Dr Elizabeth Goldring, FSA FRHistS (MA, MPhil, PhD Yale) Honorary Reader

My research interests are interdisciplinary, often straddling the boundaries between art, literature, and history. Areas of particular expertise include: Tudor painting; 16th- and 17th- century court culture; England and the Continental Renaissance; portraiture and biography; and the reception of Tudor art and literature from the 17th century to the present. Current work-in-progress includes a new book on Hans Holbein the Younger, whose life and art I recently discussed 'In Conversation' at the Queen's Gallery (now the King's Gallery), Buckingham Palace and in the Sky Arts television documentary Stories from the National Portrait Gallery. I am a Fellow of the Society of Antiquaries, a Fellow of the Royal Historical Society, a Member of the Selden Society Council, and a Member of the Athenaeum's Works of Art Committee.
Virtually all of my publications are rooted in new archival discoveries. My most recent book, Nicholas Hilliard: Life of an Artist (Yale, 2019), won the Apollo Book Prize and was short-listed for three other major awards: the William M. B. Berger Prize for British Art History, the Slightly Foxed Best First Biography Prize and the Richard Schlagman Art Book Award. Other books include Robert Dudley, Earl of Leicester, and the World of Elizabethan Art (Yale, 2014), which won the Roland H. Bainton Prize for Art History; and, as General Editor, John Nichols's The Progresses and Public Processions of Queen Elizabeth I: A New Edition of the Early Modern Sources (Oxford, 2014), which won the Roland H. Bainton Prize for Reference, the MLA Prize for a Scholarly Edition, and was named a TLS 'Book of the Year'.
I am committed to bringing the past to life for the widest possible audience, to which end I have discussed my research in interviews with The Guardian, The Times, The Independent, The Guardian, Country Life, and BBC History Magazine, among other publications; on podcasts such as Suzannah Lipscomb's Not Just the Tudors; and on radio and television programmes such as Radio 3's Hark! An Acoustic Archaeology of Elizabethan England, Radio 4's Start the Week with Andrew Marr, Times Radio's On This Day in History, BBC1's Who Do You Think You Are, BBC 4's Lucy Worsley's Fireworks for a Tudor Queen, and Channel 5's Digging Up Britain's Past. I recently had the privilege of taking part in a public conversation on Tudor art at the Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, as well as in a roundtable discussion on Tudor painting (part of the 'Tudors Now!' Public Events Series) at the National Portrait Gallery, London.
I review new books and exhibitions for a wide range of publications, including Apollo, the Burlington Magazine (where I have been a member of the Consultative Committee since 2011), the TLS, the Spectator, the London Review of Books, and the Literary Review. I have served as a consultant to numerous arts organisations, including the BBC, which I have advised on several fact-based television programmes; and English Heritage, which I have advised on two major projects at Kenilworth Castle, Warwickshire: the re-creation of the Elizabethan garden (opened 2009) and the permanent exhibition 'Queen and Castle: Robert Dudley's Kenilworth' (opened 2006).
Since 2018, I have been an Ambassador for the Lord Leycester Hospital, Warwick, a charity founded by Robert Dudley, Earl of Leicester, in 1571 and housed in an extraordinary complex of Grade 1 listed timber-framed buildings.
e-mail: e.goldring@warwick.ac.uk
Instagram: @elizabeth.goldring
Nicholas Hilliard: Life of an Artist (Yale University Press/Paul Mellon Centre for Studies in British Art, 2019).
[Reviews and/or notices include: Apollo, Antiques Trade Gazette, Art Book Review, The Artist, Art Newspaper, Art Quarterly, Arts Society Magazine, BBC History Magazine, The British Art Journal, British Museum Magazine, The Burlington Magazine, Country Life, Choice, Church Times, The Daily Telegraph, The Evening Standard, The Financial Times, The Financial Times Weekend Magazine, Fourth Estate, The Guardian, History Today, The Journal of British Studies, The Lady, Literary Review, London Review of Books, The Oldie, Open Letters Review, Renaissance Quarterly, The Royal Academy Magazine, The Seventeenth Century, The Spectator, The Spenser Review, The Sunday Times, The Times, TLS, V&A Magazine, West Country Life, and World of Interiors.]
Robert Dudley, Earl of Leicester, and the World of Elizabethan Art: Painting and Patronage at the Court of Elizabeth I (Yale University Press/Paul Mellon Centre for Studies in British Art, 2014).
[Reviews and/or notices include: The Architectural Historian, The Burlington Magazine, Cahiers Elisabethains, Cassone, Choice, Country Life, The Guardian, Journal of British Studies, Journal of the History of Collections, Journal of the Northern Renaissance, Notes and Queries, Renaissance Quarterly, Sehepunkte, The Sidney Journal, and TLS.]
General Editor, John Nichols's The Progresses and Public Processions of Queen Elizabeth I: A New Edition of the Early Modern Sources, 5 vols (Oxford University Press, 2014).
[Reviews and/or notices include: The English Historical Review, The Review of English Studies, Renaissance Quarterly, and TLS.]
Co-Editor, The Intellectual and Cultural World of the Early Modern Inns of Court (Manchester University Press, 2011; paperback edition, 2013).
[Reviews and/or notices include: Literature and History, Notes and Queries, Renaissance Quarterly, The Review of English Studies, and TLS.]
Co-Editor, The Progresses, Pageants, and Entertainments of Queen Elizabeth I (Oxford University Press, 2007; paperback edition, 2013).
[Reviews and/or notices include: The English Historical Review, Renaissance Quarterly, Review of English Studies, Sixteenth Century Journal, and TLS.]
Associate General Editor, Europa Triumphans: Court and Civic Festivals in Early Modern Europe, 2 vols (Ashgate Press, 2004).
[Reviews and/or notices include: The English Historical Review, Parergon, Renaissance Quarterly, Sehepunkte, and TLS.]
Co-Editor, Court Festivals of the European Renaissance: Art, Politics, and Performance (Ashgate Press, 2002).
[Reviews and/or notices include: Choice, The English Historical Review, History Today, Renaissance Quarterly, and Sixteenth Century Journal.]
Co-Editor, James Boswell's Life of Johnson: An Edition of the Original Manuscript in Four Volumes, vol. 2: 1766-1776 (Yale University Press, 1998).
[Reviews and/or notices include: London Review of Books and Studies in English Literature]
(with Emma Rutherford) 'A newly discovered cabinet miniature by Nicholas Hilliard,' The Burlington Magazine, 166 (2024), pp. 340-47.
'Nicholas Hilliard's First Encounter with Elizabeth I,' PMC Notes, 11 (January 2019), pp. 10-15.
'Nicholas Hilliard, Goldsmith and Painter,' The Goldsmiths' Review (2018-2019), pp. 32-33.
'The Royal Sweetheart and the Three-Week Marriage Proposal,' BBC History Magazine (August 2018 - Special Collectors' Edition 'The Story of the Elizabethans'), pp. 68-73.
'Elizabeth in Essex,' Historic Gardens Review, 34 (July 2016), pp. 16-21.
'Princely Pleasures at Kenilworth: Robert Dudley's Three-Week Marriage Proposal to Elizabeth I,' BBC History Extra, (April 2016).
'Five Things You (Probably) Didn't Know about Robert Dudley, Earl of Leicester,' Tudor Life Magazine (June 2015).
'Gascoigne and Kenilworth: The Production, Reception, and Afterlife of The Princely Pleasures,' ELR: English Literary Renaissance, 44.3 (2014), pp. 363-87.
'A Portrait of Sir Philip Sidney by Veronese at Leicester House, London,' The Burlington Magazine, 154 (2012), pp. 548-54.
(co-author) 'The John Nichols Project,' Medieval and Renaissance Drama in England, 24 (2011), pp. 58-79.
'"A mercer ye wot az we be": The Authorship of the Kenilworth Letter Reconsidered,' ELR: English Literary Renaissance, 38.2 (2008), pp. 245-69.
'The Earl of Leicester's Inventory of Kenilworth Castle, c.1578,' English Heritage Historical Review, 2 (2007), pp. 36-59.
'"So lively a portraiture of his miseries": Melancholy, Mourning, and the Elizabethan Malady,' The British Art Journal, 6.2 (2005), pp. 12-22.
'Portraits of Queen Elizabeth I and the Earl of Leicester for Kenilworth Castle,' The Burlington Magazine, 148 (2005), pp. 654-60.
'The Earl of Leicester and Portraits of the duc d'Alencon,' The Burlington Magazine, 146 (2004), pp. 108-11.
'An Important Early Picture Collection: The Earl of Pembroke's 1561/2 Inventory and the Provenance of Holbein's Christina of Denmark,' The Burlington Magazine, 144 (2002), pp. 157-60.
'The "Queens Limner": Nicholas Hilliard and Elizabeth I,' in Artists and Female Patrons at the European Renaissance Courts: Rewriting the History of Art Patronage, edited by Noelia García Pérez (Brepols, forthcoming 2024).
'Making New Connections: Miniatures in Context,' in Love's Labour's Found: Elizabethan and Jacobean Portraiture, exhibition catalogue, edited by Lawrence Hendra and Emma Rutherford (Philip Mould & Co., 2021), pp. 16-19.
'Patronage and Art Collecting in Shakespeare's England,' in The Oxford Handbook of the Age of Shakespeare, edited by R. Malcolm Smuts (Oxford University Press, 2016), pp. 704-23.
'Heraldic Painting and Drawing in Early Modern England,' in Painting in Britain, 1500-1630: Production, Influences, and Patronage, edited by Tarnya Cooper, Aviva Burnstock, Maurice Howard, and Edward Town (Oxford University Press for The British Academy, 2015), pp. 262-77.
'The Sidneys and the Visual Arts,' in The Ashgate Research Companion to the Sidneys, 1500-1700, edited by Margaret P. Hannay, Michael G. Brennan, and Mary Ellen Lamb, 2 vols (Ashgate Press, 2015), vol. 1, pp. 297-315.
'Princely Pleasures: The Cultural Patronage of Robert Dudley, Earl of Leicester,' in The Elizabethan Garden at Kenilworth Castle, edited by Anna Keay and John Watkins (English Heritage, 2013), pp. 47-56.
'The Langham Letter as a Source for Garden History,' in The Elizabethan Garden at Kenilworth Castle, edited by Anna Keay and John Watkins (English Heritage, 2013), pp. 59-64.
'The Politics of Translation: Arthur Golding's Account of the Duke of Anjou's Entry into Antwerp, 1582,' in Writing Royal Entries in Early Modern Europe, edited by Marie-Claude Canova-Green and Jean Andrews, with Marie-France Wagner (Brepols, 2013), pp. 225-43.
(co-author) 'Shows and Pageants,' in The Oxford Handbook of Holinshed's Chronicles, edited by Paulina Kewes, Ian W. Archer, and Felicity Heal (Oxford University Press, 2013), pp. 319-35.
'The Art, Architecture, and Gardens of the Early Modern Inns of Court,' in The Intellectual and Cultural World of the Early Modern Inns of Court, edited by Jayne Archer, Elizabeth Goldring, and Sarah Knight (Manchester University Press, 2011; paperback edition published 2013), pp. 127-37.
‘“So iust a sorrowe so well expressed”: Henry, Prince of Wales and the Art of Commemoration’, in Prince Henry Reviv’d: Image and Exemplarity in Early Modern England, edited by Timothy Wilks (Paul Holberton Publishing, 2007), pp. 280-300.
‘“In the cause of his God and true religion”: Sir Philip Sidney, the Sequitur celebritas and the Cult of the Protestant Martyr’, in Art Re-formed: Re-assessing the Impact of the Reformation on the Visual Arts, edited by Tara Hamling and Richard L. Williams (Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2007), pp. 227-42.
‘Portraiture, Patronage and the Progresses: Robert Dudley, Earl of Leicester, and the Kenilworth Festivities of 1575’, in The Progresses, Pageants and Entertainments of Queen Elizabeth I, edited by Jayne Archer, Elizabeth Goldring, and Sarah Knight (Oxford University Press, 2007; paperback edition published 2013), pp. 163-88.
‘The Funeral of Sir Philip Sidney and the Politics of Elizabethan Festival’, in Court Festivals of the European Renaissance: Art, Politics and Performance, edited by J. R. Mulryne and Elizabeth Goldring (Ashgate Press, 2002), pp. 199-224.
In John Nichols’s The Progresses and Public Processions of Queen Elizabeth I: A New Edition of the Early Modern Sources, Elizabeth Goldring, Faith Eales, Elizabeth Clarke, and Jayne Elisabeth Archer (gen. eds.), 5 vols (Oxford University Press, 2014):
- George Gascoigne, Princeley Pleasures at the Courte at Kenelwoorth [vol. 2, pp. 231-87]
- Robert Langham, Letter Whearin, part of the entertainment untoo the Queenz Majesty, at Killingworth Castl, ... iz signified [vol. 2, pp. 287-332]
- Sir Philip Sidney, The Lady of May [vol. 2, pp. 542-65]
- (co-editor) Gabriel Harvey, Gratulationes Valdinenses [vol. 2, pp. 575-708]
- (co-editor) Henry Goldwell, Briefe Declaration of the Shews, Deuices, Speeches, and Inuentions, done & performed before the Queenes Maiestie, & the French Ambassadours (also known as The Four Foster Children of Desire) [vol. 3, pp. 66-94]
- (co-editor) Arthur Golding, Ioyful and Royal Entertainment of the Ryght High and Mightie Prince Frauncis ... Duke of Brabande, Aniow, Alaunson, &c. into his Noble Citie of Antwerpe [vol. 3, pp. 108-55]
- Thomas Lant and Theodor De Bry, Sequitur celebritas et pompa funeris [vol. 3, pp. 283-340]
- (co-editor) Anon., Gesta Grayorum [vol. 3, pp. 775-859]
'Robert Dudley, Earl of Leicester,' in A Dictionary of British Art Collectors, 1600-1939, edited by Charles Sebag-Montefiore (publication details to be confirmed).
(co-author) 'Triumphal Entries', in The Cambridge Guide to the Worlds of Shakespeare, edited by Bruce Smith, 2 vols (Cambridge University Press, 2016), vol. 1, pp. 470-76.
In The Oxford Dictionary of National Biography (Oxford University Press, 2004):
- Best, Charles (fl. 1602-1611)
- Bradshaw, Thomas (fl. 1591)
- Brandon, Samuel (fl. 1598)
- Clerke, William (fl. 1575-1595)
- Cox, Capt. (fl. 1575)
- Drout, John (fl. 1570)
- Elderton, William (d. ?1592)
- Elviden, Edmund (fl. 1569-1570)
- Fowler, Abraham (fl. 1568-1576)
- Gibbon, Charles (fl. 1589-1604)
- Gifford, Humphrey (fl. 1580)
- Hawes, Edward (fl. 1606-1607)
- Lee, Cromwell (d. 1601)
- Nicholson, Samuel (fl. 1600-1602)
- Smalle, Peter (fl. 1596-1615)
- Talbot, Elizabeth (?1527-1608), Countess of Shrewsbury, known as ‘Bess of Hardwick’
- Talbot, George (1528-1590), sixth Earl of Shrewsbury
- Warren, William (fl. 1578-1581)
- Woodhouse, Peter (fl. 1605)
I have written more than sixty reviews for a wide range of publications in both the UK and North America, including: Apollo, The Burlington Magazine, The English Historical Review, The Journal of British Studies, Literary Review, The New Rambler, Renaissance Bulletin, Renaissance Journal, Renaissance Quarterly, The Sidney Journal, The Spectator, The Times Literary Supplement, and Women's History Review.
'Nicholas Hilliard - Creating a Gentleman-Artist,' Yale Books: The Art Blog
'The Poignant Last Will and Testament of Nicholas Hilliard,' National Archives History Blog
'Ten Questions ... Elizabeth Goldring,' Hay Festival Blog
'The Page 99 Test - Nicholas Hilliard: Life of an Artist,' Campaign for the American Reader Blog
'My Book, the Movie - Nicholas Hilliard: Life of an Artist', Campaign for the American Reader Blog
The Lord Leycester Hospital, Warwick (May 2024)
The V&A Academy, Victoria and Albert Museum, London (November 2024)
The Queen's Gallery (now the King's Gallery), Buckingham Palace, London (November 2023)
Crosby Moran Hall, London (July 2023)
The National Portrait Gallery, London (July 2023)
The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York (October 2022)
The Huntington Library and Art Museum, San Marino, California (October 2022)
Conference on 'Artistas y Patronas en la Europa del Renacimiento', Universidad de Murcia (April 2022)
The Ashmolean Museum, Oxford (March 2022)
The National Gallery of Scotland, Edinburgh (February 2020)
The Early Modern British History Seminar, Merton College, Oxford (January 2020)
The Heraldry Society, London (November 2019)
The Royal Albert Memorial Museum, Exeter (October 2019)
Keynote Address - The Society for the History of Collecting AGM, London (September 2019)
The Society of Jewellery Historians' Annual Conference, London (June 2019)
The Paul Mellon Centre for Studies in British Art, London (June 2019)
The Royal Albert Memorial Museum, Exeter (June 2019)
The Hay Festival of Literature and Arts, Hay-on-Wye (May 2019)
The National Archives, Kew (May 2019)
The Gray's Inn History Society, Gray's Inn, London (April 2019)
'Dilettanti' Art Talks, London (April 2019)
Keynote address - Two-day conference on 'Hilliard, Oliver and the Miniature in Context', The National Portrait Gallery, London (March 2019)
The Art Fund, Society of Antiquaries, London (March 2019)
Philip Mould Gallery, London (March 2019)
'Dilettanti' Art Talks, London (March 2019)
The Goldsmiths' Company History Society, Goldsmiths' Hall, London (January 2019)
The Tudor Society/British History Tours, London (September 2018)
Warwickshire Local History Society, Friends' Meeting House, Warwick (March 2018)
Symposium on Nicholas Hilliard, Waddesdon Manor, Buckinghamshire (October 2017)
'In the Light of Gloriana' Conference on Elizabeth I, the Tower of London (November 2016)
Keynote address - Symposium on 'Representing Sovereignty, 1485-1714,' University of Warwick (July 2016)
The National Liberal Club, London (February 2016)
Warwick Words Autumn Festival of Literature and the Spoken Word, Friends' Meeting House, Warwick (October 2015)
'Meet the Author' with Warwick Books, Lord Leycester Hospital, Warwick (May 2015)
Department of the History of Art, University of Cambridge (December 2014)
The Collecting and Display Seminar, Institute of Historical Research, London (November 2014)
Reading Museum and Town Hall, Berkshire (January 2014)
Department of the History of Art, University of Cambridge (November 2013)
Department of the History of Art, University of Cambridge (October 2012 and November 2012)
The Middle Temple Historical Society, Middle Temple, London (April 2012)
Department of the History of Art, University of Cambridge (October 2011)
British Studies at Oxford [summer school for American undergraduates], St John's College, Oxford (July 2011)
The Early Modern History and Literature Seminar, Lincoln College, Oxford (June 2011)
Conference on 'Tudor and Jacobean Painting,' The National Portrait Gallery, London (December 2010)
The Society for Court Studies, London (December 2009)
The History of Collecting Seminar, The Wallace Collection, London (October 2008)
The Institute of Germanic and Romance Languages, London (December 2007)
'Making Art in Tudor Britain' Workshop, The National Portrait Gallery, London (November 2007)
The Gascoigne Seminar, Lincoln College, Oxford (September 2007)
'Searching for Shakespeare' Conference, The National Portrait Gallery, London (May 2006)
The Society of Antiquaries, London (May 2004)
'Elizabethan Progresses' Conference, The Shakespeare Centre, Stratford-upon-Avon (April 2004)
The Early Modern History Seminar, Trinity Hall, Cambridge (October 2003)
'Elizabethan Portraiture' Conference, The National Portrait Gallery, London (July 2003)
Colloquium on 'The Textures of Life at Penshurst Place, 1552-1743,' Penshurst Place, Kent (July 2003)
The Paul Mellon Centre for Studies in British Art, London (November 2002)
The English Renaissance Seminar, Christ's College, Cambridge (February 2001)
The Director's Seminar, The Warburg Institute, London (June 2000)
(Co-organiser and co-fundraiser) The Intellectual and Cultural World of the Early Modern Inns of Court, 14-16 September 2006, London.
Held at the Courtauld Institute of Art, the Middle Temple, and Lincoln's Inn, with the support of grants from a number of sources, including the British Academy, the Paul Mellon Centre for Studies in British Art, the Modern Humanities Research Association, and the Society for Renaissance Studies.
(Sole organiser and sole fundraiser) Kenilworth Revisited: New Perspectives on the Castle and the 1575 Festivities, 15 September 2005, Warwickshire.
Held at the University of Warwick and at Kenilworth Castle, with the support of the University of Warwick and English Heritage.
(Co-organiser and co-fundraiser) Court Festivals of the European Renaissance, 16-21 September 2000, Tuscany.
Held at 'Il Ciocco', near Lucca, with the support of a grant from the European Science Foundation.
'Lady Arbella Stuart, A Portrait Discovery': Interviewed by Adam Pennington for podcast number 57 in the Tudor Chest series, 25 September 2024.
'The Discovery of a Portrait of Arbella Stuart': Interviewed by Natalie Grueninger for podcast number 257 in the Talking Tudors series, 25 June 2024.
'A Tudor Mystery: The Girl Who Could Be Queen': Interviewed by Suzannah Lipscomb for podcast number 328 in the Not Just the Tudors series, 6 June 2024.
'The Tudors' Portrait Artist: Holbein': Interviewed by Suzannah Lipscomb, on location in the Queen's Gallery (now the King's Gallery), Buckingham Palace, for podcast number 277 in the Not Just the Tudors series, 7 December 2023.
'Elizabeth I's Favourite Painter: Hilliard': Interviewed by Suzannah Lipscomb for podcast number 93 in the Not Just the Tudors series, 7 March 2022.
'The Life of Nicholas Hilliard (Part 2)': Interviewed by Natalie Grueninger for podcast number 113 in the Talking Tudors series, 14 June 2021.
'The Early Life of Nicholas Hilliard': Interviewed by Natalie Grueninger for podcast number 108 in the Talking Tudors series, 8 May 2021.
Interviewed by Mark Klobas about Nicholas Hilliard: Life of an Artist (Yale University Press, 2019) for a podcast on The New Books Network, 12 March 2020.
Interviewed live about the marriage of Henry VIII and Catherine Howard for Times Radio's On This Day in History, 28 July 2023.
Interviewed live by Andrew Marr about Nicholas Hilliard: Life of an Artist (Yale University Press, 2019) for BBC Radio 4's Start the Week, 18 February 2019.
Interviewed live about Robert Dudley, Earl of Leicester, and the World of Elizabethan Art (Yale University Press, 2014) and John Nichols's The Progresses and Public Processions of Queen Elizabeth I: A New Edition of the Early Modern Sources (Oxford University Press, 2014) on BBC Radio Coventry and Warwickshire, 30 December 2015.
Interviewed live about Robert Dudley, Earl of Leicester, and the World of Elizabethan Art (Yale University Press, 2014) on BBC Radio Coventry and Warwickshire, 10 January 2015.
Interviewed for Hark! An Acoustic Archaeology of Elizabethan England (which went on to win the Prix Marulic at the 2009 International Radio Festival). First broadcast on BBC Radio 3 in October 2008; subsequently broadcast in Canada, Finland, and Australia.
Interviewed for Stories from the National Portrait Gallery (series 1, episode 1), first broadcast on Sky Arts in July 2023.
Interviewed for Who Do You Think You Are? (series 18, episode 1: 'Josh Widdicombe'), first broadcast on BBC1 in October 2021.
Interviewed for Digging Up Britain's Past (series 2, episode 6: 'Elizabeth I'), first broadcast on Channel 5 in February 2020.
Interviewed for Lucy Worsley's Fireworks for a Tudor Queen, first broadcast on BBC4 in March 2018.
Historical Consultant to BBC1 and BBC2 for several fact-based television programmes, including Who Do You Think You Are? and Britain's Lost Routes.
Interviewed for English Heritage: The Queen, Her Lover, and His Castle, first broadcast on BBC2 in May 2009.
Interviewed for A Golden Age: The Arts in Elizabethan England, broadcast details to be confirmed.
'Rediscovered Elizabethan portrait may have been love token for Sir Walter Raleigh,' Interview by Dalya Alberge, The Guardian, 1 December 2024.
'Game of Thrones: The discovery of a forgotten Hilliard miniature,' Interview by Carla Passino, Country Life, 24 July 2024.
'Rare portrait of "England's lost queen" discovered,' BBC News Coventry and Warwickshire, 5 June 2024.
'Elizabeth I's spies, a society beauty and a plot to fool Spain,' Interview by David Sanderson, The Times, 27 May 2024.
'16th-Century Miniaturist Nicholas Hilliard had a Mighty Impact,' Interview by Gill Sutherland, Stratford-upon-Avon Herald, 6 January 2020.
'Elizabethans in Miniature,' Interview by Charlotte Hodgman, BBC History Magazine, April 2019.
'An earl who liked lots of portraits of himself,' The Leamington Spa Courier, 10 May 2015.
'Me, me, me ... the Elizabethan earl who kept portrait painters busy for 30 years,' Interview by Mark Brown, The Guardian, 22 December 2014.
'Seminal portrait of Elizabeth I on display at the Museum of Reading,' Interview by Linda Fort, The Reading Chronicle, 12 March 2014.
'Rare Glimpse into Kenilworth Castle Visit by Queen Elizabeth,' The Coventry Telegraph, 19 December 2007.
'Dudley's Plot to Woo Queen is Confirmed in 1578 Castle Inventory,' Kenilworth Weekly News, 19 December 2007.
'The Great Kenilworth Booze-Up: How to Party Like it's 1575,' Interview by Andy McSmith, The Independent, 17 December 2007.
Advisor to the Lord Leycester Hospital, Warwick, on its new guidebook and visitor displays (forthcoming).
Advisor to the National Archives, Kew, on a display of seals and manuscripts pertaining to the life and art of Nicholas Hilliard, mounted in the Learning Space to commemorate the 400th anniversary of Hilliard's death (May 2019).
Advisor to Leamington Spa Art Gallery and Museum on the exhibition Lord Leicester's Warwickshire: The Life and Legacy of Robert Dudley (opened 2011).
Consultant to English Heritage on the re-creation of the Elizabethan garden at Kenilworth Castle, Warwickshire (opened 2009).
Consultant to English Heritage on the exhibition Queen and Castle: Robert Dudley's Kenilworth (opened 2006).
Winner of the Apollo 'Book of the Year' Award for Nicholas Hilliard: Life of an Artist (2019)
Short-listed for the William M. B. Berger Prize for British Art History for Nicholas Hilliard: Life of an Artist (2019)
Short-listed for the Slightly Foxed Best First Biography Prize for Nicholas Hilliard: Life of an Artist (2019)
Short-listed for the Richard Schlagman Art Book Award for Best Contribution to Art History for Nicholas Hilliard: Life of an Artist (2019)
Winner of the Roland H. Bainton Prize for Art History for Robert Dudley, Earl of Leicester, and the World of Elizabethan Art (2014)
Long-listed for the William M. B. Berger Prize for British Art History for Robert Dudley, Earl of Leicester, and the World of Elizabethan Art (2014)
Winner of the Roland H. Bainton Prize for Reference for John Nichols's The Progresses and Public Processions of Queen Elizabeth I (2014)
Winner of the MLA Prize for a Scholarly Edition for John Nichols's The Progresses and Public Processions of Queen Elizabeth I (2014)
Long-listed for the William M. B. Berger Prize for British Art History for The Progresses, Pageants, and Entertainments of Queen Elizabeth I (2007)
Contributor to The Cambridge Guide to the Worlds of Shakespeare, edited by Bruce R. Smith (2016) - Winner of the American Library Association Prize (Academic Title of the Year), Winner of the Library Journal Award (Reference Work of the Year), and Winner of the American Association of Publishers' PROSE Award (Excellence in Reference Works)
Contributor to Painting in Britain, 1500-1630, edited by Tarnya Cooper et al. (2015) - Winner of the Historians of British Art Award for an Exemplary Multi-Authored Book
Contributor to BBC Radio 3's Hark! An Acoustic Archaeology of Elizabethan England (2008) - Winner of the International Radio Festival's Prix Marulic
Visiting Fellow, Institute of Advanced Study, University of Warwick (July 2016)
Postdoctoral Research Fellow, The John Nichols Project, Centre for the Study of the Renaissance, University of Warwick (2004-2007)
Postdoctoral Fellow, The Paul Mellon Centre for Studies in British Art, London (2002-2003)
Warnock Visiting Postdoctoral Fellow, Department of English, Yale University (January 2000)
Postdoctoral Research Fellow, The 'Europa Triumphans' Project, Centre for the Study of the Renaissance, University of Warwick (1999-2002)
University Dissertation Fellowship, Yale University (1996-97)
Warnock Visiting Predoctoral Fellow, Department of English, Yale University (summers 1994-97)
University Fellowship, Yale University (1993-96)
Publication Grant, The Paul Mellon Centre for Studies in British Art (2008) - to support the cost of illustrating The Intellectual and Cultural World of the Early Modern Inns of Court (Manchester University Press)
Publication Grant, The Paul Mellon Centre for Studies in British Art (2006) - to support the cost of illustrating John Nichols's The Progresses and Public Processions of Queen Elizabeth I (Oxford University Press)
Publication Grant, The Modern Humanities Research Association (2006) - to support the cost of illustrating John Nichols's The Progresses and Public Processions of Queen Elizabeth I (Oxford University Press)
Educational Programme Grant, The Paul Mellon Centre for Studies in British Art (2005) - to support the organisation of the conference The Intellectual and Cultural World of the Early Modern Inns of Court (held at the Courtauld Institute of Art, the Middle Temple, and Lincoln's Inn)
Conference Grant, The Society for Renaissance Studies (2005) - to support the organisation of the conference The Intellectual and Cultural World of the Early Modern Inns of Court (held at the Courtauld Institute of Art, the Middle Temple, and Lincoln's Inn)
Conference Grant, The Modern Humanities Research Association (2005) - to support the organisation of the conference The Intellectual and Cultural World of the Early Modern Inns of Court (held at the Courtauld Institute of Art, the Middle Temple, and Lincoln's Inn)
Research Support Grant, The Paul Mellon Centre for Studies in British Art (2004) - to support work on Robert Dudley, Earl of Leicester, and the World of Elizabethan Art (Yale University Press)
Research Grant, The Francis Haskell Memorial Fund (2003) - to support work on Robert Dudley, Earl of Leicester, and the World of Elizabethan Art (Yale University Press)
Research Grant, The Society of Antiquaries of London (2003) - to support work on Robert Dudley, Earl of Leicester, and the World of Elizabethan Art (Yale University Press)
Member of the Works of Art Committee, The Athenaeum, London, 2024-
Fellow of the Society of Antiquaries of London, 2023-
Member of the Athenaeum, London, 2020-
Ambassador, Lord Leycester Hospital, Warwick, 2018-
Fellow of the Royal Historical Society, 2016-
Trustee of the Selden Society, 2015-
Member of the Selden Society Council, 2015-
Member of the Consultative Committee of The Burlington Magazine, 2011-
Reader of manuscript submissions for several leading academic presses, including Oxford University Press, the Paul Mellon Centre for Studies in British Art, and Yale University Press.
Reader of manuscript submissions for several leading academic journals, including The Art Bulletin, British Art Studies, The Burlington Magazine, Etudes Epistémè and The Huntington Library Quarterly.
Co-Founder and Co-Editor (1999-2002) of Renaissance Journal: The Journal of the Centre for the Study of the Renaissance at the University of Warwick
Assistant Director, The Writing Workshop, Department of English, Williams College, Williamstown, Massachusetts (1992-93)