William Poole of New College, Oxford, on a complete edition of the correspondence of the antiquarian and biographer John Aubrey. I always welcome inquiries on any of these topics, so please do get in touch.
Newswriting and Satire during the Anglo-Dutch Wars, 1665–1674 (Leiden: Brill, forthcoming 2025).
Newton at New College: Strange Stories from Sir Isaac Newton’s Manuscripts (New College, Oxford: forthcoming late 2024).
'English Readers of Dutch Satires during the Third Anglo-Dutch War’ [forthcoming]
'Poetry in the Journals of Restoration mariners' [forthcoming]
‘Reading Andrew Marvell with John Aubrey (and occasionally Anthony Wood)', Marvell Studies, 9:1 (2024), 1-23. Find it here.
‘The King and the People in Newsbooks’, in Words at War, edited by Andrew Hadfield and Paul Hammond (Oxford: Proceedings of the British Academy, 2024), 222-33.
‘“A chain of invincible reasoning”? Isaac Newton’s Writing Practices in the New College Manuscripts’, New College Notes, 17 (2022), 1-20. Find it here.
‘Reading News about Parliament in the United Provinces, 1672–1674’, in Silken Lines and Silver Hooks: Anglo-Dutch Connections in the Early Modern World, edited by Sjoerd Levelt, Esther van Raamsdonk, and Michael Rose (Oxford: Routledge, 2022), 124-132. Find it here.
'Anglo-Dutch relations in the seventeenth century', in North Sea Crossings: The Literary Heritage of Anglo-Dutch Relations, 1066 to 1688, edited by Sjoerd Levelt and Ad Putter (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2021), 188-231.
'"That Lie of State": Andrew Marvell, the Earl of Arlington, and Restoration Newswriting, Seventeenth Century, 36;1 (2021), 81-104. Find it here.
'Newswriting and Satire during the Second and Third Anglo-Dutch Wars' (Doctoral Thesis, 2021). Available on The National Archives website.
Inspiring Aubrey quote
'I love not businesse and riseing early is death to me'.